
A Question of Will, by Alex Albrinck

wintericeuk's review

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Was not a fan of this book. Time travel, causal loops, and strawman villains don't make for a compelling narrative hook to me but I at least finished the book.

leonareadsalot's review

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A Question of Will was unlike any story I've read before. The character's personalities, the suspense, all of the elements that made up this story was very creatively done! The only huge downside to this story was the immense amount of world building, which I'm starting to learn comes with the territory for the first books in any science fiction or fantasy series. It wasn't until I was half-way through A Question of Will that I began to have an inkling of what was going on, or why certain things were even happening.

Ha, I just figured out how the title relates to the story; the main character's name is Will Stark and the entire story is about finding answers to the mystery that is Will Stark.

In reading the synopsis for A Question of Will I thought I had a pretty good idea of what it's story was going to be about, but I will tell you now; the synopsis you'll about about for A Question of Will barely scratches the surface of what this story is actually about.

While listening  (BTW the narrator Todd McLaren did a great job with all the voices and with the pacing of A Question of Will; he also helped me picture in my mind the world Alex Albrinck was trying to create) I at first became overwhelmed by all that was going on, but once the two factions fighting for control were revealed and their intentions were made known, I felt that I had more solid ground to stand on.

Will's character at times really irked me, mostly because of his gullibility to accept everything the Alliance told him. While the Aliomenti showed themselves to be a group of poopheads of epic proportions they were still open about who they were, but the Alliance on the other hand kept too many secrets for my liking and Will was too ready to trust them. Yeah, I understood that the Alliance was the lesser of the two evils since Will believed that the Aliomenti killed his family, but he should've still been cautious of both power groups. Even at the end of A Question of Will things are still unknown as to why he's so important that these two groups were going so hard to get him to their side.

Seeing as I was just recently introduced to the science fiction genre, the time travel and meta-human element didn't wow me a whole lot, although I thought it was all pretty cool. Regardless though, for the story I got of A Question of Will, I was pleased and am actually looking forward to the next installment.
***Originally reviewed at Literary Treasure Chest:

mmadans's review

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Interesting but Convoluted

This is the first book in the Will Stark series and it was quite the page turner. The Author created an interring future world where a population of humans had advanced powers to manipulate energy. But the story became convoluted as time travel was Introduced. I will have to read the next book to see if I like where it is going.

jesjesimonetti's review

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This was a pleasant surprise. I read it in one day almost one sitting even. It offered a much appreciated escape for a day.

I knew nothing about this series, and started it as part of a challenge only. Amazon had it listed as litRPG and offered it for free. Even though I know nothing of that genre it became clear very quickly that this was a more conventional story. Oh, but such a gripping one! My heart was pounding in my chest for the first third, and after that many times again.

Bonus points for the loyal dog.

jandrews560's review

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This is not the kind of book I often read, and yet finding a series available to download always piques my interest. Therefore, I gave it a shot. I'm so glad I did. The twists and turns and revelations you don't see coming are absolutely amazing. Kept my I interest all the way thru to the point I didn't want to stop reading. Living ng they various parts they The eyes of different characters or groups put pieces together nicely without feeling overly repetitive. The emotions of the characters are felt and lived so easily. This book is thrilling, makes you gasp with surprise, and makes you tear up at the losses. Highly recommend.

virginiaduan's review

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I just can't get into it. The first chapter was fine, but ffs. How many times do we have to read the same incident from multiple POVs? That doesn't move the story forward. It just stalls.

I stopped caring.
So boring and so much explication. Booooo.

vailynst's review

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DNF @ 12%

Narration is fine but the story is not written well and not fun to listen to. It's distracting. Next!

jessica_sim's review

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This was a pleasant surprise. I read it in one day almost one sitting even. It offered a much appreciated escape for a day.

I knew nothing about this series, and started it as part of a challenge only. Amazon had it listed as litRPG and offered it for free. Even though I know nothing of that genre it became clear very quickly that this was a more conventional story. Oh, but such a gripping one! My heart was pounding in my chest for the first third, and after that many times again.

Bonus points for the loyal dog.

lacunaboo's review

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The story in this book is a sort of thriller with heavy science fiction and fantasy elements. There is a nefarious organization of people with special powers, plus a rebel group that broke away from the others and works in the best interests of the plain old humans. A man and his family get unsuspectingly tangled up in all that business. A dash of time travel spices things up.

The author has some good ideas and a degree of talent with the written word (although he is rather fond of some cliche phrases), but has yet to learn how to string it all together into a cohesive novel in a way that works.

The book would tell the same piece of information over and over again as we read from different character points of view. I understand that one person is just learning of it, but since the reader already knows, you have to find a better way than just repeating the same things to us. And then again. And again. This was especially tiresome when the entire first scene was repeated from different perspectives at least 4 times. I struggled to keep reading at that point.

I developed no connection to any of the characters, and found some of the characterization laughable.

As I said, though, the author has some good ideas, he just needs some more experience on how to piece the story together in a more compelling way.

joseperth's review

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I'm ambivalent about this book. I almost gave up half way through it, luckily I didn't and things came together towards the end. I then realized that the whole thing was the set up for the series (I hope). I may look for part 2 and give it a go.