
Of Lilies And Lies by Margaux Porter

jessmurr17's review

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Margaux Porter's debut novel is an amazing emotional rollercoaster. A few times I had to pause my reading just to think everything through. I wish I could have just sat down and read this book through in a day, but unfortunately life and work didn't let me.

Throughout the book, we follow Kit who is on her healing journey trying to find herself again after many hard years. Kit moves home from California to reconnect with her family. What she didn't expect was to run into the man she met at a gas station before she moved and can't stop thinking about.

Kit and Greer are those characters who will stick with you. Kit is a strong woman who is a widow healing from an abusive marriage. She is sassy and caring. Greer is a patient, caring, and protective man. He is the one who will make you swoon. Each of their family members are amazing and supportive. I want to hear more about each of them. The banter between characters is funny and heart warming.

I loved seeing Kit and Greer's growth throughout the book. So many emotions provoked through their struggles and wins. There is the perfect depth to each character to feel like you really know them as a person or friend. The twists and surprises in the plot kept me turning the pages. You'll be torn and emotional, but patched up, smiling with tears in your eyes at the end.

"Without expectation, without wanting anything in return, I love you."

Run and get this book. I can't wait to read more of Margaux next novels.

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booktrovertedmom's review

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But how is this the authors first book?! This book was soooo good! Romantic suspense is one of my favorite types of books to read and I just loved and devoured every moment of this novel. I really enjoyed how this story had a bit of everything; pain, growth & healing but also suspense/mystery and a love story we all needed. I love Kit & Greer; love the character development throughout, love how Greer is so protective over his "kitty" (inside joke lol), the plot and suspense were amazing with twists/turns I didn't see coming, we do get a HEA and holy moly that spice- perfection! Highly recommend reading, can't wait to read more from this Author!

bookyknitter's review

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Wow. I picked this up at an independent bookstore on a recommendation of one of the employees. It did not disappoint. I was on the edge of my seat for the whole second half of the book. The spice is good, not too graphic but still there and steamy.
Pay attention to the trigger warning.

chasity7474's review

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Suspense and spice!

melkneec's review

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Book details: 418 pages, 18+ ages, Dual POV, Contemporary romance, Trauma, Domestic violence

What an emotional rollercoaster. This book is so good! Very well written. The domestic violence and trauma was handled very well. It can be hard to read at times so check your trigger warnings. There were times when I had to step away and take a break. The way the story starts out is an attention grabber, for sure. The book follows Greer and Kit as they grow together, learning how to make each other happy. The way Greer handled Kit's past was amazing. Watching Kit learn to love and trust again while Greer learns to open up and be more connected was very refreshing. Great character growth. This is a must read!

melrosereadsromance's review

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Excuse me, Margaux??? This book was great! It’s had all the ingredients needed for a great love story. Dual POV, forced proximity, man falls first, and so much more. I went into this pretty blind, but I’m glad I did. Kit and Greer are absolutely everything. Greer had me absolutely swooning over him! This book had me feeling so many emotions. I promise you, you have no idea where this book is going to take you! ♥️

CHECK TRIGGER WARNINGS! Some heavy topics are covered.

sarahinwanderland's review

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This debut novel by Porter introduces the Stirling Harbor crew. Kit’s growth throughout the book was really lovely. Watching her wrestle with her desire for Greer and her fear of the last repeating itself was so true to what a survivor of DV experiences. I also enjoyed reading Greers own struggle to want Kit to find strength within herself and to be her savior. This book could have read like a magical dick that solves everything but there was so much emphasis on internal and self-work and coming to a relationship whole, I appreciated it. As a debut novel, it was so well done. Porters writing style kept me engaged the whole time. There were some minor errors but that’s very common and to be expected in self-publishing. I cannot wait to see where Porter goes next and I will be along for the whole ride because with this level and skill for her first novel (and it was excellent), it will only get better from here!

meyerjent's review

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This was such a great book! Kit lived with an abusive husband who tried to mold her into what he thought to be perfect, and if she didn't comply, she paid the price! After her husband goes missing and is reported dead, Kit moves back home to her family. She runs into Greer at a gas station, and neither one of them can keep thoughts of the other one out of their mind. She ends up trapped with him in his cabin when a snowstorm comes, and they fall for each other even more! Then her past comes back to haunt her and threatens to take everything she's created with Greer away. Will they survive this? Please get this book to find out!

scherniwchan's review

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I received this book as an eARC all thoughts and opinions are my own

✅forced proximity
✅finding yourself again
✅cinnamon roll hero
✅dual pov

Kit’s husband Ethan has been missing for the past 3 years and she couldn’t be happier now that they’ve has a funeral. After being abused for years she moves back home to rekindle her relationship with her parents and to heal her wounds and find herself.
Along the way she finds Greer. He's different; calming, and soothing in a way she never experienced. Can Kit let of of her past and let Greer in?

Kit thinks of herself as being weak, but she’s such a badass ! I loved seeing her confidence grow throughout the story! Greer is literally perfect he’s really hot, extremely patient, caring and loving. I’m so happy with how the ending turned out and that Greer and Kit both got everything they wanted even if there was lots of emotional turmoil to get there.

My favourite quotes:

“My heart is so full, it wants to burst. Is this what love feels like? Happiness is being lost in the moment. Love is feeling like you’re going to burst.”

“I know it’s hard to let go and trust in something you’re not sure of. But sometimes you have to leap to grow.”

blackgirltiredbooks's review

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I just want to start this off I knew when I received this book it was a romance book, but was not expecting how darn romantic it was... and everyone deserves a Greer that can speak to you like your the most precious individual in the world and love on you unconditionally.

The emotional gymnastics this books takes you on it crazy...I was to the point I had to literally put the book down to walk off the extreme emotional reaction I had to Greer and Kit individual and couple situations. This was a lesson in growth emotionally from both of these characters. Kit went through years of abuse and at the same time finding herself a widow, but didn't believe it because of all the trauma she endured. This relationship was a serendipity fate moment meeting a man at the gas station and months later to being with this man who was a stranger before...this was like souls reaching out for its other halves to become whole. Greer a man who has a lot of soul searching he needs to make peace with and a heart that needs mending finds closure and healing with Kit. Both Kit and Greer are pulling at your heart strings as they weave through trauma, mistrust, and self discovery.

I enjoyed that the author wrote it from the POV of both characters it brought a lot of depth into the story and made the emotional parts so much more realistic. Greer is a classic man, a romantic man, a broken man, a man who says his love and shows it. I enjoyed this damn book so much that I am literally starting over reading it again because this is no way a debut book because is so good. I literally had tears in my eyes for some scenes in this book because it really had me in love with these characters.
Yes ...this is a great and awesome read !