
The God Species by Mark Lynas

bricoleur's review

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This book has been made "unavailable" on Amazon UK as they received a complaint from a customer that What they received was not as described!

This is he message you receive on the Amazon UK web site as of Saturday July 9, 2011:

Item Under Review

This product is not currently offered by because a customer recently told us that the item he or she received was not as described.

We are working to resolve this as quickly as possible. In the meantime, you may still find this product available from other sellers on this page.

It is available on Amazon US (and of couse all other booksellers that don't refuse to take orders from customers...)

I will be reading with interest .... So far it seems to exactly match the description given on the website...

I think Amazon needs to be held to task on this....

sarahkomas's review

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In 9 years this book seems very out of date. I appreciated another viewpoint on matters such as nuclear power - which in opposition to most of the Green lobby the author supports- and some more information on biodiversity but overall a bit of a slog of a book.