
Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete Filmmaking Journey by Bob McCabe

balletbookworm's review

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A really fantastic collection about the movie magic that went into the Harry Potter movies. Amazing concept art, blueprints, sketches, reminisces from cast and crew. Lots of fun particularly as it really shows how AMAZING the designers are for these movies.

bookhoarding's review

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This is pretty much Hogwarts a History, but about the films. Fans of the movies and films will enjoy this coffee-table worthy book filled with page after page of quotes from the cast and crew, interspersed with fantastic never-before-seen photos of the production process. I feel like you really don't need to be a film buff to enjoy this. There are interviews with major and minor actors, and some crew members I never even knew existed. The thought and work that went in to creating most every seen, and unseen, detail is discussed. It would have been impossible to document each detail in one volume, but this does a fantastic job of covering as much ground as possible.

The first portion details the production of each movie, which honestly changed my perspective on some artistic changes and script cuts that were made. I feel like Alfonso Cuaron was finally vindicated in this text. Most every directorial decision was given a chance to argue its point. The next part of the book is broken down to explain in detail the characters, locations, creatures and props that figured prominently in the series. I was really happy with what was provided (from art during the pre-visualization process to the final models), though I'll always wish there was a book dedicated to each and every costume in the series.

I highly suggest any fan take a moment to read this at some point, it'll make you notice aspects of the movies you never paid an inch of attention to before. I was lucky enough to find it at a local library so I didn't have to shell out the $75.

thepiqht's review

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Book: Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete Filmmaking Journey
Author: Bob McCabe
Source: I Own It

Everything down to the illustrations and page design are gorgeous. The book is divided up into sections (characters, making of the movie etc) which makes it a lot easier to find what you're looking for, or to skim past parts that you don't find as interesting.

sidenotes: has a few pullouts, the binding is good for a book this size, includes pictures of polaroids

kristid's review

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didn't really "read" the whole thing.... but skimmed through and read some of it. This thing is AWESOM! A must have for fans of the HP films. This goes into a lot more depth than any other book on the movies, and I absolutely loved it. I'm so sad to see this whole franchise come to an end.

kkellymsu's review

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It was really interesting to see how the fictional world was recreated using old-school techniques. A lot of things I thought were CGI were actually really done with traditional techniques instead of technology.

e_clair301's review against another edition

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informative slow-paced


Huge book, tons of info

badazz_knitter's review

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This gargantuan tome details every stage of the process that transformed the J.K. Rowling books into the Warner Bros. movies. When the movies originally came out, I was seriously disappointed with the obvious discrepancies from movie to movie as well as some of the missing plot (as almost every fan of the books was, I suppose). This book gave me a look at the decision making process that the producers, directors, and most importantly the screenplay writer followed, and allowed for a better understanding of the theatrical series as a whole.

One of my favorite aspects of the book, however, was the artwork. From conceptual art detailing the costumes, artifacts, and locations to the several different styles of death-eater masks and wands, it was a beautiful (and at times macabre)supplement to the Harry Potter experience as a whole. This is a must have for any Harry Potter enthusiast!

shannonsnextchapter's review

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Have read this book cover to cover twice! It's brilliant for Harry Potter fans, and those interested in the inner workings of the film industry

raechsreads's review

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Amazing! Behind the scenes and concept art are a great way to discover how they created the magic of Harry Potter.

misha_devi's review

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This book was fascinating and made me realise just how much attention to detail and thought was put into every tiny part of the harry potter films!! It was really interesting and im going to appreciate these films a lot more now!