
Crazed by Edie Harris

prgchrqltma's review

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I'm not sure about this one for a number of reasons.
1. Why does someone always get kidnapped in these books?
2. Why did the hero's grief have to be a big secret?
3. What's with all the danger/risk sex?
I'll probably continue because I'd like to know the big reason behind the overarching plot.

theladyinreds's review

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This is one of those books where I didn't buy-in so I spent the whole time hollering at all of the characters for doing stupid things. I found the heroine, Ilda, especially frustrating.

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poisonivy70's review

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The Faradays, never a dull moment: The action begins from the very first page, and it never really lets up. The third Blood Money novel begins as Casey Faraday is organizing the family to go after baby brother Adam, who has been kidnapped off the street and taken to Columbia for reasons unknown. Casey spent some time about four years ago working undercover as a brigadier in the Marin cartel, under a certain cartel head named Pipe. As the story unfolds, we find out alot about Casey, including his secret relationship and marriage to, Ilda Almeida. A secret marriage that had Casey leaving Columbia believing himself to be a widower. Since this is in the blurb, I don’t feel badly about giving those deets, but to keep this as spoiler free as possible, I’m about to vague it up some. Basically, from there, the story brings the angst hard and kept me turning the page well into the night.

Oh the delicious tension: In order to invest in a romantic suspense story, I need to feel tense. Like I’m gonna need a massage afterwards because my shoulders are bunched up and I’m waiting for that shoe to drop in the most painful way possible. I need to engage with those characters, to feel the danger, the adrenaline rushes, I need it all. While reading Casey and Ilda’s story, I felt that delicious tension, the thrill running up and down my spine, and I loved it. Casey and Ilda are gobsmacked when they see each other and their reunion is explosive. As for easy answers as to the whys, well there aren’t any and that’s the best thing. For example...

Nothing is black and white: If there’s one thing that I admire, it’s an author that can take a villain or a hero and imbue them with so many layers that it’s not a matter of simply calling them Hero or Villain. These are complex, fascinating characters and I was as intrigued with Pipe as I was with Casey, even as I rooted for Casey and Ilda to reunite. That’s not an easy thing to do and I admire Ms. Harris for her willingness to shine a light on all the corners of their souls, light and dark. To let the reader see that there are no easy answers, just hard choices.

There are head scratcher moments: I have to note that there are moments where I had to say “what the ever loving fuck are they thinking” when it came to certain actions taken, right in the midst of some intense and dangerous situations. Action that lead to hot sex or touching moments, but all I kept thinking was “Is this the proper time to do that? You know, when LIFE IN DANGER?” Also, Ilda’s choice to stay as part of Pipe’s world? Yeah, that wasn’t easy to swallow at first. Once I learned the truth of her life for those four painful years, well I have to admit that it became easier to understand why Ilda would continue to stay in Pipe’s orbit, considering the inherent danger.

Want more now: Adam! Lordy I want to know more about Adam and I cannot wait to read his story. To be honest, I want it all now. This series has moved up the ranks of my fave action/adventure books and I want to know more about this world they inhabit.

I really enjoyed Casey and Ilda’s intense, angsty romance and the suspense was crazy. Even with some crazy plot choices, I am loving this series and I love the Faradays. They’re a very interesting family and I can’t wait ‘til it’s time to visit with them again.

**ARC provided by publisher via netgalley for review**