
Chokehold by K.A. Merikan

rebecca_3's review

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These two are so dysfunctional! But I love it. Typical Dom and Seth craziness and obsession.

riverreads's review

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Seth watched him in that way Domenico so desperately craved. As if Dom was the center of his universe and Seth wanted to get close enough to form a constellation with him.

My beautiful, crazy boys are back in Chokehold and I couldn't be happier. I think this is my favorite book so far. Hey, I'm a sucker for romance and this installment brought my boys closer to each other.

Dom and Seth with their new "kid" Mark are trying to cross the border to Mexico in their journey to South America. Things go wrong, Dom ends up injured and they end up stuck in a little mexican town. Seth feels the need to provide but at the same time Dom feels guilty because they got stuck and he can't protect his family. Of course they never discuss things and the resentment keeps growing and growing until everything explodes. They have been through a lot in the past year and some things were their doing. The problem is they never actually acknowledged it and now they have to or it could cost them their future together.

  "I wake up every day, and I breathe for you,” whispered Domenico

I was waiting for this moment since book 3, they just had too talk! And the fact that Domenico initiated the talk was amazing, it shows they are both growing. 
My heart broke in some of the fights because they were so vicious and I couldn't stand to see my two boys at odds with each other. 
At the end of the day though these guys have a fierce love, there was a scene were they weren't ok but Dom protected Seth and Seth seeked Dom's reassurance, he knew Dom always has his back. That's how they work. 

“I’m destined to be at the top of the world. And you will be my king consort.”

This book was really good, Kat and Agnes even made me like Mark! And I hated the little pest in the previous book. Here he was growing and learning. I love how he really tries to do better and his loyalty to Dom and Seth is something great. I really wanna know the man he's gonna grow to be under Dom's wing. 

If he was to watch over Mark, he’d help the boy reach his full potential. Mark would be the son he and Seth would otherwise never have, so he needed to be a perfect specimen of man the two of them could raise.

Santo's cameo was everything i wanted. I don't wanna give too much away but I can't wait for his and Lucrezia's book. 

Miguel is someone I'm looking forward to get to know. The pieces of info we got from his past are interesting and honestly I feel like he could be a great asset in future books. 

Dana bitch was a no show but she's gonna be back in the next book. I really don't wanna see her (unless she dies) but I kinda want her baby for Seth and Dom, is that fucked up? I don't care.

Btw can we make Seth's food blog a thing? His cuteness is too much.

"you will always belong with me. You are my family.”

omiai's review

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Another great addition to the series! I'm addicted to the story developing between Seth and Dom. Mark being there is just a lovely bonus!

This book centres around Seth and Dom, with Mark, having escaped the Family, making them believe they are both dead, and fleeing south. While working their way through a tunnel, they are ambushed by some gang/mob members, who cause a collapse in the tunnel. Dom breaks his leg and they lose their bag containing all their funds, nearly 1 million dollars. Seth gives up his most valuable possession, an expensive watch that Dom bought him as a gift, in order to pay for Dom's treatment to fix his mangled leg. They manage to find a temporary home with a local elderly woman until Dom heals and they get back on their feet.
Seth ends up taking a job that seems just a little shady, and Dom starts going stir crazy at being left at home every day. Seth is exhausted, Dom is pent up and grumpy. it's not long before things become too tense for the pair, and when Dom basically demands Seth marry him, whether he wants to or not, Seth is furious. it reminds him too much of the incredibly rocky start to their relationship where Dom forced himself on him.
This isn't like their previous fights, which usually end with them making up quickly. This is the big one.

I wont go on, as i dont spoil the whole story, but it's definitely worth the read if you have read previous books in this series. if you haven't, please dont start with this one. nothing will make sense! you simply must start with book one!

cadiva's review

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Another deeply delicious tale of death and destruction bound in love

Oh these guys! Seth and Domenico are passion and pain, desire and danger, anger and arousal, love and longing.

There are two brutally perfect scenes in this book which show that, in spite of everything they've been through, and done to each other, they have a love which is as epic as Antony and Cleopatra, Romeo and Juliet, Rhett and Scarlett. Great lovers all, bound together in eternity.

Let's hope this love story has more of an ending like Westley and Buttercup though ;)