
Dalí: La obra pictórica by Gilles Néret, Robert Descharnes

lordslaw's review against another edition

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A big, beautiful Taschen art book filled with copious and useful information about Salvador Dalí's life and work. A great introductory primer to the artist. The numerous large, color plates showing examples of Dalí's paintings are gorgeous and enchance the book immeasurably, making the tome an artwork in and of itself. A beautiful book about a curious man. Fascinating and fantastic.

persypie's review against another edition

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A pretty neat book with a lot of Dali’s work! It was great about including a little blurb next to some of his pieces towards the end, but sometimes the blurbs didn’t have a lot to do with the process behind the piece or what is communicating.

There was also a small biography that spanned the first 50 pages or so, but the work referenced was almost always somewhere completely different and it was kind of annoying to have to flip all around to see what the author was talking about.

Enjoyed looking at Dali’s portfolio overall, my favorite was “Tristan and Isolde”!

seehannereads's review against another edition

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informative inspiring medium-paced


gallag's review against another edition

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Very obscure art, but I love to look at it.

hayder_alabdaly's review against another edition

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الكتاب يضم لوحات الفنان سلفادور دالي، ، اللوحات تستحق خمس نجمات بلا أدنى شك. المشكلة ان الكتاب لا يضم غير اللوحات ، لا مقدمة عن الفنان ولا أية شروحات ، على الاقل لو وضع صاحب الكتاب عنوان اللوحة وتاريخ رسمها لكان ذلك افضل بكثير. اضطررت أن استعمل خاصية البحث عن الصور في الغوغل بعد التقاط صورة للوحات بالموبايل لكي احصل على بعض الشروح والمعلومات.

jordi's review against another edition

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Welcome to the daliverse. This book contains so many pictures that now I am suprised if I see any Dali artwork I can not recognize.

rochellem's review against another edition

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I had to leave the city where I was borrowing it from my friend, but I will borrow it again sometime!

jordi's review against another edition

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Welcome to the daliverse. This book contains so many pictures that now I am suprised if I see any Dali artwork I can not recognize.