
Aşk Bir Masalmış Derken by Cindi Madsen

secretmagic's review against another edition

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I adored this book! It was like reading the script to a RomCom, only with added extra thoughts from the main character, and it was so much fun!

Darby Quinn is sceptical about love. She's been through so many rough relationships, so many broken hearts and screwed up paths, that she's given up on long-lasting relationships. In fact, she's giving up on dating completely. The main cause for her broken view on life? Well Fairytales and Disney stories, of course. Where else do you find an unnaturally large amount of situations that all point to Happily Ever After and the Perfect Prince saving the day? But things start to become complicated when Jake Knight comes on the scene. I had a very long giggle when I realised Jake's surname was 'Knight'. I liked the irony of him becoming the Prince to change Darby's heart...and he's a knight!

I had mixed feelings about Darby. Most of the time I loved her, and could even identify with telling yourself that it's better off not being in love so you can't get hurt; but other times I just wanted to shake some sense in her, especially when it came to stringing Jake along. Darby, not looking for anything long-term, manages to hook Jake's interest and feelings, while constantly pushing him away at the same time. It was frustrating because all Jake ever did was try to make her happy. He gets bonus points for being more patient than anyone else.

I mentioned before that it's very RomCom-esque. I haven't branched out into adult chick lit before, so I can imagine there are a lot of books that read like a favourite movie; but for me this was one of the first and I just adored it. I can see myself taking Cinderella Screwed Me Over off the shelf when I'm in the mood for an easy, fun, romantic drama story; and I know I'll love it every single time I pick it up.

One of the best parts of this book was seeing Darby's past relationships as pre-created 'Case Studies' for how a previous relationship broke down and comparing them to popular male characters from favourite fairytales. I loved the case studies, and not just because they let us into Darby’s life; let us see why she was so broken and wary of love. I think I may have had the wrong reaction to them at times; I was just excited to come up to the next Disney or fairytale story and see how they were represented. I loved seeing the Robin Hood-a-like throw a bullseye on the dart board, mirroring the image of Robin Hood and his bow and arrow; or Ariel’s obsession with forks, or even the mention of “twitterpated” giving me Bambi flashbacks. It was like getting a Disney fix, without actually watching Disney, all while being torn apart and analysed endlessly. It’s a bit strange liking the mentions the most; I really enjoyed them as case studies too, because it showed Darby had some really rough relationships. But I’m a sucker for Disney, so I can’t be blamed for loving the book for these extra reasons.

An incredibly fun, entertaining and romantic story, with just the right amount of cynicism, sarcastic comments, and Disney references to make any girl happy!

4/5 stars

mrsbsbooks's review against another edition

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**ARC Provided by Netgalley and Entangled Publishing, LLC for an honest review**

Do fairy tales and Disney Princesses really screw us up from the moment we watch them? Do we grow up led to believe that all relationships and loves will be like the movies where everything will have its happy ever after?

Darby grew up watching the movies and hearing the stories like the rest of us, however after years of being in the dating game she has grown ever increasing disillusioned with the concept and of love and the happy ever after.

Each of her failed relationships she has put against fictional characters such as Prince Eric from the Little Mermaid, Aladdin, The Prince from Cinderella and all the others. She has put in place rules with her dating. No men that tell lies, don't live in the same building or where she works or eats and countless other rules just to ensure that she no longer gets hurt in the relationship stakes.

Her best friend is getting married and Darby is alone again and has decided that men are just no worth it when she meets Jake. After coming to rescue with her shoe he pursues her, trying to get her to go out with him. He is slow yet steady in his pursuit and is never very pushy, but just enough to get her to agree to seeing him, even though he already has two strikes against his name.

Darby is cynical in love and is honest in telling people in what she feels, she doesn't lie and tells the truth the way she sees it. However she often finds herself in situations in which she is the only single woman there making it awkward when they start telling their own loves stories.

I love how patient Jake is even as you can see her rebelling and still trying to push Jake away. She is always trying to find the fault with his so they can break up before feelings and other things get in the way.

Darby is an interior decorator, whilst Jake is the co-owner of the restaurant Blue where she frequents quite often. He has only recently got back from the restaurant that he has opened in Vegas, hence never having met him before.

We get to find out about a lot of Darby's ex-relationships and who she identifies each man to and where is all went wrong. We find out how Disney screwed us over and how we build up our expectation too high.

I loved the first 75% to 80% of the book. I found it witty and funny and found myself laughing at the way the story was portrayed. However I found the last 20 to 25% I found to be lacking in something, however the book does feel very real in its approach. Many of us i'm sure can relate even in a small way to the book and the failed relationships.

A very good read.

romcommer's review against another edition

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The woman mc is a jerk and too uptight and an egoist

paraplybot's review against another edition

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Hon beskiver sina relationer och jämför dem med vanliga prinsess historier(lite halv dåligt). Försöker förklara varför hon inte tror på kärlek. Vad dem männen har gjort och hur det påverkar henne idag. Vill inte göra om samma misstag hon tidigare har gjort men gör allt "fel"/ så hon blivit rubbad förut.

Träffar en man på restaurangen hon går på HELA tiden. Som på riktigt är obbesst med henne från dag ett(tror han skulle säga älskar dig).

muretski's review against another edition

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4.5 stars :)

yodamom's review against another edition

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3 stars, fun light and romantic, it could have been a solid 4 if there wasn't so many rehashing of the stupid rules and then the detailed story behind each one. The main character Darby was just so irritating to me, her stubborn opinions and judgemental attitude rubbed me wrong.

_rockqueen_'s review against another edition

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I saw this book once on one of my daily e-book e-mails and read the description, had me hooked just by that! It was one I had on my wishlist for awhile. It was an amazing book for sure! Darby is such a strong willed character. She had gone through various trails. At times, her best friend Stephanie had me a bit annoyed but in the end, I liked her. Jake was like a character that was a mysterious prince charming. I never saw her being with Jake in the beginning but I came to adore him in the end. This book made me feel a mixture of emotions. I never wanted to put it down! The end is what really stuck out to me. I would give this a 10/10. I would highly recommend this!

amym84's review against another edition

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Sometimes a sweet, fun romance story is needed. Cinderella Screwed Me Over definitely fits that description.

Darby used to be a hopeless romantic. Always envisioning "the one". After watching her parents go through a divorce when she was younger as well as many failed relationships over the years, Darby has given up the "happily ever after" and decided to avoid serious relationships. To help her keep on track with this she's categorized her past relationships into case studies using the fairy-tale princes as references. So far Darby has been doing well going on a year strong with her relationship resolve, that is until she meets Jake. Slowly she finds herself wanting to give up on all her rules and regulations, but she's determined to remain strong knowing the relationship would never last. Still, she can't seem to keep from running into Jake everywhere she goes.

I really liked this book. It's easy to see early one where Darby gets all her beliefs from. She's very insistent on her stance on relationships. She lets Jake know about them from the beginning. I liked that she didn't hide her fears of relationships only to throw it out there during a disagreement or something. The fact that Jake doesn't let Darby's rules dictate his feelings or actions makes him all the more appealing. When Darby kept trying to convince herself to stick with her rules the story started to get repetitive. Regardless, I could understand Darby's reasoning.

The "case study" ex-boyfriends were a really interesting way to do flashbacks of Darby's life over the years. All of them likening back to a Disney prince hence the reference in the title.

Overall, the book followed a standard formula for this kind of story. Regardless, it's still one that I can see myself reading multiple times.

ndravengirl's review against another edition

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I enjoy reading this book. I constantly counting the fairytales that have princes and princesses.

And for the record, a knight is better than a princes.


bookswritingandmore's review against another edition

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This was your typical contemporary love story with a twist. A story of a girl who didn't believe in price charming anymore soon finds her prince charming. After pushing him away, trying to be friends, doing everything to make him go, she soon realizes she wants him to stay. Typical right? Well yes but it was endearing and I'd recommend to anyone who enjoys a good sweet romantic read.