
Divorced, Desperate and Delicious by Christie Craig

inmyhumbleopinion's review

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Funny, contemporary romance. Lacy is a divorced photographer. Chase is a widowed cop on the run after being setup and shot. He hides out at Lacy’s and sparks fly.

sashana's review

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2.5 Stars

rizzothecat's review

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Read this baby in two days. LOTS of good romance. Totally fun. May give it to husband for ideas. 8-)

melagrossi's review

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This series was an enjoyable set of romance's filled with suspense and humor. The talking fridge and the out of season Christmas music set the tone and it follows through. Christie spins a great tale.

mrose21's review

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Funny and feel good romance chick literature.

I don't think this is something I would have thought to read otherwise. I'm a big romance reader but not a massive chick lit reader. Only if I have to. The title doesn't appeal to me, I sort of cringe at the 'desperate and delicious' part I mean I'm all for self confidence but ehh. I'm not that big on it!

This book had me giggling and I found myself really rooting for Chase, him and Lacy are perfect for each other and their romance is something I really believed in.

greatbutuseless's review

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Possibly the worst book I've ever read... And I read a lot.

salene27's review

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This book had some very funny moments, where I found myself LOLing, the only thing that kept this from getting a higher rating was the too much time written in the villians POV, other than that it was a fun book.

brandiwyne4018's review

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This book is so funny and cute. Can't wait to finish the series.

wildflowerz76's review

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This was gym reading, aka free on the Kindle, for me. I liked it okay. I'd probably read another. But I didn't love it. I like sex scenes just fine, but I'd prefer a little more plot. But that's just a personal preference. I got tired of Lacy's constant inner monologue. I did like, even though he was despicable, we got some of Zeke's inner torment though.

lit_editions's review

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oh Lordie....

I have a lot of frustrations about this here book. When it was time for Chase to leave and take care of business I became infuriated with Lacy, the book instantly lost a few stars over her stupidity and her reaction to some things, I wasn't impressed nor amused. I could not understand why Chase would want to deal with someone like that, but I guess that is what love does...I end up skipping a lot because of those frustration and then when Lacy got jealous of his dead wife I instantly wanted to throw the book. So anyway, first half 4 stars, if the book was only in Lacy POV it would of had 2.5 stars, but because I like Jason and Chase so much 3 stars. Also, her friends and mother totally annoying as hell, they were not funny....gosh this book pissed me off as a whole when I really think about it...sorry