
Karma al instante, by Marissa Meyer

annaparente's review against another edition

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One of my favorite parts of this book were the characters. That is really where Marissa Meyer shines, and I think that is how she was able to write a decent contemporary novel-- even though the plotting and occasionally info-dumping writing style was reminiscent of a fantasy or sci-fi.

I also have been reading some reviews complaining about how unlikeable Prudence was in the beginning despite that being the point of the book, but I found her really relatable. Driven, judgmental, overachieving. Freaking out over anything less than an A. Having a twin brother and three additional siblings (side note on that, the chaos of a five-kid household was on point. I wish we got more scenes with Pru's whole family together). The other characters were great too. Quint was wonderful, and Jude and Ari, while side characters, were very well-developed.

I don't think the budget for this book was very large. I'm pretty sure it was only published because Marissa Meyer wanted o try writing a contemporary, and she's popular enough that her publisher knew it would sell. This isn't a bad thing-- it was a pretty good book as a whole, and I'm all for authors dipping their toes into new genres-- but there are a couple things I would like to point out.

1) The inside cover says Prudence's last name is Daniels, but throughout the entire book they say her last name is Barnett. A small mistake, but it seems like a pretty big oversight considering Marissa Meyer's popularity.

2) The first five chapters or so felt like one cliche rom-com trope after another. I don't know if this was intentional or not, and I don't read a ton of romance so it was actually kind of fun for me to read, but some other people may have been upset by it. The book did move away from the cliche after the beginning.

I think that's pretty much it. Maybe it's just because I know Marissa Meyer usually writes fantasy and sci-fi, but something about the writing made it clear she wasn't as proficient in this genre. Overall, this was a fun, fluffy read, and I would recommend if that's what you're looking for.

mystical_reader's review against another edition

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I read this book a little over a month ago, and I'm just writing a review now. But I had somethings I wanted to say about this book. Things I really loved, things I disliked, and the all of the in between.

First the plot- I really enjoyed the plot of this book. The whole thing where characters have to work in an environment they wouldn't usually, I enjoy. I also liked the middle of the story, it was so easy and fun to read through. But I didn't care for the beginning or the ending of the book. I couldn't get fully into the book until a little past page 100. And the ending was a miscommunication trope, it was well done, but I just don't care for the trope in general. Though, the inner monologue carries it easily through the beginning all the way to the end. There were some true laugh out loud moments, that I really enjoyed. One big thing that bothered me, was that the big part of the book isn't mentioned in the blurb. There is a large thing that happens, that is quite literally the plot of the book, and it isn't talked about in the blurb. Overall the plot is enjoyable, and I do want to read more of Marrisa Meyer.

Second, the characters- Our main character is Prudence, and she likes doing well in school. Okay, that's very vague. She's likes to have things on schedule and in order, she also likes to take control. She's considered to be bossy, and she likes telling others what to do. The way Prudence handles things in this book felt like real and reasonable decisions. I don't actually have many thoughts on Prudence. She's a fun character, who goes through a lot of growth.

Then there's the love interest, Quint. What I liked so much about Quint, is that he had his own hopes, passions, and he feels like a real person. I've read a lot of books where the love interest doesn't have any other hopes except winning the heart of the main character. But Quint had his own struggles and dreams. I enjoyed his quick remarks to any negative comment, and the close relationship he had with his mom. Overall I really like Quint, and he's a favorite character of mine.

Of course, there are more characters, but this review would be very long if I explained everything I liked about each character.

The romance- The romance of this story is like a warm hug. It's an actual enemies to lovers, which was appreciated. They start off as enemies to unlikely friends to friends to lovers back to enemies and then lovers once again. Yes, it's a lot. But it's done very well. The little scenes they have together when they just click, are so cute. You can tell about halfway through that Quint has a crush on Prudence, and I am living for it. I couldn't stop smiling when they finally told each other their feelings. The end is very quick, and they have a falling out. The two eventually talk it out, but the whole situation did sour my feeling on Quint. (Still love him though.) Overall, the couple is incredibly cute and I loved reading about their story.

This book was wonderful. Yes, it had some faults for me. But this book has officially made me want to read more of Marrissa Meyer's writing.

rosan4's review against another edition

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Me gusto muchisimo, Prudence es un poco not like other girls pero de un modo tolerable (?), Quint es el amor de mi vida, es un terron de azucar porfavor. Lo recomiendo resto, y me vo a animar a leer más de la autora.
Shoutout a @unreclub en insta pq esta es la lectura del mes de noviembre y por eso lo lei!

nikio12's review against another edition

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tishamae's review against another edition

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Normally with a Marissa Meyer book I have a hard time putting down her books. I loved the Lunar Chronicles, and so finding out that she had written a modern, semi-fantastical book was enough to get my interest piqued.

Beatles, an odd affinity for luck/karma, and an enemies to lovers storyline with some adorable animals mixed in? Sign me up!

The book is slow to get going however, and I had a hard time getting into it, which is unusual for me with this author. Prudence was similar to her name, being judgmental and a bit of a busy body, to the point of it being irksome. It isn't a quirky trait, it is just kind of annoying, and this character type is showing up more and more in novels and making me feel a little fatigued. Maybe I need to branch out on the book styles that I read.

The book is interesting, though things tend to come out of nowhere and the writing not seeming to meet with what is being presented, such as one of the workers being older but speaking as though she were someone young and materialistic. This may be a fault of the way she was acted on the audio book though, as this is one that I listened to rather than read.

It is a decent book and I am glad that I read it, but it isn't one that I think I will revisit in the future from Meyer. It's a shame, as I love this type of novel and I love the author.

It is well written, and as in her other books the supporting characters are great and there seems to be an opening for future installments for her friend and brother, but I guess that remains to be seen

cmcintyre's review against another edition

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Meh. It was ok. It ended up being more of a time filler than anything. Classic enemies to lovers (but PG) story with a slight twist. It was cute but ultimately empty fluff.

itsdianakelly's review against another edition

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I'm a little bummed out, I must say. I'm usually into Marissa Meyer's books but this just wasn't doing it for me. I think it was because I wasn't really the right demographic here. Perhaps if I was an actual teenager, I would've been more intrigued. I wanted more from the romance!

I just, didn't like Prudence. She started off very narrow-minded, harsh and judgmental. That's cool, I'm all about waiting for that character development! But I found myself waiting. And waiting. And waiting. She got a liiiiiiittle bit better at the very end, but. Sigh.

lasdebrock's review against another edition

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I am a sucker for a good enemies to lovers story and this is a great one! If you're interested in the trope but have never read one before, this is a great start.

I love a lot of things about this book!

flverals's review against another edition

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casslorenz875's review against another edition

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I thought this was super cute overall. I liked the writing, as usual, from Marissa. It did feel a bit slow at the start and the pacing was a bit uneven, but it was a feel-good, not crazy stereotypical, romantic contemporary with a unique, marine twist to the plot. Plus, the plot twist at the end was not something I ever would've thought of, so I enjoyed it quite a bit.

Prudence. She really annoyed me at first, and I almost wanted to DNF this, but since it's Meyer, I held out. I did grow on her, the same way she did towards Quint, and I ended up liking her hard-working spirit. Something that made me happy about Pru, was that she was comfortable in her plus size and her curves, especially since it wasn't too forced upon of a topic.

Quint. I don't know what it is about the really nice guys, but I want a Quint. He just kept getting better and better. He's so witty and charming. AND he does a ton of selfless things with the center?? I need. I'm also kinda happy that his appearance (other than his eyebrows, or course) wasn't mentioned once, so that the reader can imagine him however they want. I hope he gets to realize his dream of going to college for photography and design. (also, the fact that Quint never once mentioned Pru's 'imperfect, beachbody' makes me soooo happy)

I want a whole sequel dedicated to them in college because that genuinely seems like the most adorable thing ever.