
From Smoke To Flames by A.M. Hargrove

lmrivas54's review

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Fantastic story about a lawyer, drug addict and alcoholic, who falls victim to a beating and overdose in an alley behind a bar. He almost dies, then is transferred to rehab and after that, a clinic where he will receive help on overcoming or controlling his addiction. When he arrives, his assigned counsellor is very hostile to him. Turned out that he’s the lawyer responsible for her losing her adored daughter’s custody to her abusive ex-husband!

This story has many levels and many feelings. At times angsty, other times very cheesy, most of the time intense, warm-hearted, heart-wrenching and all time riveting and fascinating.

Pearce West used to be a very successful lawyer, cut-throat, aggressive, accustomed to win his cases and not very mindful to the ethics of his clients or his wins. Brought down by his downfall, humbled by the disappointment he feels he brought to his family, he’s open to new feelings and thoughts. When he realized what his actions caused to his counselor and rummages within his mind to what brought him to his addiction, he turns a 180 change to his life.

This book is a fascinating journey in the mind of a recovering addict, the process and the suffering. It also has suspense and family drama, as he helps Rose recover the custody of her daughter, and they face a ruthless psychopath who will stop at nothing to thwart Rose and Pearce. Pearce has a beautiful family who stands behind him, helping in all the efforts to overcome his addiction and help the woman he’s falling for. We have passion, a beautiful little girl who makes Pearce rethink his thoughts against marriage and kids, mentors who help him along the journey against his addition, a crew of bodyguards, family who will stop at nothing in order to get their family together. Rose was a beautiful and intuitive character. Once she forgave Pearce, she succumbed to the incredible attraction and chemistry they had, and they were a very powerful couple. She was instrumental in his recovery and he was instrumental in her getting her daughter back, a power couple!

I was riveted reading this story, and although I cringed whenever the author presents the very cheesy parts involving clicky shoes and dancing, I very much enjoyed this book.

taniamg's review

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Another great West brothers book and very emotional. Pearson was struggling with addiction and Rose was his counselor. But there was a catch. They had net before but not the way that you would think. As a matter of fact Rose despiser him but he couldn’t remember her.

Slowly very slowly they started understanding each other and she revealed where they knew each other from. This changed the dynamics and the beginning of a beautiful relationship. But everything wasn’t sunshine and these two go thru so much together that it will just blow your mind. Rose was awesome and had Pearson back in everything. Pearson protected Rose with all his being. Eventually these two got their well deserved HEA.

You get to see his two brothers and see how their bond is so strong. Now the epilogue!!!!! Lol omg!!!

acorngirl121's review

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great content!

Great content, but the book could use a bit of editing. Unfortunately, it took away from enjoying it as much as I wanted to. When I separate the editing faux pas from the story itself, the story was FABULOUS. I loved Pearson, and Montana was hysterical. Sweet story.

ltcreads40's review

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Pearson and Rose had a heartbreaking but beautiful story about survival, strength and love. Montana was absolutely adorable with her clicky shoes and wild legs and her lovable nature. I loved these characters and this story.

frenchpressbookworm's review

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Just missed the mark

I wanted to love it because the H was fantastic. But it felt super long and drawn out for no reason. And I it just never clicked for me

rcrg's review

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This book took me by surprise. I'm not sure what I expected, but this was more. It showed that when an addict really wants to get clean that his support system plays a huge role. Of course, we are in the land of fiction where things usually have some hope and happiness, but this was a good depiction of some of the feelings and pain that accompany recovery.

I enjoyed the interaction between Pearson, Rose and Montana. I will admit that I was on high angst alert, which happens to me anytime there is a kid and abuse involved. I was surprised by the pivot point and angry as a human could get. If I had one wish, I wanted to have a few pages of watching Greg go down in burning hot flames.

nicki_theoverflowingbookcase's review

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I knew that Pearson was going to be the one West brother that would have the most emotional storyline and A.M. Hargrove did not disappoint. The lawyer, Pearson, with the drug and alcohol problem seeks help from the drug counselor, Rose, that had her parental rights stripped down by the same lawyer made for an emotional yet heart breaking story. Add in the physical and emotional abuse that poor little Montana and Rose have to endure and you have me yelling at my kindle. I was locked into the book from the opening pages and the roller coaster ride that Pearson and Rose have to go through made this the best book in the series. 5 Stars are not enough.

yarnyreader's review

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I don't understand how this has such high ratings. There are so many ethical issues. First off, medical professionals, therapists, etc. should NEVER get involved with clients, much less live with them. NEVER!! Second, holy conflict of interest Batman! As soon as those lawyers walked into the courtroom and saw him, the case would get thrown out. Why the f*ck would you risk that if you know your child is being abused?!?
I couldn't finish it. It was driving me nuts. Absolutely not okay.

bookaddictreviews's review

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I love all the West brothers and I was super excited for Pearson’s story because he always seemed to mysterious. I knew it was going to be deep and intense, and this book did not disappoint. I couldn’t put it down.

Pearson is a lawyer, he is under A LOT of pressure until one moment changes his life and he wants to become a better man. Rose has to help the last person she wants to see, but like Pearson, it may be the best thing to ever happen to her.

Pearson, oh Pearson, this man is seriously swoon-worthy despite his struggles, but those just made him real. It made him relatable as a character. Rose, my heart broke for her and continued to break for her the more we learned about her throughout the story.

This story is intense and it brings out a lot of emotions in you. It is sexy, it does have some laughs (Rose’s daughter Montana is seriously the sweetest thing on this planet), it will break you heart and mend it all over again. Plus, I love that we got moments with the whole West family again. I absolutely love this group!

After reading the epilogue I can’t wait to see what happens next!!

jamieco's review

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3.5 stars
I liked this book and it would’ve been 4 stars if the epilogue hadn’t been setting up for the next book. My BIGGEST pet peeve.