
All For You by Lynn Kurland

ria_mhrj's review against another edition

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This is book 14 in an ongoing series and the first book I have read by Lynn Kurland. It should have been a problem and yet I enjoyed myself immensely and am keen to read earlier entries in the series.

There is no escaping the fact that this book is SILLY. Everyone is very blasé about time travel and class and ghosts and all kinds of shenanigans which would provoke a much stronger reaction from sane people placed in a similar position, but once you adjust to the silliness, it's easy to have fun.

I liked Peaches and Stephen a lot. The whole set up is the kind of story I lap right up (enemies-to-lovers, Darcy and Elizabeth style) and I was cheering for them throughout. The first foray to the past happens about half way through the book and was surprisingly brief - I think I would have preferred a bit more of a challenge and a lengthier jaunt, but no matter.

Unfortunately, I lost some enthusiasm as we trundled towards the conclusion. A lot of plot needs to be covered before the book can conclude, but there was obviously a restriction on the number of words Ms. Kurland could employ. In true Forsterian style ("The funeral was over") we would see characters outlining a plan by the end of one chapter, only for the start of the next chapter to leap frog the event in question and deal with the aftermath. Which is a shame, as there was lots of fun to be had with these events and I felt like I was being rushed.

That grumble aside, I still had a lot of fun reading All For You and I am definitely interested to read more from this labyrinthine series, even though I am unsure which one to read next...

shelbybee's review against another edition

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I'm on a Lynn Kurland kick and the premise seemed fun. Unfortunately I'd have to say this one just wasn't for me. It's probably my fault for jumping into the thirteenth book in a series and not bothering with any of the previous ones, but I just couldn't get into the world. There were so many side characters who, I could assume from context clues, all had their own books and they were constantly alluded to.
Also the main character's name is Peaches so I couldn't take anything she did seriously. I'd hope it's a nickname, because her sisters had names like Tess and Pippa (which was short for Persephone, but I think that's actually way more normal than Peaches, which is just so out of place to me I couldn't get over it). But if it is a nickname, no one ever mentions, or alludes to what her real name could be. If they did and I wasn't paying attention, I apologize. But I won't take back what I said about Peaches being a very silly given name. Because it is.
Anyway, at the end of the day, I was promised a time traveling romance and they barely spent five chapters in the past. Maybe because at this late stage in the series, the romance has time traveled both ways several times. But that was disappointing for me.
I think my expectations for the book would have been way more interesting than the actual story I got.
Allow me to tell you what I thought this book was going to be about, if only so I can get it out of my system.
I thought the medieval history professor would secretly know a way to get to the past that he would use in his spare time to live in the world he studied, and be a literal knight-in-training there as part of his research, and that our heroine would accidentally find her way back to the past as well, and get into some trouble that the professor would be uniquely able to help her out of, since he knows the time period so well and has connections there. And they fall in love despite not liking each other very much in the beginning as they work together to deal with the dangers of Medieval living and try to return to the present.
That is the story I was promised in the blurb goddammit!

raven_acres's review against another edition

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Stephen diPiaget and Peaches story. Sweet little romance, love seeing old familiar characters, and getting more in depth in the new ones. More time traveling, and antics. Pleasant ending.

mees_grows's review against another edition

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Quick easy enjoyable read.

jenniferawilck's review against another edition

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She's my favorite author, but I was a bit disappointed by this one--very slow going and I almost stopped a time or too. But I LOVE Stephen and as usual, her writing is superb.

jazzrizz's review against another edition

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Sigh...I love to read this author.

Time Travel books are one of my very favorite escapes. This trip through time with Stephen and Peaches was great. I love the accidental and purposeful trips through the time gates in this one.

As always, I'll be patiently waiting for the next installment.

rickijill's review against another edition

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All for You is Lynn Kurland's latest romance novel. I think that she is the very best romance writer, and I appreciate that her books are PG. Her stories are always so much fun, and she injects humor and witty dialogue in all of her books.

All for You is Stephen de Piaget and Peaches Alexander's story. I have never been a big fan of Stephen's until this book. He might be one of my very favorite de Piaget men of all time! He is a Cambridge history professor and the future Earl of Artane. I always thought that he was a bit too nerdy, but little did I know that he has been training with Ian McLeod in Scotland. Ian's medieval bootcamp has prepared Stephen for the adventure of his life: He must rescue Peaches who accidentally slips through a time gate.

Peaches' pride will not admit she has feelings for Stephen. She fears that he is above her station, and he will never take her seriously. There is definitely a Pride and Prejudice feel to this story, and I love all the references to the book. Unbeknownst to Peaches, Stephen had fallen for her when they first met. One of the sweetest things about the book is why he loves her. His values are admirable, and I love how Lynn Kurland features what is truly important in life through her stories.

The only negatives about the book is that two critical scenes are told in flashback, and the accounts are rather short. I would have liked to have read them, and I would not have minded reading a longer book. The plot never stalled, and Peaches and Stephen (especially Stephen) were fully developed. All for You is one of her best in my opinion.

valerielong's review against another edition

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3.5 stars rounded up.

All for You by Lynn Kurland is the 12th book in the de Piaget series and the 18th in the de Piaget/MacLeod crossovers. While Lynn Kurland is one of my favorite authors, I have to say that I did not feel this book was as good as some of her others.

The book was not horrible, but it seemed much more stilted than some of her other books. There were times when it felt as though the story itself did not know where it was headed.

Peaches is also one of those heroines that I tend to despise - she doesn't have a spine. She constantly allows people to just walk all over her. Stephen, on the other hand, I've found charming since the first time he showed up (in 'One Enchanted Evening').

While it's certainly never going to be among my favorites and while it's not as well-written as some Ms. Kurland's other offerings, it was not horrible. I will also admit that it's possible I could be more biased because I have read so many of her books and I expect a certain level of quality which I felt was missing here. Give it a try, but if you're disappointed in it, please consider trying at least one of her other titles before you decide you don't like her as an author!

allylu's review against another edition

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This book was another wonderful time-travel romance by Lynn Kurland. She is so entertaining and I love her characters. This one matched up Stephen dePiaget and Peaches Alexander making all 3 sisters marry "medieval" men. Stephen isn't from the Middle Ages, but he is a professor who specializes in them and he works out in this lists of Ian MacLeod who is definitely from the Middle Ages. I just love this series and the stories never get old for me. Can't wait for the next one.

jenniferwilck's review

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She's my favorite author, but I was a bit disappointed by this one--very slow going and I almost stopped a time or too. But I LOVE Stephen and as usual, her writing is superb.