
Inked by Eric Smith

kimreadsthings's review

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Inked is a decent enough fantasy novel that just doesn't have enough originality or interest to make it stand out from an already saturated genre. The concept of the magical tattoos is interesting and beautifully executed, but unfortunately that's about it for Ink's originality. The rest of the book is your typical hero quest (alongside witty sidekick and love interest) uncovering hidden magic, and fighting the bad guys to save the day. It's all very formulaic.

I think this would've been a stronger book without any romantic plot line at all. There is no build up as Caenum has already had feelings for years when we're dropped into the story and there also just isn't really any time in the plot for the little romance there is. It would've been a great opportunity for a platonic m/f friendship in YA but ah well.

I would agree with what others have said before me-this would definitely be a book for Intro to Fantasy readers. In fact, I'd recommend it to my middle school YA readers, and I can see it being especially useful in trying to ensnare those ever so tricky boy readers.

All in all not a bad a book-really! I just suffer, perhaps, from reading one too many fantasy novels before it.

thegabecole's review

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Fun read with a fascinating magic system—I mean, magic tattoos? AWESOME. It didn't grip me quite as much as some fantasies I've read, and I thought the villains at the end were a little overly evil for my tastes (I tend to prefer more sympathetic, nuanced antagonists), but overall this was enjoyable and interesting.

laclos's review

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There's never a dull moment in this adventure-packed fantasy focused on a trio of kids who each manifest magic that has been repressed and controlled in their realm. They head out in search of a destiny of their own, and along the way, they encounter all manner of variety of people who skirt the outer boundaries of what is deemed acceptable for different reasons, from not getting "inked" to showing signs of supernatural powers. While the action is riveting, it's the study of how these diverse people live on the fringes and choose to fight to find a place in society again that really makes this book so powerful. This is the first book in a series, and I see that book #2, Branded, will be out next month!

radruby's review

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i really enjoyed this book. more in-depth video review coming soon!

hazelstaybookish's review

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I knew I wanted to read Inked when I first heard about it- not just because it was the YA debut of Eric Smith- but because of the highly interesting notion of fate-controlling magical tattoos. I couldn’t help but feel intrigued about a world where such a thing prevailed.

“Be fearless. Be bold. Be magic.”

Upon reading, I was easily impressed by the writing. It was vivid and imaginative, perfect for a fantasy novel. That said, it took awhile to get into the story because I had quite a hard time connecting to the characters but more importantly, the protagonist, Caenum. The story starts with him planning to run away, afraid to get Inked and have it predict who he was supposed to be for the rest of his life. One of his initial sentiments from the very first chapter was how he didn’t know himself (which was why he was hesitant about being Inked) and that was the only moment I identified with him throughout the story. I wanted to see more personal growth and depth from Caenum but alas, his and also Dreya and Kenzi’s character development were minimal.

“Lose control once in awhile and your emotions will make you strong. Keep your heart open and they’ll make you invincible.”

The story itself also felt underdeveloped (the latter parts mostly) and pretty hurried. I think I can understand why though since this was a pretty short book (especially compared to most fantasies). If there had been more of Eric’s rich writing like in the earlier parts of the book, the middle and the ending wouldn’t have flopped and been so anticlimactic. That said, I appreciated the twist later on and also a couple of lines/quotes near the conclusion. Also, I thought the romance between Dreya and Caenum, who’ve been long time childhood friends, was sweet albeit predictable.

“Great things can happen if you just take the time to help, take the risk, take the chance.”

Despite my reservations, Inked was a nice quick read. Ultimately, the unique idea of magical tattoos was the most remarkable thing about it. Inked was blooming with potential and could have been so much better if it had been more character-driven and elaborate but it was still an enjoyable adventure.

kelevrak's review

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I think this book gets 2 stars.
For a relatively short read, I think it did decent in terms of world-building. But as with short books, I felt it was definitely lacking SOMETHING. Although I can't exactly place WHAT. It could have had more in terms of length. I was left wanting more, more on the entire world.

I can't say I was too big a fan of the characters? I was more taken with the Ink itself, and all that it affected. I loved reading about the tattoos. Seriously, very interesting concept.

But again, save for Griska (let's hope I spelled that right), who doesn't speak, I didn't have a favorite.

I think it definitely fell short somewhere, and that ending was rushed, which didn't help, but it was an interesting enough idea for me to give it a 2.

amandamarieger's review

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When I first started reading this book, I was afraid it was going to be just like the other post-apocalyptic YA books that I've read. But it turned into something so much better. Caenum is a different kind of hero, one that isn't willing to see any more death, whether the person is good or bad. I could relate to that. I'm so tired of seeing so much hate in the world. The supporting characters were also fun to get to know - I especially liked Dreya as Caenum's counterpart, and Kenzi's fire, and the compassion in Caenum's grandmother, even though we hardly got to know her. I'm so excited to see where this story goes, when the next book is released next month. I'll definitely be reading it!

somelatenightreading's review

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I really enjoyed Inked and the premise of the story. It's very interesting and is revealed in a way that's easy to understand, instead of leaving you to work your head around the world. The characters were ones you could root for (or hate depending on the character) and their names were really cool! I cannot wait for the next book in this series to come out (if there is one... I hope there is one!)

cassie_the_weird's review

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Initial Review
Probably more of a 2.5.

Well, that was ridiculous. Thank goodness it was short.

Almost Full review

For full review (including live-tweets from while I was reading) click here.

The Short Version:

First things first: everyone ignore the synopsis. It doesn't mean anything.

Second, I did not like this book. This book made me angry. Of all 191 pages, I think I enjoyed 15 of them all up.


The Long Version:

I mean, it could have been so awesome. But I think the majority of my problems with this book stem from the basic lack of an obvious plot. I mean, I was at page 100, and the story still felt like it was just starting.

We also missed a lot of stuff. I mean, at the beginning, they were walking for days, and it just got skipped over like it was nothing.

I tell you, it made connecting with the characters very difficult.

It also didn't help that everything just felt so...random. I mean, I've read books where the characters don't know what they're doing before, but there was something about this that felt ridiculous.

And I'm just going to stop there.

In Conclusion:

Basically, I did not like this book. And that's all there really is to say.

I must say, though. I am actually curious: did anyone like this book? I've seen some 5 star ratings on goodreads, and if you liked it I would legitimately like to know why.

Not in a mean way, or anything. I'm just curious...seeing as different people often have different opinions.

b00kr3vi3ws's review

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Caenum lives in a world where the in tattoos control their life. Once a person turns 18, they get their magical tattoos that decide their profession and hence control their lives. No matter what they like and desire, they are destined to follow what their ink decides for them. Those who do not get inked and remain unmarked, are shunned from the society and are hunted by the Citadel. Caenum’s date of getting inked is fast approaching and he doesn’t know his own mind and is reluctant to get tattooed. He plans to run away, but a chance encounter with the scribe who is supposed to mark him changes his life forever. On the run from the Citadel, Caenum is accompanied by Dreya, his childhood friend and love interest, and Kenzi. This unlikely group is up for the most terrifying and amazing adventures.

The book has a really interesting premise – magical ink tattoos controlling the fate of people and a powerful and controlling Citadel. Then there are groups of people who have been shunned or runaways from the society who make a living for themselves under the radar of the Citadel. People who are oppressed are bound to revolt, but how will that revolution rise and what will be its fate?

There are a number of characters in the book that play important roles. Our protagonists – Caenum and Dreya are very likeable as is their blossoming romance. I like the fact that they are childhood friends who are taking baby steps with their relationship. However, I found the father and son reunion and their interaction really disappointing. It lacked serious emotions. Caenum, while loveable most of the times, can be stubborn and thick headed. Kenzi is a hot-headed person who can be impulsive. Dreya seems to be the most balanced person among the three. I would have loved to see a bit more growth in Caenum’s character.

The language and the narrative style of the author is simple. It will appeal to a lot of youngsters. The plot and its characters compliment each other and there is a lot of action and drama to keep the reader involved in the book.

Overall, it is an above average book that could have been better. I will be picking up the next book in the instalment with hopes of seeing Caenum develop and flourish.