quirkycatsfatstacks's review

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One of the things I love about side series/different continuities is that they're not afraid to take risks. I mean, technically it means that the risks don't matter as much, since they're not permanent and all. But I still love seeing them happen, so that is what matters most to me.
And boy, did they take risks in this issue! I can't say enough good things about it. In fact, I'm actively looking forward to the next issue in this series...is it out yet?

tabman678's review

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I wanted to particularly review this issue because it’s a shotgun blast of emotion and Tom Taylor delivers so much in these 23 pages.

Deceased just got moved towards the top of my pull list and I think it’s gonna be on hell of an event/ elseworlds story.

5 stars for the issue.

anthroxagorus's review

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read it, said "oh damn"
handed it to my SO, he said "oh damn"
so there's our review

oh damn

messyshelves's review

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Still not sure what I think of this series yet. I think it's interesting that the zombies (because that's what they are lbr) are created via social media.

I'm mostly just giving this 4 stars though because DINAH LAUREL LANCE IS THE NEW GREEN LANTERN BYEEEEE

etienne02's review

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Awesome! I fear it would fall into cheap zombie story, but so far it hold on and not afraid to make some great name fall down the road!