
The Blackstone Affair: 3 by Raine Miller

larsvassy's review against another edition

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I am absolutely in love with the Blackstone affairs!!!! Eyes wide open had me gripped till the very end and when it ended I just wanted more! Raine Miller knows how to keep you reading till the end! Ethan and Brynn are an amazing couple with an amazing story to tell, and I love that this boon was told by both of them! I can't wait to see what Miss.Miller has for us next!

lifeand100books's review against another edition

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After reading the first two books in The Blackstone Affair trilogy, Naked and All In, I was anxious to begin reading book three, Eyes Wide Open, to see where Ethan and Brynne's story would go.  Raine Miller had me hooked and intrigued, wondering how their epic, tumultuous, and whirlwind romance would conclude! (It's been announced that a fourth book is in the works - YAY!)

I'll let Goodreads do the talking with regards to the plot:
Big surprises are on the horizon for Ethan and Brynne as they struggle to adjust to what life has thrown at them. Demons from the past are threatening to destroy the passionate bond they’ve forged despite their vow that nothing will ever keep them apart. A truly devastating loss coupled with the promise of a new hope opens their eyes to what is most important, but is it possible for the lovers to move on from the painful histories that continue to haunt them? A stalker is still lurking in the shadows, plotting evil amidst the distraction of the 2012 Olympic games in London. Brynne and Ethan are on the cusp of losing everything as the stakes rise. Will they yield to circumstances beyond their control or will they give every ounce of fight they have left to save each other and win the ultimate prize of a life together?

Eyes Wide Open is a passion-wrought story that shows us what pure love can achieve when tested and what the heart can accomplish despite danger and adversity.

My biggest complaint about the first two books in this series was that I didn't think the characters loved each other.  I felt like they lusted after each other and mistook that for love.  I'm happy to say that Eyes Wide Open delved deeper into Brynne and Ethan's relationship and helped me understand them a lot better.  In order to understand them as a couple we needed to understand them as individuals.  Eyes Wide Open did open my eyes to who they were, but most specifically, who Ethan is.  The amount of darkness he has had to deal with on a personal level makes his (at times) overbearing personality understandable.  His need to be in control makes total sense in the grand scheme of his life.  The fact that Brynne understands the reason behind his control issues and accepts them proves what a perfect partner she is for Ethan.  Her ability to look over all his "quirks" and push back at the appropriate times shows that. she isn't a woman to mess with.  Sure, she bows to Ethan's wishes at times, but not without making her feelings on the subject known and working on a compromise with him.

One other added plus to this series?  Miller's approach to nude art.  The human body truly is a beautiful thing that can definitely become a work of art, as the cover of Naked clearly demonstrates.  To have Brynne be a model for these types of portraits and then explain the importance of being said model makes a bold statement about nude art that any art lover can appreciate.

I'm truly excited that Miller has planned more books for not only these characters, but some of the supporting characters in the series as well.  Ethan is a hot sexy specimen of a man and one I'm just not ready to let go of yet.  I'm hooked on the lives of these characters, and that's the greatest compliment I can give Miller.  They've moved beyond the realm of stories and characters and feel now like old, well-known friends.

Kimberly (Reflections of a Book Addict)
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anasatticbookblog's review against another edition

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Read more of my reviews and ramblings at Ana's Attic Book Blog

4.5 stars

“My kinky, foul-mouthed romantic gentleman lover.”


The hot, kinky, posessive, over-the-top-in-love, dominant, alpha, Ethan Blackstone, is back in the third book of the Blackstone Affair Series. While the first book, Naked was from Brynne's point of view, and the second, All In, was completely from Ethan's, the third, (out of four) Eyes Wide Open, was told from alternating points of view, and I thought it was brilliant. Yes, did you catch that? FOUR books total. But don't you worry, this book has a great happy ending, and book 4 will just delve further into Ethan and Brynne's relationship. I, for one, am thrilled. I can never get enough of Ethan's sexy dirty talk, alpha possessiveness, and all-consuming love for Brynne.

"Are you real?" He whispered, brushing up my face with the back of his fingers in a cherishing caress. "Because I'll want you forever."


Eyes Wide Open begins where All In ends, so you may want to quickly look over the end of All In before reading. Ethan is getting really close to the Olympics and working around the clock. They are settling into their relationship, and Brynne is falling more in love, and becoming more dependent on Ethan, much to her dismay. But she is working on it in therapy, and her growth in this book was a beautiful thing to see.

“Yeah,” I sobbed, taking a moment to get the next part out, “I need him so badly…and it makes me utterly vulnerable…and what will I do if some day he decides he doesn’t want me anymore?”
“It’s called trust, Brynne, and it is by far the hardest gift to give away.”
She was right about that.

Though they are settling in, the sex between Ethan and Brynne is still so fucking hot. The connection between them is so strong, their passion for eachother is so deep, it leaps off the page. And it's still dirty, kinky and HOT. Here are some of the highlights from one shower scene:

"How badly do you want to be touched?"
"No touching me, baby. This is all for you. Put your hands out and press back against the tile, and stay like that for me."
"Oh, fuck, you're so slippery, baby. Let me hear you!"
"But you were a bad girl and took your hands off the wall"
"Put your arms around my neck and hold on"
"Yes, my beauty?" She panted at me. "You look so beautiful waiting for me to fuck you up against this shower wall. You love to be fucked on walls, don't you?
"I love fucking you on walls"

Brynne, though, is still in danger, and Ethan can't stand the idea of leaving her alone and unprotected for a second.

"I had fear inside of me. Batshit, crazy-as-fuck, have-me-committed, I'm-petrified-out-of-my-bloody-skull fear."

Ethan is also still dealing with nightmares and finding solace in Brynne, who never turns him down. He forces Brynne to open up to him so much, yet he really doesn't share what is going on. He does eventually, but never fully, something I'd like to see more of in book four.

“Brynne was my heaven. I’d seek out my heaven endlessly.”


Brynne and Ethan go to the country to meet Ethan's sister and her adorable daughter, Zara. This is where the intense, broody possessive alpha turns into the adorable playful hottie, and totally turned me into mush. Between this scene and a few others, this book had a few more light, fun moments that I really adored.

“Holy shit… I might just die from so much sex.”
She shrugged… “Yeah, but it’d be a fun way to go, wouldn’t it?”

Though Ethan was eager to cement their relationship, Brynne was still hesitant, until a twist happens causing her to finally come to terms with her feelings for Ethan. Once she gives into him, the connection between them became an unbreakable force.

“He brought me out from the dark and into the light. Ethan had given me back my life.”

And as always, Ethan's love for Brynne was unbreakable:

“It always amazed me at how easy it was to carry her. I knew why. It was because she carried my heart with her wherever she went. My heart was in her hands, and carrying her was some form of self-preservation, maybe. Holding her, holding me up. I couldn't explain it, but I understood it. Made perfect sense to me.”

Sidenote here, one of my favorite things Ethan says is something my husband says, and I fucking loved it.

“Eyes on me, baby”
“You know I have to have your eyes when I take you!”

To me, this story was always about Ethan and Brynne, two badly broken souls who find the perfect person to make them whole again. It was never really about the danger that Brynne was in, but after three books and a lot of build-up, the culmination of that story was just kind of 'meh' to me.


-Ethan fucking Blackstone.
-Brynne's Character growth.
-Brynne was never really stupid enough to run away put herself in danger.
-Ethan's light funny side.
-Holy hot wall sex, shower sex, any sex!
-Ethan, for me, got his dominant, alpha side back much more in this book, something I kind of missed in All In.
-The little easter eggs from The Undoing of a Libertine and His Perfect Passion, Raine's Historicals.
-Brynne finally realizing she loves and needs Ethan as much as he does her.


-Ethan still keeps too much of himself away from Brynne, and he expects her to be so open with him.
-The whole bad-guy situation was wrapped up too quickly and left me wanting more details.
***This may be because I have an ARC version, but I had a lot of confusion when switching POV, there was no division and I would read a paragraph or two then realize and have to go back and re-read.

Rating: 4.5 stars 4.5 heat

Raine Miller writes the male point of view better than any other writer. I definitely felt like I connected with Ethan's character more than Brynne's in this series. I have also never read a series where the hero, the dirty-talking, possessive, alpha hero loved the heroine quite as much as Ethan loves Brynne. But I must say, I loved the way Brynne finally came around and gave her trust and love wholeheartedly to Ethan.

“….my eyes have really only been opened since you came into my world. You gave me everything. You made me really want to see what was around me, for the first time in my adult life. You made me want you. You made me want….. a life. You were my greatest gift of all, Ethan James Blackstone.”

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pratheeksha's review against another edition

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Loved Ethan and Brynne journey.
I really hoped to learn all the demons from Ethan's past but I am not lucky yet.
I need to read the next book in this series NOW.

kath12's review against another edition

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I was given this book from Netgalley for an honest review.

So I am a little sad to say that I may be a little happy that this trilogy is at it's end. But, I would like to add that out of the 3 this was my favorite book. On to the characters. Well here we have sweet little Brynne. What can I say about her that you don't already know. I am sure that you already know her tale from the other two books, so let me give you my impression. Bry, Bry dear sweet Bry. Please pick one personality and stick with it. You are either the spunky submissive or the insecure doormat. Now don't get me wrong, I understand her reasons for being both but come on stick to one for more than a chapter please. I actually did like the spunky submissive side of her though. I probably would of been a complete submissive when it came to Ethan also. And that leads me to Ethan. He started out somewhat controlling and then all of a sudden turned into no holds bar I-may-need-to-go-into-witness-protection-to-get-away-from-him guy. Yikes, I get he may be a tad(HA!) controlling, dominate and intense but wowwwwww. I really felt sorry for her at first. But as the books went on he kind of loosened up some, which I was thankful for. By book 3 I found him quite yummy, so I kind of forgave him for his earlier bad behavior. All in all by the end, both characters calmed and leveled and grew on me. And by the way, no one and I mean no one has that much hot steamy sex lol.

Like I said earlier the story got better with each book and so did the writing. If you paid close attention, you can see the change in the style. Things were better written out and the story just more complete. As I said this was my favorite book out of the three. I will say that it was kind of anticlimactic for me though. I needed a bigger bang there lol. There just wasn't enough "boom" for me when it all came to the end. And come on I want to know if they are having a boy or a girl. Did Raine tell us somewhere and I just missed it? Hmmm? Character that grew on me, hot British accents,plot that kind of fizzled and way to many orgasms fro one trilogy led me to my 4 star rating.

My song for this book: #1 Crush by Garbage

jaimejustreadsromance's review against another edition

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3.5 Stars
Again...this book was just, OK. I hate to say it but had I not requested the ARC's of the full series I'm not sure if I would continue reading.
I really liked book #1 but I feel like this and book #2 fell short of my expectations.
Like I said in my review of All In, the drama feels a bit too forced and just doesn't develop in a way that makes my heart beat. In fact the storyline doesn't really do much for my emotions. It just doesn't evoke any strong feelings in me, good or bad. Well except for some reason him constantly calling Brynne "My Girl". I don't know why but I hate that!
I just feel like there is all this hinting towards crazy things about to happen and then suddenly it happens and ends almost before it really even began. I really wanted to love this series because I've read so many positive things about it but I just don't. I have commited to reading all four books though so...on to Rare and Precious Things.

*I received an ARC from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review

sushmithamohan's review against another edition

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Yikes I hated this. The sexist dialogue and the random pregnancy plotline were truly unbearable, will not continue reading this series. Do not recommend.

kfajardo's review against another edition

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I couldn’t wait for this next book in The Blackstone Affair series as I am a huge Raine Miller fan and I love everything about Ethan Blackstone (imagining him as David Gandy as I read the book..sighhhh). Raine did not disappoint. I have to say that this was my favorite in the series so far. I hate the fact that her father is dead. I really like him.

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review against another edition

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It's finally here! I've been patiently waiting (along with many others) for this installment in the Blackstone Affair series. I needed to know who was behind the bombing at the gallery. Why was Brynne sick? And most importantly, do Ethan and Brynne find their happily ever after. Raine Miller did a fantastic job of giving the Ethan and Brynne lovers a story that displayed the depth of their feelings and commitment to each other.

If you haven't read the previous 2 books in the series (Naked and All In) stop reading this and go buy them, as they are a must read before you get to this book.

Brynne and Ethan have had their fair share of trouble in the short amount of time they've been together. He was hired, by Brynne's father, to protect her from potential harm in the way of a Senator's son. But Ethan fell hard for Brynne and was determined to have her. He may not have used the most effective method to convince Brynne that he was her man, but he did what he needed to ensure Brynne knew how he felt.

Both Brynne and Ethan have some pretty large emotional issues that need to be overcome: Ethan's PTSD after being held captive in Afghanistan and Brynne from the rape suffered at the hands of her boyfriend and his friends. While most people might think that given their issues they shouldn't have entered into a relationship with one another, these two lost souls connect with one another and make it possible for both of them to move forward from the horrid events of their past and look towards a future together.

The culprit behind who was threatening Brynne comes to light...and it's not who anyone would have thought it was. Raine Miller kept me on my toes with this one and I was pleasantly shocked when everything was revealed. The conclusion to that particular storyline was a happy one, but that didn't mean there wasn't some fall out as we got to the end of the line. But those events could have pulled Ethan and Brynne apart, but instead it just solidified their relationship (which was great to see).

I was a bit sad when I got to the end of the book, because I didn't want Ethan and Brynne's story to come to an end. While this book could truly be the conclusion to the series and end with a happily ever after, it felt like there was more Ethan and Brynne needed to share with us. Luckily, Raine Miller agreed. A fourth installment to the series is coming later this year, so those that have enjoyed this series...we have something to look forward to.

As I said earlier, if you haven't picked up this series, definitely pick it up. It's worth it.

saluki's review against another edition

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There is a fourth book. But I'm done.