chroniclesofabookreader's review

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**4.5 Stars**

Each short story is based in Holly, North Carolina where it’s Christmas 365 days of the year. The small town is festive and cheery, but rife with a little bit of danger, and a whole lot of love. Each author takes a different character, integrates them into the small town, and creates their own spin on the love they find in Holly. We enter in December:

Melt For Me by Elisabeth Naughton: Estranged flames Ella and Tate haven’t seen each other in around 9 years. The amazing summer they spent together ended abruptly, and they parted ways in extreme fashion. Tate is now a huge singer in a band, and Ella, well, she’s a widow who has been stuck running the bar she got when her husband passed. Christmas to her has been a bad memory, and she wants nothing more than to move out of the always-happy town. When Tate arrives back in town, that inner flame reignites, whether she wants it to or not. I loved this hot little story. The second-chance romance element really added an extra bit of tension (heart twinges and stomach flips) that rocked the charts (pun intended) when skin met skin. Sweet and sexy (mixed with some danger), this short story felt like a novel and I didn’t want it to end. –5 Stars

Sweet Rapture by Alexandra Ivy: Things ended badly for Meg back in Vegas; her boyfriend, Dylan, really broke her heart when she found she was a cover for him with his FBI mission. Back in Holly for the last six months to both take care of the estate and flower shop her grandmother left to her when she passed, she’s finding she’s in need of a tenant in order to help pay bills. A friend helps her find someone quickly, but she’s speechless when she finds Dylan arriving to grab the keys. Speechless to find that maybe he’s here for something else…like her. This story was a bit shorter than the others, and left me a bit wanting when it came to their connection, but I still enjoyed the mystery and rekindling of the two. –3.5 stars

The Spy Who Came For Christmas by Cynthia Eden: Sweet Jemma is more than just the tasty, dreamy chocolates she makes. She’s known for being a bit standoffish with the male sort, but she has good reason to be. She’s untrusting, but resilient; she wants to be more, have more, and maybe be a little dirty. When Grayson Cole walks into her shop, in Holly for a vacation, she has a reaction that she’s never had to a man. That instant connection is felt by both, immediately. But Gray is secretive, mysterious, and she isn’t quite sure if she’s willing to hand herself over to someone who might be dangerous. Only danger is going to happen either way. I love the danger that Cynthia Eden can create, and even in a short story she does it so well. Grayson was a completely sexy hero, and Jemma was a fantastic heroine. –4.5 stars

Merry Christmas, Baby by Katie Reus: Nora and Jackson have been friends for awhile. She’s normally very safe and protected due to the responsibilities of being the legal guardian for her younger sister, but she let’s those safeguards down when Jackson, a former Navy SEAL, shows he wants her. When things hit the fan very quickly after, she shuts herself down to him. But Jackson isn’t willing to let the one go, and he’s more than willing to put out all the stops to prove to her that she means everything to him. With this second-chance romance you get just the right amount of grovel and resistance to build up enough sexual tension so that when walls are breached, it creates a hot blend. –4 stars
Sinful in Snow by Laura Wright: Life hasn’t been easy for Gabriel Fox, and he blames the turning point of it on Carol Cardini. He’s back in town to crush her, after 10 long years, but the moment he sees her again…well, something changes. The sweet, loving Christmas shop owner is the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen with, still, the kindest heart he’s ever known. Now his plans don’t seem worth it…or do they? Laura Wright managed to write a short story that felt like more. It was hot (YES), but the little bit of heart twinges you get seeing Gabriel slowly soften were so worth it. It was touching while also being incredibly sexy, and I absolutely loved it. –5 stars

Home Advantage by Skye Jordan: Meier Grant hasn’t lacked in female attention, pretty much ever. So when he heads home for Christmas, the first time in many years, he doesn’t expect that he has to work so hard for Faith to succumb to his womanizing ways. Faith has changed her life around both taking care of her ill father and then running his hardware shop after he passed. What she doesn’t need is the lady-loving hockey player trying to use his skills for a night of a good time. When he commits to wearing her down, who really ends up worn down by the end? Ms. Jordan, as always, writes a great romance. It had witty characters, a very strong female, and the perfect amount of sexy. It was far too enjoyable seeing Faith make Meier work for a scrap of her attention, and how she utilized the power she did have when she wanted it. –5 stars

**Received an early copy in exchange for an honest review**

aquariandancer's review

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MELT FOR ME by Elisabeth Naughton - 4 Stars

When Tate Kendrick shows up in Holly, NC at Emma's bar, she doesn't know what to do with herself. She is still hurting from when he left her years ago, even though she was the one to push him away. However, when her bartender - also the building owner's daughter - gives Tate a room above the bar and he helps out during open hours, she is inclined to give him a shot. There are things going on in town, though, that are more sinister then either of them realize.

SWEET RAPTURE by Alexandra Ivy - 4 Stars

Meg Anderson returns home from Vegas after finding out the man she though she loved was just using her only to be harassed by an unknown person. Her new shop is draining her funds, so she decides to open the apartment in her house to a tenant. When Dylan Cain hears about the trouble Meg is facing, he immediately snaps up the apartment and comes to Holly to keep her safe and win her back. Will the two be able to reconcile their differences and catch the perpetrator?

THE SPY WHO CAME FOR CHRISTMAS by Cynthia Eden - 3.5 Stars

Holly's local chocolatier, Jemma, is working in her store when the most handsome man she has ever seen walks in. When she finds out Grayson is friends with the sheriff, she knows she can trust him. She immediately asks him out. As an ex-CIA operative, Gray is able to protect Jemma when someone breaks into her shop and their relationship spirals from there.


Nora has been her sister's legal guardian for years, so when Nora has the chance to finally live a little with her friend and former SEAL Jackson O'Connor she takes the plunge. However, he doesn't react so well after their date. When he realizes his mistake, Nora has decided to move on without him. Even her sister is mad at him. Starting with some flowers, Jackson sets out to win her back ... for good.

SINFUL IN SNOW by Laura Wright

When she was younger, Carol Cardini was infuriated with the way Gabriel Fox's foster parents treated him and the other two foster kids living with them. When she found him crying on the street one day, she decided they needed to be set straight. However, Gabriel shut her out and she never saw him again ... until he returned to Holly years later. Now that Gabriel has made his fortune, he in intent on returning the favor Carol did him at 17 - tearing him from the only family he had known. But will his revenge truly help, or will he just feel empty again?


Faith Nicholas is barely staying afloat with her hardware store in Holly, North Carolina. She meets Meier Grant when he hunts her down in Yuletide Spirits to buy a Christmas tree for his mother. Meier is in town due to a shoulder injury, but he cannot wait to get back to the city. Sparks fly between the two almost immediately, but Faith is not looking for anything he could give her.

If you're looking for some spicy short stories for the holidays, this set is the one for you!

redhairedashreads's review

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3.7 rating
The overall rating is from the average of all the ratings listed below.

Melt for Me by Elisabeth Naughton: 3.5/5
Sweet Rapture by Alexandra Ivy: 4/5
The Spy Who Came for Christmas by Cynthia Eden 4/5
Merry Christmas, Baby by Katie Reus 3/5
Sinful in Snow by Laura Wright 3.5/5
Home Advantage by Skye Jordan 4/5

nikkisbooknook's review

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What a fantastic collection. The series is centred around the small town of Holly (which celebrates Christmas 365!!!) in North Carolina. All the main female characters are connected to various businesses in town (willingly or not).

There is a bit of everything here for every taste. There is reunited love, second chances, friends to lovers, and instant lust!! Whilst all are written by different authors, the small-town setting links them all together so you feel you are reading one continuous story. You could easily read these stories as stand-alones.

Melt For Me- Hot singer in the band and his long lost love reconnect.

Sweet Rapture- second chance love with the man who broke your heart.

The Spy Who Came for Christmas- Is the bad guy stalking the chocolatier or the spy who came in from the cold?

Merry Christmas Baby- Rough, tough and buff former navy SEALs cracks over his love for a woman!

Sinful in Snow- Former foster child returns to town intent of revenge on the person he holds responsible for his life imploding, but he didn't plan for love!

Home Advantage- Sports star romance. Can the small town girl hold onto the handsome hockey player?

After reading these I want to sped some time in Holly myself!! Great feel good books with a dash of suspense and a huge dollop of passion with a christmassy edge!

mimireadsromance's review

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I love this anthology of Christmas stories set in the town of Holly, North Carolina. The town itself is a charming setting, where it's Christmas 24/7. In this anthology, we get to follow along as 6 shop owners find their own bit of Christmas happiness! I especially love that the stories are novellas. It's a busy time of year, and my reading sometimes suffers because of that. I was thrilled to be able to enjoy a holiday story whenever I could spare a couple of hours!

I was delighted to read Merry Christmas, Baby by Katie Reus. She is a favorite author of mine, and while this story is a departure from the action packed romantic suspense stories of hers that I'm familiar with, I was happy to see that there was still that little hint of mystery in this story. I loved Nora, the main character, and could really appreciate her struggle to give her younger sister a happy, stable home life. Admittedly, one of my favorite things about Nora is that she owns Nora's Books & Brew, a bookstore/coffee shop. Hello dream job! Of course, if Nora's got the dream job, she has to have the dream man, right?! Enter one sexy Jackson O'Connor. He's not too perfect though. No, Jackson screwed up BIG time & this story is a fun look at his realization that he has some serious making up to do if he wants to keep the girl of HIS dreams! There was no denying the chemistry between Jackson and Nora, or the friendship they shared, and I enjoyed seeing the two of them make the choice to pursue their relationship.

ashesofabookdragon's review

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Light hearted and sappy but fun~ haha

animation's review

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All He Wants for Christmas is a compilation of short Christmas themed stories set in the small North Carolina town of Holly. Although the female leads are all friends, each story stands on it's own.

This box set has something for everyone.. spies, FBI agents, rockstars, billionaires, athletes, and even a Grinch. Even though the characters go through their trials and tribulations, the Christmas spirit is felt throughout these stories and I enjoyed every single one of them.

ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review.