
The Emerald Talisman by Brenda Pandos

writings_of_a_reader's review against another edition

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I really couldn’t decide what to rate The Emerald Talisman. 2.5 stars I guess. I kept going back and forth between it’s ok and I kind of like it. It reminded me a bit of Twilight (think gorgeous guy saves helpless girl multiple times despite her stupidity, stalks her and drives really fast), the TV series Moonlight (think immortal guy saves child from vampire and secretly watches her grow up and then falls in love with her), with a bit of Blade (think half vampire day-walker who hunts evil vampires) thrown in there as well.

There were some things that I found myself rolling my eyes at. The main character had the annoying habit of thinking up something in her head and suddenly believing it was fact. Her expectations where ridiculous; she tells herself that she has to move on from someone that she only met once and was never in a relationship with. And she suffered from teenage girl, fall for any guy who gives her attention syndrome.

I’m pretty sure I’ve read enough and will not be continuing on with this series.

brendalovesbooks's review against another edition

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This book and I just didn't click. I'm not sure if it's the writing style or what, but I had a bit of a hard time getting into this one. With that said, I can tell that this will appeal to fans of Twilight (another one that didn't quite work for me). The writing style seems to be very similar, and some other things as well.

The style is very descriptive, and I would say very internal as well. Since it was written in first person narrative, we really got to know the main character. We really didn't get to know the secondary characters very well, but that's to be expected as this story was very much about Julia, and also her relationship with Nicholas.

Even though this book wasn't quite my style, I believe many fans of YA fiction, and especially vampire YA will enjoy this one.

khunter76's review against another edition

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Great trilogy!

hdbblog's review against another edition

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Before this review officially begins, I feel the need to make a statement. I love vampires. My adoration is so strong in fact that it creates difficulty for me when reading vampire based novels. As a girl who grew up reading Anne Rice, my vampires have a certain image to uphold. They need to ooze bloodlust, emit perfection and have no qualms with doing whatever they need to in order to survive. Vampire sexiness if you will? So, I was a little concerned when I saw the words "bloodthirsty stalker". What would I find on the pages? Let me tell you, I shouldn't have worried one bit.

Brenda Pandos weaves a vampire story that will pull you in and mercilessly toy with your feelings. One filled with stunning vampires that seem to fly off the page. I can't even begin to describe how refreshing it was to read this book! From the moment the action picked up, I was so completely hooked that I couldn't bear to pull my eyes away to do household chores. So invested was I in Julia's battle that I read on voraciously, savoring each and every page. All other vampire based books that had disappointed me in the past were instantly forgotten.

If you haven't yet had the opportunity to read this book, I won't ruin some of the finer aspects of it for you. There is a lot in this story that I wasn't expecting, and that really added to my enjoyment! What I will do is peak your interest by mentioning that there is a very intriguing and handsome male character who also happens to be Julia's love interest. This character was a perfect mixture of raw power and utter sweetness. I fell in love with him instantly! It really should be illegal for characters like him to exist. How much perfection can really fit on one page?

The one thing that was lacking in this book for me, was more information about Julia's empathetic abilities.The synopsis made it seem, to me, that it was a key part of the story. Every page I read through was spent looking for more about where this gift might have come from. Don't misunderstand, Julia's character is extremely well developed! I'm simply saying that since Julia's gift was one of the key parts of the synopsis that caught my eye, I was a little saddened when it wasn't really explained. I'm hoping that the next installment brings more insight into Julia's mysterious ability and where it stems from!

Long story short, I wholeheartedly enjoyed this book. If you are a lover of vampires, or even just a lover of paranormal intrigue, this book will hook you as well. Brenda Pandos is a superb writer, and as I said I cannot wait to dive into her next installment! She has restored my faith in vampire kind.

bookishwonderlandco's review against another edition

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This book was really great! I wasn't sure I would like this book because it didn't sound like what I would normally read, and I am so glad I read it! I was right when I thought it wasn't what I normally read because it wasn't, it was soo much better! There was a new twist on vampires and their abilities and it was a refreshing new point of view! I fell in love with Julia and Nicholas and I just loved this book! I am so excited for the next and so glad I read it! This book turned out to be SO much better than I ever thought it would be!

daphx00's review against another edition

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Review to come.

chelsfoust's review against another edition

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This book was surprising...all the way around. I was first completely enthralled with Julia and her gift. I wished she would have told Nick about it in the end, but I guess there may be a reason she didn't...I was completely shocked by the appearance on Vampires. I enjoye reading about them, but had no clue they were the 'bad guys' in this series. Overall it was good, I wasn't completely happy with Julia and Phil's relationship, but it was a good addition. Lastly it seemed like every boy she came into contact with 'fell in love' with her...but I can't remember that when she was described she was a very big deal. It felt like she was completely average(which isnt a bad thing) but speaking from experience, not every guy I meet 'falls in love' with me! Otherwise a cute read, haven't decided if I will read the next two or not.

breezy610's review against another edition

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pretty good. It reminded me of twilight in a lot of ways thought. i don't know if i am going to continue to read the series. it depends if i can get the kindle books really cheap or not.

charms1976's review against another edition

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I had been seeing this book all over the internet, but it took me forever to finally get it and read it. I don't know why I was so hesitant on reading it, but I think it might have been because of the mixed reviews. So I finally caved and picked up my copy of The Emerald Talisman and dove into the world the author created.

While I liked the basic story plot, I felt the story lacked things to make it great. At times the writing was choppy and stalled. I kept waiting for it to pick up pace only to have it do it but only for a few pages. I also felt that the instant attraction to Nicholas that Julia feels was overdone. She acted as though she is in love with this boy after just an hour or so of meeting him. At times, it felt like she was obsessed and almost on the verge of stalker with her feelings towards him. I wasn't a big fan of Nicholas in this book either. At one moment he is nice and sincere, then he disappears only to reappear rather rudely. It isn't until almost the last third of the book that he is even a prominent and engaging character.

I felt the author has a great base for a story and just needs to get some things reworked for the books that will follow. With a little tweaking of the writing and stabilization of the character personalities, this series could be even better.

hyms's review

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This is just another book like Twilight. Julia is awful and the only reason this book gets 2 stars instead of 1 is because of Nicholas. He's kind of cute and has way more personality than Julia. The book seriously lacks humor!