
Blue Bloods 3-Book Boxed Set by Melissa de la Cruz

cregs's review

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adventurous fast-paced


ectoplasmjames's review

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This is YA pulp in its greatest form: there's vampires, weird biblical tie-ins, high school bitchiness, Pretty Little Liars-style lifestyle porn, and copious clothing descriptions. Is it good? No. Will I consume every scrap of available content? Yes.

SIDE NOTE: I don't know who needs to hear this, but "Croatan" or "Croatoan" is literally just the name of a Native American group.

bookgoonie's review

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I really like the recycled lives that have a history during Plymouth.

lulu_loves_conan_gray's review

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When someone reads all the books you recommend, you ought to read a book they love. Or at least I used to think that, but I didn't like this novel at all. The storyline was cool--I liked the vampire history and explanation. But she switched POVs too often so I didn't get a chance to like the characters.
Anyway, this book began exactly like City of Bones. A girl and her boy best friend are about to enter a club when the girl sees something only she can see. The only similarity, but I only got through half of the book before I skimmed to the ending. I did read the Wikipedia summaries for the rest of the series so I guess that says something? (Not that I particularly enjoyed it...I just don't want the someone to lend me the rest of the books)

inlibrisveritas's review

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Blue Bloods by Melissa De La Cruz is the first book in the Blue Blood series. Basically the whole books premise is about vampires who are in the highest platform of society, hence the double meaning of Blue Blood. It focuses on a group of young high school age kids that attend a prep school in New York that are slowly being drawn into the world of the Blue Bloods. However all is not well as they soon learn that something is targeting the Blue Bloods and they need to find out who.

In general I'd say this book has a lot of potential. The author has a talent for writing and that much is very obvious, however you can also tell that she works for a fashion magazine because a lot of that talent goes into describing the clothes and possessions each person has. I found this to be annoying in general as it continues throughout the whole book, but it wasn't enough for me to hate it because it is written better then most teenage vampire books. This is like a combination of Gossip Girls and Vampire Diaries, so it has the possibility of being addictive. It's a very easy to read book regardless of the constant fashion talk and it's possible to get through it quickly. Also unlike other books it's written in 3rd person and doesn't focus on just one person which is a refreshing when it comes to adding variety to the plot. Another refreshing quality is the fact that it's not all about romance as it is in other teen vamp fiction, this has a plot that takes the front position and the romance is kind of a plus. The characters are relate-able on a caste type of level as they can come off as shallow or wishy-washy.

Personally I'll give this book a 3 out of 5. Overall I did enjoy the book when it wasn't talking about the oh so fabulous clothing world. The plot to me was kind of different and there are a lot of different qualities to it that you don't find many places among the young adult genre. I must admit that for some reason that gossip factor of the book is kind of addicting no matter how much I think this to be on the lower scale of brain use, so that definitely gives it brownie points. I do like it more then Twilight which seems to be the basis for most comparisons these days, and I'll give the second book a go. However I must say that if the second book is on the same level as the first then there is a good chance I won't move on to the third, I enjoyed it but I don't think I can take a lot high elite gossip and fashion talk.

princessbilbo's review

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This book was awful, to put it simply. It's one series that I will never be able to finish because of how bad the first book was. I felt the author spent more time describing what her characters were wearing instead of going into detail about the characters.

This book was a total bore, and one I will never be able to reread.

ohthebooksyoucanread's review

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I enjoyed this book for the most part. Some of the parts were a bit boring and that would be why I rated this book a 4 and not a 5. I will be continuing on with this series to find out what happens between the Blue Bloods and the Silver Bloods. Onto book 2.

eunjung's review

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I read this in high school when vampire YA novels were at its peak demand because of Twilight. Except I was over the Twilight craze (because I had mine in middle school lol) and was kind of very fatigued by all these authors/publishers trying to cotton onto the vampire trend. Blue Bloods was intriguing because it checked off all the things I usually like when it comes to vampires (the living forever kind of lends itself to cushy rich luxurious lifestyle). I was intrigued enough to continue the series but I had my reservations the further along I got. It's not a bad read per say but you definitely have to like the cliches that are a part of the story to not roll your eyes as you read.

TL;DR - It's interesting but if you want a gore-y vampire story you should probably skip it. This is on the "fluffier"/trope-y side.

arguemore's review

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a wonderful start to an exciting series.

kateminasian's review

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This book was definitely acceptable. It wasn't too cheesy or trite, and not that similar to every other vampire book out there. My one beef is that the book definitely ends on a cliffhanger and there are pretty much no resolved story lines. This means you have to get the next book. I would have rather read one longer book than be made to buy multiples.