
Never Gonna Tell by Sarah M. Ross

emhof96's review against another edition

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Overall rating: 4 stars

Genre: Young Adult
Plot: 8/10
Ending: 7/10
Writing: 8/10
Hero: 8/10
Heroine: 8/10
Humour: 6/10
Steaminess: 5/10

desertlover's review against another edition

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This book was a pleasant surprise for me. It was the first book I have read by Sarah M. Ross, but it definitely will not be my last. I began knowing only it was YA Suspense but was immediately lured into the story. The book is told in first person POV with the heroine, Reagan Wilcox as narrator. The Prologue is intriguing, as Reagan is the middle of a dangerous situation. I had no idea how she arrived, nor how she was going to get herself out of the predicament.

I’m going to die tonight. I’m sure of that now. All because I made a vow I was never gonna tell.

After the brief opening, the book backtracks to reveal all the events leading up to the Prologue. Reagan is a snarky but lovable high school senior. She is an investigative journalist on the side and trying to revive the school newspaper. She is somewhat of an outcast and doesn’t really fit into her high school in small town Tennessee. She has a trusty sidekick of a best friend/foster brother, Charlie. I loved their connection immediately and found their banter to be endearing. She is also attracted to the school bad boy, Marco Calotta, who doesn’t seem to notice her existent. She and Marco lives are thrown into complete upheaval when they become involved in a story she is investigating. Despite the suspense element, there is a an intense connection with Reagan and Marco. I was swept up in their storyline even more than the mystery.

Staring up a him, I totally get why girls go for the bad boy now.

While not all the events are completely realistic, I still enjoyed this book immensely. Reagan has many characteristics of a Veronica Mars like person. She is witty and funny, without trying to be so. The entire book flowed well and was interesting from the first pages until the last. I was able to read it in one setting. I enjoyed the relationship with Reagan and her parents in addition to those with Marco and Charlie. It is refreshing to see a young strong heroine, who wants to help save people. Happily, the book has a complete ending and an epilogue. However, I certainly would not mind reading more adventures involving Reagan in the future. I have a feeling she’ll once again find herself with another mystery to unearth. I recommend this book to any mature YA fan looking for a little suspense and romance.

“Your family doesn’t define you. You define you. No matter where you come from you can direct your own future.”

jaimejustreadsromance's review against another edition

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When I first started reading this story I struggled with the idea that none of what was happening would happen in real life. Then I remembered that this book isn't real life it's fiction and that I need to lighten up. Once I snapped out of my snobbish thoughts and tried to imagine myself as my 15 year old daughter reading this book, I really started to enjoy it.

The story is fast paced and well-written. I found myself cheering for Reagan and shaking my head at some of the decisions she made at the same time. I was a fan of Marco's from the very start and couldn't wait to see him redeem himself, though I still question if there was much to redeem at all. The secondary characters weren't really a focal point in the story but I learned enough about them that I'm sort of intrigued by at least Charlie and wouldn't mind reading more of his story.
If you like a good mafia suspense and enjoy a good YA (leaning NA) novel then I would recommend this in a heartbeat.

thepaperreels's review against another edition

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This book needs a more badass cover. Full review to follow. Thank you to Melissa Pearl for gifting me kindle copy!! :)

jaimereadsromance's review against another edition

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When I first started reading this story I struggled with the idea that none of what was happening would happen in real life. Then I remembered that this book isn't real life it's fiction and that I need to lighten up. Once I snapped out of my snobbish thoughts and tried to imagine myself as my 15 year old daughter reading this book, I really started to enjoy it.

The story is fast paced and well-written. I found myself cheering for Reagan and shaking my head at some of the decisions she made at the same time. I was a fan of Marco's from the very start and couldn't wait to see him redeem himself, though I still question if there was much to redeem at all. The secondary characters weren't really a focal point in the story but I learned enough about them that I'm sort of intrigued by at least Charlie and wouldn't mind reading more of his story.
If you like a good mafia suspense and enjoy a good YA (leaning NA) novel then I would recommend this in a heartbeat.

solelylu's review against another edition

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Release Day Launch Event underway on blog...

Sooooo, YA thrillers/suspense's can be tricky. You can't be that expansive with it. Whereas with adult thrillers/suspense's you can play around and be more dark and twisted.

So, I don't really like YA thrillers... Haven't had that good of an experience with it. The most recent YA thriller I read was Becca Fitzpatrick Black Ice and I din't like it that much either.

Well, it didn't knock my socks off like I was told it will. And I am glad it is a stand-alone. I was interested in the beginning but my interest waned when I continued with the story for two major reasons: firstly, I wasn't that into the attraction between the two leads. Secondly, the whole alley scene and then her getting found out-- didn't believe it.

I didn't like her clique friends either-- and overall, I didn't have that many problems with Reagan but only when she would get all into Marco. So, I think I would have liked this more if it had been a simple contemporary with a cute girl-meets-boy story and not a romantic suspense. Cos, suspense cant' always work out for people. And that kinda killed the romantic aspect for me in this case.

As for the writing, it was quite catchy-- I read this in two sittings. I did want to read it. It's just that it didn't work out for me all that good. :/

Also, I didn't like how it got all NA territory. :/


Thanks to the author and Ink Slinger PR for this review copy.

Originally appeared on Gaga Over Books.

novelsallnight's review against another edition

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This was the first book that I’ve read by Sarah M. Ross and I’m just sorry I haven’t come across her books sooner! Never Gonna Tell is the story of high school senior Reagan. She’s been going to her current school for two years and tends to blend into the background. That doesn’t bother her one bit, she has a couple friends and her best friend and foster brother Charlie. The fact that no one really notices her is an advantage in her opinion, she is an investigative journalist and is trying her best to revive the school paper. She finds herself running into the school bad boy, Marco Callota, more and more. One night while she’s leaving the library, where she was doing researching for a story, she stumbles across a situation that could lead to the biggest story of her career! Unfortunately, things get complicated when her life is suddenly in danger and despite her growing attraction to Marco she isn’t sure she can trust him at all.

I wasn’t sure what to expect from this book but there were just so many things I loved…The suspense was amazing! Every time I thought things were resolved there was another twist, it was impossible to stop reading once I started. I enjoyed the relationship between Reagan and Marco. From some of the reviews I knew he was the “bad boy” before I started reading and so I had some preconceived notions before I started but found that I enjoyed the dynamic between these two characters. Mostly, I liked that our heroine, Reagan, was a tough chick! When we me her in the beginning she’s a go getter, investigative journalist and I love that she didn’t get all weepy and cower away in tough situations. Her reactions to impossible situations were to figure out a way out of them herself and not hope for someone to bail her out and save her. A refreshing heroine and great suspense make this a book I would highly recommend!

**I received a copy of this book in exchange for a honest review**

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