
Studmuffin Santa by Tawna Fenske

mlcreads's review against another edition

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A quick holiday read that is funny, sweet, sexy, and with just a little mystery. The story also has lots of characters that you just want to hang out with and find out more about.

silentnpale's review against another edition

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Another freebie book I found in the books app. I almost didn't download it because of the cover but I am glad I did. The story was fun, emotional without being sappy, and engaging. The characters were well developed and the author has a really fun writing style.

dotts's review against another edition

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I was not enjoying the story; I was bored. DNF in chapter 7.

It's probably a "me rather than the book" situation, as I have a distinct preference for more mature men, characters who don't repeatedly chastise themselves for every desire they feel, and books that are not contemporary, apparently.

A perfectly acceptable story if you're not hindered by any of the above afflictions.

beautifullybookish25's review against another edition

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Nice story but something just missing for me to give it more than 3 stars. It took me a while to get through and I wasn't super invested in the characters. Still a fun read though.

calliek_reads5's review against another edition

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I rarely read a rom-com with a bit of suspense in it, so this one was new. This was another author I hadn't read before this one. It interested me, and even though some characters annoyed me, they redeemed themselves.

Jade and Amber are two sisters who are opening a reindeer farm where they intend to have weddings during the off-season. They need a Santa, and here comes Jake. He's one of the "dumb jocks" from high school. Immediately, Jade is against it. Turns out she was bullied in HS for not being the ideal body type.

Strange things are also happening around the farm, and Brandon wants to help Jade figure it out.

I don't want to give too much away, so I'll leave that there. The smut factor is only about

bhnmt61's review against another edition

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I am never opposed to reading romance novels but for me they are seasonal reads— usually, I pick them up during the summer and during the holidays. I’ve read several by this author and enjoyed them all. This one is a fun, quick read about a military guy just back from the Middle East who takes a job as a Santa/security guard at a reindeer ranch run by a pair of smart, strong sisters. Enjoyable read. It seems to end a little quickly, but that’s prob due to its less than 200 page length.

zaza_bdp's review

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Si vous aimez les formats courts et bien ficelés, alors cette romance contempo de Noël vous plaira ! Bon, je vais être honnête avec vous, je n'ai pas été particulièrement touchée par la romance, dans le sens où je n'ai pas eu ces petits papillons que l'on ressent parfois, ce coeur qui bat plus vite parce qu'on accroche vraiment à l'histoire, et que comme l'héroïne, on tombe sous le charme du héros. Cependant, j'ai passé un moment sympa avec ce livre, j'ai pris plaisir à le lire, et l'univers dépeint par l'auteur, très américain genre téléfilm de l'après-midi, est bien rendu.

Ce décor du ranch avec des rennes, ces petites touches de Noël, ce père Noël sexy et cette romance entre deux personnes que tout opposait du temps du lycée (on retrouve la traditionnelle opposition quarterback Vs vilain petit canard, mais au final, le cliché s'estompe un peu dans la mesure où Brandon était un gentil garçon), donnent une ambiance sympathique au livre. Même si l'histoire est courte (182 pages pour la VO), l'auteure prend le temps de développer l'histoire de ses personnages, leur passé, et je dois dire que l'histoire de Brandon et de son père m'a touchée et émue. Outre la romance, on a également droit à une petite pointe de suspense, avec un dénouement plutôt rigolo (ahaha sacrée Tammy !!). Enfin, j'en profite pour vous signaler que Tawna Fenske pose également les bases de sa série (qui compte 8 tomes pour le moment), et je me laisserai sûrement tenter par la suite. ^^

Voici donc une romance dynamique et drôle, sans prise de tête, avec des personnages sympathiques, et des rennes à perte de vue !

rellimreads's review

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I read Tawna Fenske’s Front and Center series this Summer so when she recently announced that Studmuffin Santa was on sale for 99cents – Yay! Snapped that right up. Then realized I’d rather listen… so I snagged this one on audio. Go marketing!

This was a fun romantic comedy with a little bit of drama and a dash of mystery/suspense. Plus – Christmas! And a reindeer farm! What more could you ask to get in the holiday mood?

What I loved about this is that it isn’t “reformed jerk” – Yes, Brandon was the football-star Senior to Jade’s picked-on Sophomore. However, Brandon was and still is a nice guy, he just didn’t notice Jade when they went to school together. Jade was tormented by other students and though it’s been more than 10 years she still has an icy exterior. Brandon definitely melts her frost.

While not holiday themed, I can’t wait to hear Sean and Amber’s story, Chef Sugarlips.

I enjoyed the narration by Nelson Hobbs and Teri Schnaubelt. They are both terrific narrators and I’m looking forward to hearing them both throughout the series.

mistysreads's review against another edition

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Oh my goodness this book is awesome! Brandon was hired to discover who is messing with the Reindeer farm, but he has to dress up as the Santa for the children. I think that Brandon and Jade are such fun characters and they are really good at keeping their heads during stressful situations. This is a great book to introduce the series and I love the ability to get to know all of the cousins gradually.

mlcreads's review

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A quick holiday read that is funny, sweet, sexy, and with just a little mystery. The story also has lots of characters that you just want to hang out with and find out more about.