
Beg for Mercy by Shannon Dermott

kippins's review

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First off the editing, I got mine from amazon. There were a lot of times where wrong spelling of words were used or really bad sentence structure etc I can usually get over this if the story is enough to keep my attention but unfortunately this didn't.

I liked the SAT words at the start of the chapter but the way they were thrown into the story had me rolling my eye's by the end. There is one point near the end where she is in a life or death situation & she manages to throw in her word of the day into the convo! I mean COME.ON!

The story itself could have been really interesting but I just couldn't connect with the characters at all.
I have to say it kinda frustrated me that Mercy didn't ask more questions early in the book, demand her mother tell her about herself and how to protect other people around her.

When she knew Flynn was similar why didn't she hound him for answers or his Dad, she just seemed very blase about the whole thing. And why did he bring places where he knew there would be trouble or other supernatural creatures but not explain it too her! Baffled!

And all the guy's! My head was spinning! And why did the succubus in her kick into overdrive after kissing Luke the first time, she was fine in the 2 years between kissing Paul and him, but after Luke she's all over every guy she meets.
And Luke, I just don't get him, I never really felt like I knew him at all.

Paul seemed really important at the start & she says she loves him but then he totally drops out of the story & all of a sudden he's back and just WTF!

Don't even get me started on Sebastian, I don't even know why he's there except to save her at the end.

And Maggie! Worst.Best.Friend.EVER. IMHO.

I also thought there was a lot of repetitiveness with how she was feeling about all the different guys etc, I thought there was a lot that could have been cut out to keep me interested in the story.
Also it was overly descriptive in unimportant details like bathrooms, bedrooms, house etc OK I get all these folks are super rich.

Yeah so I won't be continuing on with this series, I just didn't connect with it like so many others did, but then that's why there are so many books out there, something for everyone :)

halynah's review

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Unbelievably awesome book!!! I loved the generosity of Shannon Dermott about the quantity of hot guys in the book - why bother with the meagre love-triangle, if there can be four love interests, and not just two?! I enjoyed the plot - the pacing was perfect and there were many twists and turns holding you in constant tension. I really liked Mercy as a narrator - she was smart and funny, and witty and not whiny. All the characters were depicted impeccably - they seemed very real! I swooned over every love interest of Mercy, but still my personal favourite is Sebastian. I grinned and laughed all the time reading this book, because despite seriousness of Mercy's predicaments there were many funny moments. I loved the trick with the SAT vocabulary - it makes the book a real educational value!!!I may go on and on enumerating the merits of this book, but I'll save your time and let you enjoy it on your own! Definitely a must-read!

nkiddbooks's review

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Cliched but true - I wanted to like this book. Overall, I liked the concept of the book, and I even liked the characters. But the writing was terrible. I felt like I was reading something written by a junior high or high school student, rather than an adult. The overuse of the SAT words, the repetition of the same thoughts and emotions and plot themes over and over again, it just made the whole thing a chore to read. Granted, I was pulled in enough to the characters and plot that I continued reading the series, but only because I was sick in bed and didn't have much else to do. At the end of the third book, I still want to know what happens, but I'm left with a feeling that the entire series could probably have been edited and refined to craft one really strong book, rather than a very week series of 4 books. This author apparently really needs a stronger editor.

goblinqueen13's review

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Beg for Mercy (Cambion #1)
by Shannon Dermott

I don't normally write reviews so here it goes:) Ok this book is a great YA book in my opinion. It is about a girl in high school who comes to find out through a kiss that she is a succubus which her mother neglected to tell her and decides not to tell her how to control her succubus side and to just stay away from boys. That is all good for a while but as we all know a teenage girl can and will only listen to her mom for so long especially when the hormones come into play. On top of all of the hot guys in this book there is a serial killer on the loose and it seems its a supernatural being. There are twists and turns in this book that I throughly enjoyed and kept me wondering 1. Who is Mercy going to choose ultimately and 2. Who is the killer really? I can't wait to read the next book in this series!!! Happy reading ;)

phillygirljl's review

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When Mercy discovers a life changing secret about herself, she must learn to navigate teen love without harming anyone in Beg For Mercy.

Despite some hints that were dropped in the book jacket copy, I went into reading Beg For Mercy expecting it to be a straight up contemporary teen novel. I was pleasantly surprised to find out otherwise. Mercy is a half human, half succubus teen who tries to avoid all contact with boys that could lead to anything romantic. This is because as a succubus, she has the power to suck the life energy from those she kisses. I really liked this unique take on a young adult paranormal story. It was something new that hasn’t been explored much, especially in teen fiction and the story itself drew me in as a reader.

Mercy was an interesting character to me. There were times when I was really exasperated with some of the choices she made. I kept thinking to myself, ‘What are you doing? There’s no way this is going to end good for you, Mercy.’ On the other hand, although Mercy was half succubus, she was also half human. I might not have agreed with some of her choices, but she was a teen girl, trying to find a place for herself, and I could see how easy it was for her to make mistakes.

Normally, I really do not like the (oft-used) love triangle trope, but in Beg For Mercy, it made some sense. Even during awkward teen years, as a half succubus, Mercy would have exuded some kind of boy magnet perfume. So it kind of made sense that she had the mini boy fan club that she had. But I did find it a little distracting each time a new love interest was introduced. It also seemed a little weird to me that Paul (first love interest, first kiss, nearly killed by Mercy) stayed friends with Mercy, after the nearly dying incident. Putting aside that fact, it seemed too much a total 180 for Paul to go from liking Mercy to being ok with just being friends, or at least pretending to be ok.

The ending of Beg For Mercy left me with quite a few questions, so I’m looking forward to reading the next book in the series and finding out more of Mercy’s story, as well as perhaps the resolution to some of my questions.

uniquenessiskey's review

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This started off really good. I was completely pulled in to the characters and their development. About halfway through, I found myself waiting for something to happen. I suppose this story was a bit anti-climatic for me. I really wanted to like it a lot more than I did.

As was previously mentioned, some of the grammatical errors were a bit distracting. I wish that some of the relationships in the story had developed a bit more. Particularly the ones between Mercy and her parents. The ending was a bit of a let down. But being that I read the entire book in one day.. how bad could it have been??

Bottome line, I might read book number two in this series just to find out what happens between Mercy and Flynn. Hot hot hot!!

emma_srak's review

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I received this book as a read to review and I was glad I did. Mercy's story is very unique being that she's a 16/17 year old succubus. I think that she handles this fact very well in the beginning but once she's given a taste of freedom ( found in the form of magical lip balm) her life and person completely change. IMO the change was needed but I wished she would have pushed her mother for more about her true nature. I'm still a little confused with the mom situation, I felt like there's def. more there aside from her withholding information.

I liked the male characters a lot, they were all very different and all cared for Mercy in their own ways. I didn't mind that there were four of them the girl is a succubus afterall. Lol! My favorite of the bunch was Sebastian, I felt he was pretty honest with Mercy and also I didn't get the feeling that he was interested in her for selfish reasons. With Flynn and Luke sometimes I felt like it was a competition with them to get her and well for me Paul never had a chance, his humanity knocked him out of the game (at least for now, maybe there's a deal in his future? *wink wink*).

I loved the ending cliff hangers are fantastic and am looking forward to reading the next installment. I gave it a 4.5 stars and hope the second book has a better editor. Few grammatical and spelling errors, but still a very good and interesting story.

wandernmsk00's review

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Just... no. DNF

alexandriatp's review

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One of my favorite books so far this year - amazing!

The story is about a girl, Mercy, who is learning to live life as a Succubus. This proves to be very challenging since her mother won't teach her a thing. The only thing she knows for sure is that if she kisses someone, they could die - her best friend Paul had a personal experience with this. I have to say that I've only ever read about Succubui & Incubui from the Beautiful Creatures Series but even through them I didn't learn a lot. We, along with Mercy, learn quit a bit about their nature here and I can tell there's even more to learn!

This book is long, very long (I'm guessing about 600 pages) and I read the whole thing in 2 days it was so good! You can preview the first 5 chapters online and when you do you'll probably get sucked in just as I did.

Since Mercy doesn't know a lot about controlling herself yet, it's really fun to watch her try. She literally has an inner demon who seems to control her life at some points, which makes situations bad for her but interesting for us. Particularly when it comes to the men. And there's A LOT of different men in her life.

One thing I really enjoyed about this book was that there wasn't a love triangle or even two people working towards one love. Mercy was exploring her teenage inhibitions and with all the hot men running around it definitely kept me interested. I must admit that I have a soft spot in my heart for Luke, even though I understand they aren't really right for each other. This isn't really a spoiler unless you don't want to know much about the other guys but some ppl might want to read the whole book before I say why I wouldn't choose the others:
SpoilerFlynn is too fickle for me and what he did at the end I thought was awful (why try to break up something good? and to your best friend!), also the bad boy thing is done too much. We don't know enough about Sebastian (even though I can't wait to learn more!) and Paul well, I like him but I just don't think he's right for her.
I do want to say that at first I couldn't believe she was getting so many guys. It was a bit unrealistic to me, but then I thought about the raging teenage hormones and it made a little more sense. It didn't say this in the book either, but I think her succubus has a lot to do with all the lust floating around.

There are a lot of characters that I can't wait to get to know more - especially the dauntingly mysterious Sebastian and even Mercy herself. Because even though we were in her head the whole time I still don't feel like I know her very well. She choose to ignore things I didn't think she would, or maybe I just wouldn't have, but I think it did help the plot flow that way.

My biggest problem with the book was all the errors throughout but once those are fixed this book will be golden!

After talking with Shannon, it seems like we are in for a long ride with these characters and I can't wait for the next book!! Sorry this review is a tid bit long but I could talk about this book all day. :)

Bottom line: if you love YA, crazy romances, paranormal, Indie author, or any combo of those, then you'll love this book too!