
Beyond My Darkness by R.C. Boldt

upallnightbookaddict's review

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Huh. I don't know what else to say. I never thought Boldt would venture into the paranormal-ish arena. This one isn't really paranormal, but it kind of is? I can't really say what this one should be called other than original and good.

I love myself some flawed and complicated characters, when they're written right. These are most certainly written right. Georgia and Bronson couldn't have been more perfect. I will admit, at first, when Bronson was introduced, I rolled my eyes. I thought, another overdone alpha male. However, he wasn't overdone. He was just right for this book.

The storyline had me turning the pages as fast as I could. I wanted to get to who was doing what. I needed to know. And I needed these two characters to end up together by the end. I needed it all like I needed air. The twists didn't necessarily shock me. But that's okay. I tend to figure things out before they're revealed. I wasn't disappointed.

This book definitely raised Boldt's stature as a writer even higher than she already was. I can't recommend this one enough!

heartscontent's review

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You can find this review of Beyond My Darkness on my blog, Heart’s Content!

A big shoutout to Valentine PR and the author for including me in the blog tour and providing me with an advanced reader’s copy in exchange for an honest review.

There are a few rare books that out-do the vibe set by the blurb. The blurb is intriguing, which prompted me into signing up for this ARC immediately. I wasn’t expecting to hear back because I had never read a book by R. C. Boldt before. Safe to say, this won’t be my last book of hers I’m reading.

The book was almost immediately immersive. It was like I’d stepped into the middle of chaos that was quiet and tense. The book has an eerie feel to it, matching the vibe of the heroine’s powers. The writing kept me invested at every turn, with danger and possible death around every corner. The book was unpredictable, but that was also because Boldt was smart in her writing, never incriminating anyone and sometimes even making us forget the major plot because the sub-plots were all equally interesting; keeping us at the edge of our seats at all times.

The world building merged with the writing and the characters seamlessly. The dual POV certainly uplifted the ease with which we come to understand the two worlds.

There was a major plot, but I personally lean towards all the sub-plots being more amazing simply because they included a lot of personal growth and character arc. The major plot built fantastically, tensions rising, pain growing, fear spreading. I felt the climax of the plot that was built felt a liiiiittle anti-climatic and didn’t feel as neat as the rest of the book. The sub-plots however were sweet and warm. The building of relationships, the love one grows for themselves and of course never selling oneself short.

The primary characters are both so wonderfully supported by the secondary characters. All the relationships between the different characters act as pillars to the emotional sub-plots. This isn’t one of those books where the entire story rides only on the shoulders of the MCs. While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with writing a story that way, having a multitude of characters’ presence, thoughts and behaviours influencing the MCs brings a very realistic and heart-warming tenor to any story. Loved the secondary characters very very much.

There was an interesting situation the author created towards the end that is fairly unusual. I don’t want to spoil it, but I somehow thought that it was nice the situation didn’t conform to the usual. Brought another sense of real-ness in its own way. Also it all adds to character growth, so *shoulder shimmy*.

There are still some questions I feel have been left unanswered. I have a feeling this series is going to continue and I also have a guess as to who’s next.

Four stars. Definitely do check out the content/trigger warnings please. I was surprised by some of the content and would highly recommend you go in warned. Happy reading and be safe. ❤️

wickedlovely's review

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This was my first book by RC Boldt & I was not disappointed, by the story or that gorgeous, creepy cover. And I'm not gonna lie, the characters (pale, redheaded woman with sass & heavily tattoed hardened latino gangster) did immediately make me think of a show I liked the was canceled, so there's that.

Anyway, I really enjoyed this book. The writing was top notch, the storyline was unique & heartbreaking, the characters were developed fairly & the steaminess was INSANE. If I have any complaints, its that the reveal of the villain & their motivations was stupid asf
Spoilerhero's ex girlfriend goes around killing people under his protection (INCLUDING HIS GRANDMA) because she still loves him & wants him back. Bitch, wtf? What's he gonna do? Say "Omg you gunned down people I love & care about, lets go to Jareds & get you an engagement ring"?????
Also I didn't really care for how the conflict between the hero & heroine was resolved
Spoiler I would've liked if they'd had an actual candid conversation about her growing up with her supernatural ability & him asking questions about it & accepting it & her now that he's seen it in action. Instead, it went from "This carnie freak is trying to play tricks on me, can't trust these hoes" to "Omg this carnie trickster freak almost died, I love her forever & a day!!"
Other than that, great novel. I can't wait to read the companion novel, [b:A Stop in Time|61334134|A Stop in Time|R.C. Boldt||96718633] about Bronson's second-in-command Daniel, the minute it hits the shelves.

lindseydomokur's review

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RC Boldt has solidified herself as one of my go-to authors for romantic suspense.
Georgia can talk to the dead, and when she has multiple people waking up and telling her they were murdered by one of the gangs in town, and that she has to "tell Bronson", their leader. She has no choice but to seek out Bronson and relay the messages.
Bronson is the leader of the Scorpions and definitely not an approachable man, but Georgia just has to get him this one message and then she can be on her way. She knows she sounds crazy, but he doesn't have to believe her, he just needs to look into these murders and what his gang is being accused of.
When Georgia becomes a target though, Bronson realizes that he might need her more than he thought.
The book was long but never felt that way when I was reading it. It was fast paced and I was speeding along waiting to see what would happen next. Bronson and Georgia were fire together and I loved the banter between them. Eventhough he was a menacing man, Georgia wasn't deterred and still gave as good as she got.

becksgoesbookish's review

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This was my first read from RC Boldt and I really enjoyed it! I love paranormal romances, but this was a bit of a different take that was super interesting. Bronson was a perfect combo of gang leader that’s actually a cinnamon roll. The pacing was very quick, even though it’s a bit longer of a book than I expected, the chapters are short and I felt like it flew by! By the end I just wanted even more!

Definitely be sure to check the TW/CW, as this is a darker read.

*I received an ARC for this book and this is my honest review*

kaydanielsromance's review

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This book was just everything! Funny and witty, steamy and intense with a supernatural flair and dark gang vibes. Every moment flowed and all of the characters clicked together with ease, so what I'm trying to say was reading perfection!

This is R.C. Boldt writing at her best. Combing her wit of steamy romcoms with her walk into the romantic suspense relm. This combination is so good and so well pieced together that the intense moments are perfectly well balanced with lots of snarky humor.

Georgia Danvers was an absolute delight. Sassy and smart and totally full of word vomit every time she's around Bronson Cortez, the leader of the Scorpion gang. While Georgia knows better than to attract Bronson's attention, she can't avoid the dead bodies that keep piling up in her morgue, that literally keep telling her warn him. What is a girl to do when she can speak to the dead? 

Bronson doesn't trust outsiders, but when a gorgeous redhead shows up in his territory to give him a message, it's safe to say that he doesn't like it and has a message of his own. However, Georgia is a fiery woman who continues to come back again and again. There are not many people who stand up to Bronson Cortez and live to see another day, especially ones who sass back the way she does, but there is something about her that intrigues him.  Whatever it is he wishes he could figure out before it proves too dangerous for both of them.

Bronson is a great anti-hero and honestly Georgia is too. Both of them hold their own forms of darkness, but they are also good people if you look at them from all the different angles. I LOVE these kind of stories and especially love how the characters find their paths to each other. Anti-heros never have an easy road as there are always a ton of obstacles to overcome and this book added in mystery with that touch of supernatural so it really had an extra zing that kept the pages turning.

justlarissareads's review

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I would say this is more of a slightly dark romance with some magical realism sprinkled thru out than a fantasy/ paranormal romance.

I enjoyed the writing style and loved the short chapters. Georgia and Bronson were likable as well as most of the side characters, but this book dragged on slowly for probably the first 3/4 of the story. The pacing started to pick up by then and I was invested in the story and how it was going to end.

Georgia is a coroner with special powers pertaining to the afterlife. Bronson is a respected gang leader in his community. They make for an odd but interesting couple. The smut is very good also! I plan on reading the next book, that is about Bronson’s second hand man, Daniel.

asteroula_t's review

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The most hilarious heroine ever!
Georgia is a ridiculously funny, ridiculously smart, ridiculously brave human being! Or reckless... you can decide on that.
She has this unique gift or curse, again you decide, that it is a bit creepy but it is super helpful in Bronson's world being a gang leader and all. Aren't they a match made in heaven, or what?
I enjoyed the story but I am not so sure that I liked Bronson so much, hence the 3,5 stars.

Thank you @valentinepr for the copy!

cinder23's review

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Rating: 4/5 ⭐
Spice: 2/5

la_vampiresa's review

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Beyond My Darkness was actually my very first book by R.C. Boldt. I am normally a creature of habit, and really hesitant with "new-to-me" authors. Something was telling me that it's okay to try something new. I followed my gut and it was absolutely right.. I was blown away by the story telling. It was beautifully written. The fact it had some paranormal elements, made this story soooo much better. Bronson and Georgia were literally everything. From their banter and Georgia testing him, to the steam. This was absolutely incredible. I was hooked from the very beginning. I can't wait to read another book by R.C. Boldt!