
Nobody's Damsel by E.M. Tippetts

fictionalkate's review against another edition

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Chloe is now in her dream occupation - a forensic scientist working crime scenes for the police. But with her career comes stress and Chloe has enough of that having to run from snap happy photographers who capture her every move. Jason is busy with his own job and the drama that comes from being a Hollywood heart-throb.

When the case Chloe is working on brings up memories she'd rather forget and emotions threaten to get in the way of finding the one responsible for a child's abduction and the added stress of Jason's ex back in the picture, it seems there's more to the fairytale than first meets the eye.

Whilst I loved the happy ending of Someone Else's Fairytale, I could not have been happier for the somewhat troubled beginning of Noone's Damsel. The course of true love never did run smooth and that can definitely be said for the characters of Chloe and Jason. Marriage doesn't necessity mean happily ever after. The heroes and heroines of fairytales didn't have stalking paparazzi and tabloids trying to cause drama in their relationships. A problem I have in some novels is that after all the pain and mess a couple goes though to get together, the author then lets them off the hook and everything's clear sailing from then on. Not the case with this particular couple. They have issues, fights and trouble. I thought the realism that this added was fantastic and only made me like Chloe more than I did previously.

Where in the first novel I was focused on the romantic relationship between Chloe and Jason, this book had me more interested in Chloe's job as a forensic scientist. I found it fascinating the relationships between the police and the crime scene investigators. The romance is still there it's just not the sole focus of the story.

The secondary characters are great in their roles - I was especially glad to see Kyra popping up again. They added to the plot and I liked to see how Chloe's relationships with the Van der Volts and her sister has developed.

This novel was a pleasure to read. The writing was well researched. The plot was well though out but still had a few twists. I loved how realistic Tippetts had made the relationship of a Hollywood superstar with a lab geek - both the romance and the demands of their chosen careers. The tribute at the end of the book was heartfelt and beautiful. I can't wait to read the next instalment of Chloe and Jason's lives together.

jscarpa14's review against another edition

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First let me note I read a Kindle edition of this book, not the paperback but since I can't find that already on here and I'm too lazy to add that edition to the data base I figured I'd just make note of that in the review.

The sequel to Chloe and Jason's Fairy tale movie star with a crime victim story is presented in Nobody's Damsel, again the story blurs the genres because it's not just a who done it story with Chloe as some sort of detective and though most of our characters from the original story have returned we're seeing different aspects of them. Yes the plot stands out a little more in this novel, but Chloe isn't a detective she's a CSI lab person. One of my main things with this novel is that the timeline doesn't seem to quite mesh. She's been married to Jason for six months but has already managed to graduate grad school and they didn't have a super long engagement but she hadn't yet started grad school when he proposed. I was kind of under the impression that grad school took a little longer than that, though I could be wrong since I never actually finished college myself. It just seems that grad school would take a couple years at least so they should have either been married longer or been engaged longer or something in my opinion for the time line to seem right to me.

The story continues with a first person narrative told from Chloe's point of view though I'll admit by this point I'm kind of itching for some other points of views. Chloe doesn't completely understand what Jason is thinking or his reactions to things so as a reader I can't understand him or Kyra or many other characters in this story either. She's still emotionally stilted but she's grown considerably from the previous novel and continues to grow in this one as she starts to understand a bit where others are coming from. While I did find myself hoping to find the victim and see the mom survive and put the killer behind bars, it wasn't really about that. It was about Chloe seeing the other side of what happened to her. Chloe was a kidnapped and almost murdered as a child, and in the first novel you can see how she doesn't totally get why Jason's parents who were district attorneys during her case felt so protective of her or why Office Baca went above and beyond to look out for her. She didn't understand exactly why they felts such a personal connection to her when she didn't really know them. Now being on the other side of that she starts to understand what it's like to not know the victim but to spend sleepless nights worrying about her. She understands what it's like to sit in a hospital room and just feel a sort of horror that one person might do this to another which helps her sort of understand why she felt like she had to fix her mom after her attack instead of her mom stepping in to protect her.

As a secondary plot the media is making noises that Jason is cheating on her with former co-star Vicki and that they are on the verge of divorce. While this isn't true having paparazzi follow her around on a regular basis to see her reaction to the supposed cheating doesn't help her do her job any. Chloe is kind of torn between what she knows and what she sees so adding that on top of this case put in her in a major emotional turmoil. I kind of liked this one even better than the first because you see this character recognize that yes she's broken and yes she needs to change. Is she or her life perfect at the end of the story? No. But what makes this particular story worth reading in my opinion is that she finally seems to see what was so obvious to me as a reader in the first novel. It's hard for me to explain what this novel is and why it's worth reading because it blurs so many genres lines. My point over all though is that though you're not going to find your stereotypical mystery or romance or whatever it is you're looking for in this novel, you are going to find a story that's worth taking the time to read.

vanessa_issa's review

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I feel bad saying this book was disappointing, but it was. It's completely different from the first one. The CSI scenes are entertaining, but everything felt very unrealistic to me. I understood the author's point-of-view after reading her notes, but that didn't change my own feelings about the characters. I couldn't understand how fast things happened in Chloe's career. No one starts being a pro. I missed her romance with Jason. It's not a bad book, but I won't be reading it again anytime soon.

raeanna11's review against another edition

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sandyfrancesca's review against another edition

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One word, disappointing!

meganmreads's review against another edition

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I loved this sequel! When I reviewed Someone Else’s Fairytale, I gushed about how much I loved the characters and how down to earth and real and believable they were and Nobody’s Damsel felt the same way.

My favorite aspect of this sequel was seeing how Jason and Chloe began their life together and watching them work out the kinks in their relationship. It felt so realistic and I could relate to so many aspects of it. I enjoy a good romance with tons of steam and maybe even a love triangle here and there, but it was so refreshing to see two people overcome real issues and talk things out. Chloe and Jason have completely different careers and Jason’s was hard to deal with when the paparazzi followed Chloe around on a regular basis and the tabloids made up ridiculous stories. It was like the two of them decided to spend the rest of their life together and that was no question, but they were figuring out the logistics of every day life. I could relate because I’ve been there and I loved the way the two of them handled things. I love when sequels tackle the logistics of two people starting a relationship when book one is typically how they meet and fall in love. I like to see love radiate off of the characters even after initially falling into it and Nobody’s Damsel was perfect in that sense.

I hate to give away much from the series (especially since it’s a given that Jason and Chloe ended up together after book 1), but I liked seeing Chloe work in her field and overcome her own past in order to get through a difficult case that mirrored her own in so many ways. Nobody’s Damsel wasn’t a dark book, nor what I would classify as a crime drama, but both played a major role in the plot. I thought it was interesting to combine what I would call a contemporary upper YA romance with a crime drama and E.M. Tippetts was able to do it well.

E.M. Tippetts has a fantastic ability to write a great story. Nobody’s Damsel made me smile and made me frown and upset me in some parts and it had suspense in others. Somehow, the author was able to get me to care about crime drama and life as a celebrity, two things that I wouldn’t have considered appealing to read about, without me even realizing how it happened! I absolutely love Jason and Chloe, as characters and as a couple. I couldn’t put this book down and I loved it so much, I contemplated picking up book 1 and rereading it because I wanted to experience the series from the beginning again. I highly recommend this series and I can’t wait to read more from the author.

merlin_reads's review

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 This series, to me, is cotton candy sweet. I fell in love with the first one not because it was earth shattering, jaw dropping, or any of those heart stopping type books. No, this was pure happiness. Plain and simple.

Now that Chloe and Jason (swoon) are together, they are trying to figure out how to balance their lifes. Jason's still the most sought after actor around while Chloe just wants to go unnoticed and do her work. Unfortunately, being married to one of Hollywood's finest doesn't allow you the luxury of privacy.

Nobody's Damsel wasn't on the same adorable level that Someone Else's Fairytale was. I still really enjoyed it but it didn't have the same magic. I found myself a little annoyed with Chloe and her stubborness. I get being strong and independant, but at the same time, you're in a marriage which is a partnership, treat it as such. And then there was Jason. He was still adorable as ever, but there was a nice little chunk in the middle where I didn't really see the point in where the author went playing him up like he could possibly be cheating does not follow anything this character had done prior.

I've heard there's going to be a third and I will be anxiously awaiting it. A normal girl getting the Hollywood's like my dreams are now in book form :) 

_tabae's review against another edition

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Entgegen meiner Erwartungen absolut nicht kitschig und ein krasses Gegenteil zum Vorgängerband der hauptsächlich Liebesroman war. Hier steht der Kriminalfall im Vordergrund und die Beziehung von Chloe und Jason entwickelt sich eher im Hintergrund zu einer weitaus gefestigteren als in Band 1. Eben durch die Probleme des unterschiedlichen Alltags des jungen Ehepaares und alle Hürden die in dieser Hinsicht überwunden werden müssen wachsen sie fester zusammen. Alles ist recht realistisch gehalten und kaum geschönt...ein wahres Lesevergnügen ohne die üblichen Klischees!

faefolkreads's review

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This book took on a different tone to the first book. Yes, it still involved Jason and Chloe and the stress of their different lives and figuring out their relationship, but this one was much more of a crime thriller, as Chloe uses all her skill and resources to figure out a kid napping case.
This story is quite sad a does involve child murders and abductions, which can be quite difficult to get through at some points.

berry_bookish's review against another edition

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How can one book manage to be heartbreaking, hilarious and heart warming?! Loved it!