
Thor, Volume 1: The Goddess of Thunder by Jason Aaron

jesspeachee's review

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This was awesome. It was very unexpected personally. Yes I had been spoiled as to her true identity but I didn't realize what the transition would be like for her when she did pick up the hammer. I loved how her inner thoughts were so jumbled, human and such while the words that came out of her mouth were so much Thor I swear I sometimes heard Chris Hemsworth's voice in my head. I also never expected there to be interaction between her and Odinson.
Also, Odin in this rendition is a total douche bag. Just saying.

thaumaturgical's review

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Some jarring Americanisms and misuse of thees and thous. Otherwise a delightful read <3

iancarpenter's review

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I've never read any Thor, I've never really cared about the character but I was drawn to this because of the gender swap and all the buzz I'd heard. It is so good. Clever and tons of fun. I can't wait to see what happens to her and I can't wait to see what happens to him. Two great characters. Great art, great writing. I'm definitely reading more.

thebookberrie's review

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I liked this!! I love the introduction of Mighty Thor and the action that happens but I think I'm just not a Thor & Asgard fan? Like it was good but also my interest level was very low.

The frost giants attack Earth but Thor has lost his hammer. He's unworthy so now the magic hammer sits on the moon until a mysterious woman lifts it and becomes the Goddess of Thunder.

She was really cool oh my god. Love the outfit and the attitude and how she totally kicks all ass. We don't actually learn who tf she is though or anything else about her in this though. Also why does OG Thor not own a shirt lol.

The action was cool but I'm not much of a mystical comic fan so shit was WILD with minotaurs and frost giants like okay go off!! The art was great, very crisp.

Like yes I am indeed boring because spies and vigilantes interest me more okay, let me live.

jackm4's review

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A really, really good read, loved the mystery of Jane becoming Thor (even though we all already know by now) and seeing how every character reacted, The art is also amazing, can't wait to get the next part of the story! Odinsons struggle to accept his unworthiness also makes for a really interesting storyline.

medievil_'s review

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brb screaming for literally ever

mhockenson's review

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Male Thor, Female Thor - Doesn't matter! The artwork and story are pretty damn awesome.

tvessel's review

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I absolutely love new Thor! This book puts an incredibly refreshing spin on a classic superhero mantle that's been around for decades. The entire design of the book is so cohesive and well put together I have few issues with the book.
Some of the dialogue seemed a little awkward, but I think that might just be something I get used to.

Overall, highly recommended!!

bioniclib's review

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This is an, ahem, marvelous story.

Proving that they are self-aware, the story even addresses the complain many fans had (have?) in making the manliest of men a woman during her fight with Absorbing Man. It takes it a step further when the original Thor accepts Mjolnir's choice of a new worthy one; he refuses to saddle her with a moniker that qualifies her gender. She's not Lady Thor. She's Thor.

A few other notes of interest:

To make her someone other than just Thor with boobs, her powers are a little different. She throws the hammer at enemies and it bounces around and hits multiple targets before returning to her hand. That reminds me of Captain America and his shield.

She also talks to Mjolnir. Not like Odinson (the name original Thor takes) and his pleading with his hammer to let him pick it up. She's asking it questions. While it doesn't talk back, this reminds me of the fairly recent development of Green Lanterns talking to their rings.

Lastly, even though I know who she is, they did a good job making me think it was Odinson's mom...for about three issues. Then they show that lie.

Great stuff. I'll certainly be continuing on!

elimds9's review

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Why are you not reading this book!? Jason Aaron's Thor is the best run since Simonson. It has so much heart and adventure.

Thor is no longer worthy of the hammer and is not happy about it. A mysterious woman who clearly respects Thor is able to lift the hammer and take on his responsibilities.