
Model Position by Kitsy Clare

alibraryofsorts's review

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This review can be found on my Tumblr and WordPress.

Rating: 3/5 stars

Reason for Reading:
Many of the characters were college students, and I'm looking for more fiction with main characters in their twenties.

I find myself pretty neutral with this book (hence the rating). Well, first, I should clarify that it's a novella. So it was a quick read. I was happy to read a story about students in graduate school, so that helped it gain some delightful points. I have noticed that New Adult fiction tends to be centered around romance and sex, which I think is a real shame, but I'll write a separate post about that one day.

Sienna is in her final year of earning her MFA, an aspiring artists that focuses on digital artwork. She's in a class with two friends, working on painting human models. There's this guy Dave who she doesn't really care for but is part of a famous, prestigious family in the art world: the HighTowers. Dave wants to date her, she agrees to a date and talks about how being with him would be beneficial for her career.

Now enters Erik: incredibly handsome, mysterious, sweet talker, has all the ladies wanting to get into his pants. And he has his eyes set on Sienna.

Now, I don't expect to love every character. I know that's not possible. However, I didn't care much for Sienna. Dave seemed to have some sort of romantic feelings for her (if we go by the crestfallen look he makes when she says she doesn't for him), but after realizing she didn't share any feelings for him, she still wanted to "date" him so that his aunt can get her a show. She's annoyed by a number of his mannerisms, but when Erik shows some similar qualities, she can overlook it. Dave calls Sienna his girlfriend after one date, Sienna is disgusted and sees it as a final straw. Erik calls Sienna his girlfriend after one date and extreme heavy petting, Sienna is thrilled that Erik has shown she's the only girl for him. And Sienna mentions how she's overlooking things about Erik that would normally put her off. Her doing this, well, it's off putting to me.

We don't learn much about Erik or Harper or her other friend who I forgot her name (seriously, what was it?) or even Dave, in my opinion. Do I blame this on it being a novella, or is it the story itself?

And before I give my final thoughts, Kitsy Clare has written another book titled Private Internship (An Art of Love Book Novel 2) that's supposed to come out at the end of this month.

Going by the summary on Goodreads...

Sienna...Harper...Same characters? She's going to be all hot and heavy with some dude named Casper. So, Sienna is going to break up with Erik. So much for that relationship.

Final Thoughts: My attitude toward Sienna is going downhill.

Reading Dates: September 11-14, 2014

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review from NetGalley.

reading_addict_lemon's review

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Original post on

This book was like a cookie. I liked it but it ended so fast; I mean it has just 60 pages (or this number of pages were in the format that I had it) so don't expect it to be a deep story or something like that.

It wasn't a bad read, but as I was saying, being so short the things happened so fast, the emotions and feeling appeared from nowhere and... I really enjoyed it, but I can't say that blew me away. There were some parts where I was smiling or I was eager to know what was going to happen but. You can't compare this with a complete novel, and here I mean with a big number of pages, because let's be honest: you don't have space to create a huge plot and develop more the characters, and keep the action going too. It's like you're trying to put sixty people into a lift.
The story was cute, easy and fast, with such a cute romance and if this would've been a novel I'd definitely give five stars. Because the characters would be more complexe, things will come easily and at the right moment, maybe the plot would be not so simple and cheesy, and so on.
But with what I've read I can't give it five stars, because it's too short, too simple and too fast.

Yeah, you could read it like a summer read or like a novella, because it's really good and cute, but not when you want more. So, I recommend it!

This book was given to me through NetGalley for a honest review. Thank you! : )

mischievousreads's review

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***Review copy courtesy of Publisher via Netgalley in exchange for honest review

I could not finish this book at all. Perhaps it was because I read the second book (Private Internship) before this. And if book two wasn't bad enough, this book just made my disappointment worse. I intentionally read the second book first because I received it for a tour post on my blog, and I thought I could read it as a stand alone because I assumed this read (Model Position) would be about another couple.

I believe the story line had so much promise as well, but everything just went downfall because of the irritating characters. I have read about Sienna's slutty behavior in book two, I didn't want to read about her anymore, even if it's a back story.

jandmterry's review

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Great Novella!

I read this novella in one sitting. I enjoyed the story of two painters. I liked how she wanted an organized life and Erik sent her world on a spin. This was a case of you don't always get what you think you want but you do get what you need.

missyterry73's review

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Great Novella!

I read this novella in one sitting. I enjoyed the story of two painters. I liked how she wanted an organized life and Erik sent her world on a spin. This was a case of you don't always get what you think you want but you do get what you need.

findmeinabookshop's review

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I found this much too short.

bandherbooks's review

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**Review from an ARC received for an honest review from

This is a novella, but I've read many a short tale where the characters were fully realized and not just caricatures. Alas poor Sienna. Should she choose the well connected and great looking Dave who help her win a show at his Aunt's prestigious art gallery? Or should she choose Erik, the poor model with the bod of steel from her life drawing class? One can get her her head's desire, the other can soothe the fire in her loins. What's a girl to do? I'm sure you can already guess.

Oh, and of course when she has to let down the man she doesn't choose, she can simply give him away to her friend who really wanted him all along. Plus, the guy she chooses actually turns out to be a millionaire in disguise and she gets her art show! What! Of course. Perfect fairy tale, the end.

I'm sure there are fans of this perfectly fake contrivance who will enjoy this novella, but I'm not really one of them. I would only recommend, with hesitation, as a purchase for an eBook library collection.
