
Keep You Safe by Rona Halsall

k_west1984's review

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Guessed the ending early on into the book

ascannerdorkly's review

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i picked this up in a LFL because i thought it might be a decent thriller but, i got 10 pages in and decided i am not at all into it.

kristy_k's review

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2.5 Stars

This didn’t have quite the amount of thrills I was hoping for. It oscillates between Natalie’s past and present (in jail and then trying to find her son) as well as an anonymous first person who’s following Natalie. While the premise is interesting, I think I am over the near hysteria character with a shady past in thrillers.

reviewsfeedblog's review

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It is a surreal experience to read a book set in the place where you live and work. Streets I have walked countless times – some I see every day nearly – set the scene of this novel… and I will be honest and say it was a tad strange! But at the same time, it was brilliant! I could picture exactly where events were happening in vivid detail and it was really easy to follow. Even without the local knowledge, I think anybody could follow the events in this book. I just have the added advantage that I know the local geography.

Keep You Safe is the kind of novel that keeps you guessing. Natalie has been betrayed in the past by someone she loves, and her distrust and paranoia is deep-rooted. She is a protagonist who can be sympathised with to the extent that she has been separated from a child. However, in other respects, she is a very morally grey character. I wasn’t rooting for her 100% of the time; her decision-making is far from rational or logical. But in the same vein, it is these flaws that make her undoubtedly human. She is a well rounded character – and as a key component to the story… this shines through.

At the heart of this tragic story is a little boy that just wants to be loved. In amidst the lies, deceit, and far more besides, there is an innocent child stuck in the middle. I really enjoyed the ending of this book, as evidenced by my binge reading of it! Perfect elements of mystery come together with a darker, more thrilling ending that I really enjoyed! The pieces slotted together very nicely and we are kept in suspense up until that very last moment. I was lining everybody up as a potential suspect. It’s the kind of book that you think about even when you’re not reading it.

My one, small wish this book is that the island was not referred to as a tax haven. The island has that reputation enough, when in reality most residents as normal, working people just like everyone else. Just like most of the characters portrayed in this book. The only difference is that we have to pay over the odds for a pint of local milk. It may not be all sunshine and roses here on the Island, and yes it has some very wealthy corporations and individuals, but I feel it isn’t an accurate representation and the Island could have been painted in a better light if this was not mentioned. That’s a personal thing though. I’m very passionate about living here and naturally, I want people to see the best of it! 

mandylovestoread's review

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Keep You Safe appeared to be a book that I could really get into. Unfortunately it fell a bit flat for me. It was enjoyable but predictable and felt like I had read it all before. I struggled to stay interested

Natalie is sent to prison for a crime that she didn't commit. Whist locked up her husband takes her sons away. The first things she wants once released is to find her son and find out who was responsible for sending her to jail.

Thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book to read. All opinions are my own and are in no way biased

cassies_books_reviews's review

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This book was a wonderful debut ! Natalie a new mother working for her husbands business and is accused and convicted of of embezzlement. A crime Natalie has not memory of committing she’s been having trouble with her memory. Natalie’s husband Tom chooses to believe the police and is just horrible! While Natalie was incarcerated Tom moves to a different country with there son Harry. The whole time I was rooting for Natalie and when she’s finally out of prison she just wants to find her son. I highly recommend this book!

ljwrites85's review

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Natalie hasn’t seen her son since he was a baby. She got sent to prison for embezzling money from one of her clients, only this is, she doesn’t remember doing it. In fact she doesn’t remember doing a lot of things in the month before it happened. Nobody believes her and she spends three long years in prison. Prison changes Natalie, especially when she meets a charismatic prisoner called Katya which she doesn’t realise until it’s too late that she puts her son’s life at risk…

So, Keep You Safe is Rona Halsall debut novel, set for the majority of novel in the Isle of Man with a little cameo for The Wirral (which is the other side of the River Mersey from me in Liverpool). We go backwards and forwards in time, between now when Natalie is trying to save her son and her time spent in prison.

Natalie’s paranoia and worry for her son came across so well, that it had me looking over my shoulder! Once or twice I went to check on my son to which he told me to stop acting weird.

I really felt sorry for Natalie, she was a new mum, struggling to cope when she’s arrested. Her family, including her mum and her husband turn her back on her, with access to her son denied she feels so alone. I really liked the fact that instead of prison breaking her, Natalie comes out stronger, although a lot more paranoid than she used to be.
There is so much more to the story but for fear of spoilers I’m not going to write any more, although I have to be honest I did see the twist coming but I enjoyed watching the characters work it out for themselves.

Overall a fast paced, well written debut and I’m looking forward to reading more from Rona Halsall.

meg728's review

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Keep You Safe is a plot twisting psychological thriller.

The story of Natalie, a new mom, struggling through the changes becoming a mom brings. As her life begins to fall apart she is not sure what is real and what is not.
This book is set in the Now and Then going back and forth which at first is a bit confusing but as the story takes hold the background sets you up for a highly suspenseful end!

leona_omahony's review

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This is a tense psychological thriller which had me enthralled right from the very start . I do love a story where I have trouble guessing who the perpetrator is and this is exactly what happened with this book. For a debut novel this is excellent and I can’t wait to read more from this author.

micrummey's review

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Released early from prison for a crime she didn't commit, Natalie finds herself on the Isle of Man trying to get her young son back.
I've never read a book set on the Isle of Man before and certainly the author gave it a sense of place.
The narrative is in 3 parts, prison, after prison and a third mystery character stalking Natalie's movements. This seemed surplus to me and could have been easily edited out.
Like all good thrillers Halsall continually makes things difficult for not only Natalie but characters who are trying to help her.
This is an easy read but the cover does say a twist you won't see coming. That may be so but I wasn't convinced, it seemed out of character from what went before for the person involved.