
Adios, Barbie: Young Women Write About Body Image and Identity by Ophira Edut

swirls's review

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I was recently reminded of this book and thought I'd come rate it on Goodreads out of nostalgia. Back in 2000 or 2001, I was eagerly reading a first edition library copy and blissfully unaware of the Mattel lawsuit which would eventually force the publisher to change the name and redesign the cover to Mattel's specifications. I still remember how much it moved and influenced me as a teenage girl, some essays far more than others. (Even now, I remember that this was a real mixed bag.) Still, 5 stars for sticking in my brain for so long.

sapphicbookdragon's review

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I'm still sad they had to change the title in its 2nd ed because Mattel threatened to sue them, if I recall correctly. It's a great title for those times! Barbie has improved significantly in the 2010s and 2020s, probably in part of all the many intersectional feminist complaints for generations.

cpirmann's review

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books I've read,essays,women's studies

kshelley83's review

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This was a great book for me. Some of the stories I related to more than others, not being 'ethnic' other than looking quite Jewish (and that probably being part of my heritage) or physically disabled. I understood these were women like me, women who weren't what they were 'supposed' to be sometimes and that so much of my self-hatred has been linked to my culture and my upbringing (therefore not being integrally me).

I was also quite interested in the fact that two of the contributors live in my area although that was only slightly shocking because where I live is known for its pushing of the standards.