
The Boyfriend List by Jeannie Moon

mimireadsromance's review

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The Boyfriend List is a romance to be savored! Nate, the dashing billionaire hero, has more than good looks and brains going for him. He's emotionally mature (hallelujah), not interested in playing games, and patient enough to make sure he gets what he wants. In his case, what he wants is Jenna. Having been burned by a slick charmer before, Jenna is much more hesitant about starting a relationship with Nate. In fact, she's come to the conclusion that happiness is overrated, and putting herself out there again isn't high on her list. Thank goodness, Nate thinks that someone as wonderful as Jenna shouldn't ever have to settle. He believes that they have the chance at an amazing future and he's determined to prove how good they are together. I won't give away any details, but when life gives them both a push, they're forced to deal with their feelings. Jenna finally understands what Nate means to her, and despite her fears she decides that HE is what makes her happy. Likewise, Nate is more certain than ever that they are meant for one another. I so enjoyed seeing them support each other & defend their choices to family and friends. Nate, who had been rather calm & quiet up to that point, really proved that NO ONE would be allowed to hurt the woman he loved. Even better, Nate was able to vocalize his dreams & wishes, knowing he had Jenna's love and support. Their love truly was a testament to the strength they gave one another!
I have to say, as much as I've enjoyed this series, I was so angry when familiar characters felt the need to interfere in Nate & Jenna's relationship. Angry enough to want to toss the book across the room, and to have to put it down a time or two. In the end, Nate & Jenna get their much deserved happily ever after, and their romance is what always brought me back to the story.
If you love a hero that makes you swoon, you really need to read this romance! Nate has some of the best, most thoughtful lines, I've ever read!

mandy_pandy's review

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When Jenna was 13 years old, she made a list of all the qualities her boyfriend would have. She never thought she'd find someone who would have all these traits, especially after having her heartbroken by a guy she thought loved her. She doesn't trust anyone (including herself) after the way her ex treated her and she swears off of finding love. Nate has been in love with Jenna from the moment he saw her. Nate is afraid to make his move even though he thinks Jenna is the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. Nate is a sweet, geeky, billionaire businessman who is perfect for Jenna if she can open herself up to trusting a man again.

I really enjoyed this story. I have a soft spot for geeky heroes and Nate was fantastic. I love that he was afraid to approach Jenna at first and make his move but once he did, wow, was he sexy. This was a really sweet romance with a little drama. I loved Jemma and Nate together. My only complaint about this book is that I wanted a little more resolution with some of the characters behavior. Overall, I really enjoyed this story and can't wait for the next book in this series.

**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**