
King of Hearts by Cheyenne McCray

homicidoll's review against another edition

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BDSM is just not for me. Too much sleeping around.

xakyr's review against another edition

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This book came across rather annoying to me for most of it, but it was better than what I was reading at the time. The relationship wasn't built, it was demanded, which made it feel forced to me. We aren't privy to in depth conversations of getting to know one another, the readers are only given snippets of it. There wasn't a real "Wonderland" vibe, just that some of the residents could do magic and some of the food names resembled the Lewis Carroll story. I did admire the way that the King of Hearts helped build Alice's self-esteem about being plus-sized, but it wasn't enough to lift the book to a 3 star rating.

rachelcus's review against another edition

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I was pleasantly surprised by this story. I can't say it was a favorite, but it was much better than I was expecting and it definitely has me interested in what might happen next. Although I find myself hoping that not all of these brothers are dominant types... I think four of them would be a bit much for the story, particularly when it comes to spunky Alexi for the next book. I just can't see her as being as submissive as Alice. Definitely curious how that will go.

dtaylorbooks's review against another edition

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Incest is best in Tina Belcher’s erotic friend fiction.

This book has been spread all over the publishing world like herpes. Originally published by Ellora’s Cave, then by St Martin’s, and now it looks like the author got her rights reverted and she’s self-published with all new expanded scenes! Boo nah.

Books like this are the reason why erotica has a bad name. People give FIFTY SHADES OF GREY shit, but at least that had a plot. This was just woman arrives in the Land of Titfuckia, in a kingdom surrounded by the Nipple Ranges, ruled over by Major Boobage as she tittied happily across the land.

You think I’m joking. This book read like it was written by a teenager in heat who doesn’t know how to describe things. Or develop characters. Or a plot. Or knows what substance is. Don’t get me wrong. There’s a place for PWP. But this isn’t that short of a book and it’s literally just a book taking place in a world where people fuck constantly. It’s exhausting. Chafing must not be a thing here.

Alice is a plump woman and we’re reminded of this constantly throughout the book. Look, I get it. I respect representation. But Alice’s fatness seems to be a driving force in this story. It opens on her supposed fiance getting butt plugged by some dom in her bed while he simultaneously fucks their pretty, tiny female landlord. He claims that if Alice weren’t so fat he wouldn’t have to do any of that. Not to mention Alice is constantly comparing herself to her skinny fraternal twin.

She runs out crying, ends up in a park and masturbates to pass the time before she gets sucked into a portal and falls into Fucklandia where she’s held as a sex slave. Except she’s not called a slave. She’s to be King Jarronn’s queen and he’s SO TURNED ON by her but she must submit to him entirely in order for their bonding to work and she must love herself completely in order to ensure success. *eye roll* And the only antagonist is Mikaela, the outcasted for no reason sister of the incest kings who tries to get into Alice’s head by fat-shaming her. Way to mind fuck, Mik.

Alice is made to walk around naked except for a leather collar and some nipple rings. Enter public acts of sex and a dom/sub relationship that extends outside of the bedroom, because that’s about as okay as a sex contract. But Alice justifies all of this to herself by claiming to like being subbed and how turned on she gets when Jarronn rules over her every waking moment. Because that’s healthy. Meanwhile let’s all ignore the fact that she’s literally being held against her will and the story is her falling in love with her kidnapper, shall we?

And this bonding that will protect her from the evil Mikaela who has been mind-fucking Jarronn’s kingdom and has started in on Alice too? It’s Alice getting plugged by four dudes at once. If you’re counting holes and wondering how that’s possible, let me spoil things for you: titty fucking. So 1: if I’m paying more attention to how the logistics of a sex act happen than the act itself, you’re doing it wrong and 2: just no. Someone’s been watching way too much male gaze porn. No woman wants to get dick-punched in the chin and no dude wants to dry hump a set of room temperature fat sacks when there are a number of perfectly good holes to utilize. As if the shitty, infantile writing and ridiculous sex scenes hadn’t turned me off already, the titty fucking really did it for me. Buh bye.

This could have been hot if all the sex scenes weren’t like that swimming pool scene in Showgirls:

Just absolutely ridiculous and written by people who’ve obviously never fucked before. There’s just so much suspension of disbelief having to go on here that I’m overloading. I can’t do it. There’s so much bad here that it’s not even worth it. I should read a book with this much sex in it and be incredibly turned on. Instead I’m laughing and wondering how Alice can literally come on command. And why a cluster of brothers is okay plugging the same woman simultaneously. That’s just not my bag. I don’t care how attractive they are. They’re brothers. Gross. Had I known there was going to be incest going into it I wouldn’t have bought it (free download? maybe, I can’t remember, if I did pay for it it wasn’t much)

Needless to say I’m not reading further in this series. And if you’re smart you’ll find something else to read. Like FIFTY SHADES OF GREY. Coming from me, that’s saying a lot. And if you’re wondering whether the author did much with the whole Alice in Wonderland thing, beyond the protagonist being named Alice, four kingdoms with four suits, and a piece of world-specific cake called eetmi, that’s about all you’re getting there.


lady_regal13's review against another edition

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Hot damn, that was a steamy book. Loved every minute of it. Cheyenne never fails to impress me with her books.

marshmalohgrrl's review against another edition

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Taken by Passion, the first in the Wonderland series, tells the tale of the curvy Alice O'Brien and her bad history with men, of her comparisons to her twin sister Alexi and the story of the King of Hearts, King Jarronn of Tarok.

Tarok is a land inhabited by weretigers. The kingdoms were divided by the King and Queen into four separate but unified kingdoms for each of their four sons. Their daughter, however, was not given a share in the kingdom. For this slight, she bailed on her brothers, married a ruler to the south and put a mind curse on the women of Tarok so they couldn't bear children.

In order to continue the bloodline, Jarronn takes a bride fortold in the Tarok version of tarot cards. The woman just so happens to be Alice who has just had her heart broken by her boyfriend and lost her job because she wouldn't sleep with her boss. She falls down the rabbit hole of pudding and winds up at the base of a Doctor Seuss tree. She is taken captive by Jarronn, tied to the room with magic all in the guise of protecting her and made to submit to him.

Now Alice has displayed submissive tendencies before showing up on Tarok, but it was really hard for me to swallow that she would give in so easily. I also don't dig the AlphaOmega one-and-all kind of Doms. I really had to force myself to keep reading through the mind control tactics. My mind kept screaming Stockholm Syndrome.

As I kept reading, Alice found it easier to submit and Jarronn stopped being such an asshole. He got to know Alice, showed her kindness.

Then I came to another screeching halt when he told her he would punish her for not thinking she was beautiful. Well no shit she wouldn't! Society shuns girls deemed fat. It's one of the first insults thrown at a girl by her peers. And it destroys them, mentally and emotionally. Especially when that torture has been repeated even though adult life. I found it unrealistic that shutting her in a room by herself would bring her to the realization she was beautiful. Time and effort on her Dom's part would have made the transition a lot easier to swallow.

However, after drinking a magic potion, Alice cries out that she is beautiful and she believes. Magic! And the plot continues!

With all the talk the brothers do about their sister, one would think she would have been attacking their plans. She might try to take Alice away. She might do SOMETHING. But she does nothing until the climax where she hits Alice with a whip. Jarronn and his brothers swoop in and save the day.

I was disappointed with the climax. The guy gets the girl. The girl gets the guy. All Alice wants is her sister. The end, happily ever after. The villain they set up as this shunned sister with a powerful mental powered army was a villain who tripped and fell down the stairs. I expected the astranged Princess to rush in during the bonding ceremony and try and kill Alice. Nada.

The writing was slightly redundant. Jarronn kept going over and over the same things in his head. Alice kept thinking the same things over and over in her head. I was really reminded of Gorean practices reading this book. Women exist only to be pleasure to men and men exist to own women. The most exciting part of the whole book was in the afterword to set up for the next book.

The book was at least well written. Parts were in passive voice. If you like overbearing dominant men and lots and lots of kinky sex scenes, this is the book for you.

becxreadz's review against another edition

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What a stupid book. Absolutely no story line just sex, sex, sex, sex, sex and not even good sex. Good grief, and it's a series of four brothers who just can't get enough sex in their little lust filled kingdom. WTH.