
Side-Kicked by Miguel Mendonça, Bong Dazo, Russell Brettholtz

daynpitseleh's review

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I received this from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is about a group of superhero sidekicks that are tired of being second fiddle and decide to go on strike. That's basically the gist of it. The plot is too simplistic and I didn't find myself caring about any of the characters.

jmanchester0's review

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What does it mean to be a hero?

The sidekicks are fed up. They save lives and the heroes take the credit. Their heroes don't appreciate them. Their activities go unnoticed. The media ignores them. So they go on strike.

This story works surprisingly well. I was unsure about the premise - the story could have been handled poorly - but it was really well-executed.

And while you have some familiar powers, there are some new, creative ones, too.

Like all good stories, the characters learn things, but this book doesn't hit you over the head with its messages.

I hope there's a sequel.

Recommended for a different take on the superhero story.

Thanks to NetGalley and Magnetic Press for a copy in return for an honest review.

powisamy's review

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I thought I would really like this comic, it is one that I thought would interest me, being the premise was about trying to find sidekicks, and this is something I should enjoy being that I like books or graphic novels that do not focus on the chosen one however this one was not for me. I did not feel engaged with the story that after 10 pages, I did just want it to be finished. This being the case I did end up stopping at after this. The artwork also was not to my taste as well and I thought that it was quite normal and did not stand out. As I have been reading more graphic novels as of late this one was average and did not stand out from the crowd.

emarleene's review

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Side-Kicked was a short and interesting comic that dealt with a unique concept. The sidekicks of the super heroes finally got tired of how they were being treated and left in the shadows without any appreciation for their hard work. This sounded like it could have been a great story and overall I did feel that this comic dealt with it in a nice way. I do, however, feel like it was too easy and not enough surprise to this. There weren’t any twists or unexpected events, it all felt kind of boring to be honest.

I do like the style this is drawn in, but someone pointed out that these characters are supposed to be young adults, but unfortunately they seemed more like middle aged men to me.
The comic was a bit short and therefore I didn’t have enough time to get invested in the characters and there were so many heroes and sidekicks in such a short comic that it became a bit hard to distinguish them from each other.

I would recommend this for those who enjoy superhero comics, but don’t expect to be blown away. It’s a fun and fast read, but nothing memorable.

lilyn_g's review

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Side-Kicked is perhaps the third graphic novel I've ever willingly picked up. I was surprised at a couple things in it (primarily that one of the characters considered suicide a couple times), and was surprised at the depth of what I found in what I had expected to be 'light, easy reading". I liked the unique premise of side-kicks rebelling, and found myself actually enjoying what I read. I would recommend it for adults.