
What Remains by Helene Dunbar

msethna's review

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3.5 Stars. I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I really wanted to like this book a lot and I did like it. I just didn't LOVE it. I do think some of my students will enjoy this story about three best friends (Spencer, Cal, and Lizzie) who get in a car accident - Spencer is okay, Lizzie dies, and Cal gets Lizzie's heart and haunts him from inside his body. It is an interesting concept, but I just didn't love it.

summerrae87's review

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Cal, Lizzie and Spencer are best friends -- so close, in fact, that they constantly dodge rumors involving threesomes and the like. It's not like that, though, at least in Cal's mind. Cal and Spencer are constantly saving Lizzie from her home life; one night, Cal finds out a secret about Lizzie and Spencer that haunts him throughout the entire book. When the unthinkable happens and one of the trio is killed, the other two struggle to pull the remaining pieces of their lives together. This novel jumps from suspense to guilt, old love to new romance, and everything in between. The real question the reader is left with is this -- is it possible to live without your other half?

ritareadstrash's review

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It read like a weird teen version of the lovely bones

malissac's review

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To say that this book didn't go quite the way I expected it would be an understatement but the journey that we are taken on with Lizzie, Spencer, Cal, and Ally is truly beautiful.

This is a, I want to call it 'heart-breaking' and 'heart-warming' but you will see why those words sound a bit hollow when you read the book, I think a better way to say it is to say it is a soul warming and at times emotionally crushing book.

Cal is an all-American teen with dreams of baseball stardom, a crush on a beautiful girl that he's afraid to talk to, two best friends who support each other, particularly Lizzie whose home life and emotional stability are constantly in flux. Their world comes crashing down after a tragic accident leaving Cal and Spencer finding their way in the world again. This is truly Cal's story and I adored Cal, I could really connect with him, ache for him when he hurt, smile when he was happy, and just want the best for him all around.

This is a beautiful story for any Contemporary Romance YA fan. The romance is light, but the feelings are heavy and you will get them all with this story. You might want to have a bit of tissue handy although I wouldn't call this book a tear jerker, more a weepy read. Helene does a beautiful job of tempering out the pain with joyful moments and doesn't leave us drowning in emotion. This book will give you a slight book hangover and leave you thinking about life, how it is laid out in front of you, and how you live it. It is a fairly quick read, just over 250 pages, so it would be a lovely afternoon read on the weekend when you can go through it undisturbed and let it flow into you. It is beautifully written and you can tell the story comes from a true place of love for Helene. It was a joy to read. Sidetone: I kinda really love that cover!

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bluebeewrites's review

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Istyria book blog ~ B's world of enchanted books

You know that feeling when a book didn't blow your mind but you loved it nonetheless? That's what I have now. What Remains didn't blow my mind, it was nothing really new or original, but I still loved it quite a bit.

What Remains is about Cal. For as long as he remembers he's been friends with Spencer and Lizzie. He figures that won't change anytime soon. Until one day they get in a car accident. Suddenly Cal's life is changed forever. He has a new heart and he's lost his promising future in baseball and his best friend Lizzie. As if that's not enough, he starts hearing a familiar voice in his head and starts dreaming someone else's dreams. Cal always thought there was nothing he and his friends couldn't overcome, but all of this may be the the only exception.

You'd expect this book to be very heartbreaking. I mean, read that blurb! And in a way it did break my heart, but it didn't make me cry rivers or anything like that. There was a really good balance between the grief and the happy moments. For every sad moment there was one that made me smile. And I liked that! I really did. This book may not be super original, but it's still very good. I really couldn't put it down. It didn't let me go from the moment I read the first sentence. And that's not a very easy thing to accomplish with me nowadays.

The romance is very nicely done. It doesn't take over the story at all. I think it was just about perfect. It's very sweet and there are a few swoony moments, but it didn't take anything away from the main story. At one point though, this book could've taken an entirely different road and I would've loved to see that one explored, but the author didn't take that route and I'm fine with that. It's a bit of a shame though because that would've been pretty original and interesting. Not that there's anything wrong with how the story ultimately went, I just think it would've been less predictable.

I really liked the characters in this book. Spencer was such a sweet guy and a great friend. He's there for Cal to support him and I really loved him! Lizzie was cool and I really did like her even though she wasn't in the story as much as I wanted her to be. I liked Ally, she was very sweet. I would've liked to see more of Cal's parents though. I feel like they needed more time too. And then Cal. I really, really loved him. I felt for him and I understood his feelings and what he was going through. I rooted for him the whole time.

In the end What Remains may not be anything spectacular, it was still very good. I was very satisfied reading this book and I recommend it to fans of contemporary because it touches on a tough subject in a way that doesn't make this book overly emotional and hard to read. It's a good book to read in one sitting with cuddled up under a warm blanket or outside on a nice warm afternoon.

This review is also (or -soon- will be) posted on Istyria book blog

bookmarc's review

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kaylawhata's review

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Thank you to NetGalley and Flux books for the advanced electronic copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Cal, Spencer, and Lizzie have always been friends. The three juniors have their own interests (baseball, drama, and art) but look out for and support one another. Lizzie’s home life isn’t that great, with an apathetic mom and her creeper boyfriends, so Cal and Spencer are always available for late night rescues. After taking their SATs, the trio set out on a weekend getaway with Cal at the wheel. A distracted driver crashes into Cal’s car, throwing an unbuckled Lizzie from the backseat and damaging Cal’s heart.

Cal wakes up days later to discover he’s had a heart transplant and that Lizzie died from the accident. The weeks that follow are hard for Cal as he adjusts to medication that is supposed to prevent his body from rejecting the heart and is forced to limit his physical activity---aka, give up what he loves most: baseball. However, nothing compares to the guilt he feels for losing Lizzie.

"But I guess, what remains after someone you love dies aren’t things you can reach out and touch. When you love someone, that love changes you for better or worse. So in a way, maybe they’re never truly gone."

This was a poignant story that had its heartwarming moments and believable characters. Spencer in particular was my favorite. he was a great friend to Cal, encouraging him to seek therapy after the accident and helping him get over his fear of driving. The plot touches on cellular memory, the theory that transplant receivers sometimes remember tastes/feelings/thoughts from their donor. I thought this was an interesting concept and it was well done within the context of the story.

thefox22's review

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*eARC kindly provided by Flux via NetGalley*
This is a pretty spoilery one!

An emotional, and sometimes heartbreaking, journey told all in one boy's POV. A guy who has two best friends but is ripped away from one of them forever. A boy who has to come to terms, not just with Lizzie's death, but with the beat of her heart in his chest. I found his journey to be full of growth and acceptance. But I have to say, I was a wee bit disappointed with the romance. I would have liked it if the author had explored Cal’s sexuality, and I felt that his friendship with Spencer had been left unresolved. I think it would have felt more genuine, to me, if it had become something more than what it seemed. Ultimately, I enjoyed this book though and would recommend to people who like emotionally tragic but healing stories.

Rating: 3.5 Paw Prints!