
Anna e o Beijo Francês by Stephanie Perkins

kiperoo's review against another edition

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Wow. Loved, loved, loved this book. It pretty much has it all - awesome setting, great voice, interesting characters, and an amazing romance to boot. Nothing else to say but READ IT NOW!

darkndani's review against another edition

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There is a certain style of first person writing that is absolutely perfect for audiobooks.. and this book has it! I will never tire of an adorably sappy, cute and funny romance, so of course I loved this book. My only complaint is that I wish the actual couple part of the book was longer. The build up was cute and exciting but I just needed a little more to the end goal.

I needed more kisses or dates or flirting. It’s my favorite part of these types of books and I felt kind of cheated out of it

inwonderland49's review against another edition

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Oh my goodness. This book was easily one of my favorite books I read in 2013. Unfortunately, I hadn’t had the time to do many reviews, so I am doing one now. But I read this book within a 24 hour time period. I could not put it down! I literally ignored my phone, tv, and friends because I was so wrapped up in this book.

It didn’t hurt that the main guy interest was just amazing. Oh, Etienne St. Clair. Even just saying his name leaves you all hot and bothered. At least it does for me. Anywho, this book is set in a boarding school. But not just any boarding school but a boarding school IN PARIS. Oh, if only I could have been sent there for high school.

The descriptions of Paris and the tourist attractions made me feel like I had actually hopped in the book and I was Anna. I felt like I was there. Stephanie Perkins definitely knows how to deliver. She made excellent characters and had wonderful descriptions. Not to mention the story flowed so well, that I couldn’t help but continue reading it.

I am so disappointed with myself for waiting SO long to read this book! I should have read it when it FIRST came out. Stephanie Perkins is now on my auto buy list. I already have Lola and will be reading that sometime soon. But I will definitely be getting my hands on a copy of Isla the day it comes out!

If you are looking for something light, heartfelt, and just so sweet, pick this book up (if you haven’t already, that is!) I promise you won’t regret it!

laceydbell's review against another edition

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Overall loved this book. Adorable, fluffy, and perfect for my vacation. I thoroughly enjoyed the way the romance developed in this. Just a couple teeny tiny issues with this book that I will discuss more in my August wrap-up video and link here once it's posted.

kingsqueen27's review against another edition

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This book is so adorable. I absolutely loved Etienne, even though his choices frustrated me countless times. This was a fun and quick read, and helped to lift my spirits when I really needed it.

leasummer's review against another edition

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This was written so beautifully, besides loving the plot and characters, the writing is wonderful and descriptive. I felt like I was in Paris (I've never been). I loved the characters, and while they are entitled rich kids, I felt like the high school girl in my could relate to them. The romantic attraction between friends, the group friendship dynamic was all so realistic.
Very much enjoyed this book.

hiltzmoore's review against another edition

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This is how I would want every young adult novel to be written: realistic characters with real flaws, some good messages without shoving anything down throats, and even a beautiful setting for all of this! I would imagine lots of young women wanting to study abroad after reading this book! Heck, I wanted to study abroad after reading it and I'm (ahem) a wee bit too old for such things. It was still a young adult book with young adult themes, but I was able to appreciate it from an adult point of view. Very cute.

maireadingnook's review against another edition

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4.5 ⭐s

There's so much not to like about this book (I know

katriinajansone's review against another edition

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413lpp 4 dienās! Man patika visa grāmata izņemot pašas beigas (50lpp).

emilydaniela's review against another edition

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¡Sí! 5 estrellas, yay.

Lo he vuelto a leer, no recordaba muchas cosas pero tengo una excusa, mi memoria es como la de Dory, lo juro. Pensé que me aburría de leerlo de nuevo y lo dejaría pero no, lo leí en Inglés esta vez y amor, amor.

Amo como escribe Stephanie, se lee rápido, en ningún momento aburre o empalaga.

Caí rendida a los pies de St. Clair de nuevo pero Josh como que me gustó más, la primera vez que leí el libro no le presté atención pero esta vez sí y <3.

Cuando tenga otra vez ganas de leerlo, pues lo haré, me encanta, París es una de mis ciudades favoritas y leer como describen esos lugares me ilusiona mucho.

Sigo siendo lo peor tratando de hacer reviews