
A Clockwork Heart by Liesel Schwarz

djinnia's review against another edition

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Why?! Why did you do that to him? I am angry. Furious even. Did you have to do that to my favorite character?

I just can't make myself give it 3 stars or more. I can't like it for what happens at the end of the book. It's not within me. It doesn't matter how wonderful the writing was or how great the action sequences were. It made me want to throw it across the room and stomp on it.

Lucky for it, it's a library book, which is the only thing that saved it from my wrath. I'm normally not a violent person toward books. I've only ever wanted to throw 2 books like that.

Don't get me wrong. I loved the first one. The first one was epic.

shai3d's review against another edition

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My introduction to the steampunk genre was actually the first book in this series, A Conspiracy of Alchemists, and I haven't looked back since. The blend of urban fantasy and alternative history is one that I find rather satisfying. So you can only imagine how I jumped at the chance to review A CLOCKWORK HEART.

I really enjoyed the characters of Elle, Marsh and Loisa so getting a chance to rejoin them on their adventures was like getting together with old friends. And boy do they get themselves involved in adventures. I found this book filled with suspense and danger. Or course, Elle loves to court danger.

I have to say that I really enjoyed A CLOCKWORK HEART but there were some instances where I was pulled out of the story as I tried to figure out just what or who the author meant. On the plus side is the fact that this book kept me on the edge of my seat almost the entire time and ends in a cliff hanger. I can hardly wait to see what Ms. Scharz and Elle have planned next for us.

I do recommend A CLOCKWORK HEART to any of my readers that enjoy steampunk. It is one wild ride that is sure to please. I rate it a 4.1.

*** I received this book at no charge from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions expressed within are my own.

caroleheidi's review against another edition

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After reading book one of this series I was horribly disappointed – by the end it had shown oodles of potential and promise but only delivered any in the final chapters of the book. Thankfully A Clockwork Heart realised all of that promise and added some more magic of its own.

Steampunk with a touch of horror, Elle has finally found her feet as a character and no longer felt flighty and confused. A very good thing considering the situations she finds herself in – it’s never an easy thing when you drag your husband home to find his heart has been ripped out and replaced by clockwork.

Atmospheric throughout with a hefty smattering of Shadow fey amongst the steampunk and clockwork zombies, A Clockwork Heart was an exciting adventure that I couldn’t put down. Satisfying in itself but with enough of a cliff-hanger that I can’t wait for book three to be released – finally I can see that this series could well be the spark of the new beginning for steampunk that everyone was talking about.

innowen's review against another edition

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Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book through

The second book in a very awesome steampunk/urban fantasy series jumps right out from the gate. Once again we're treated to the awesome world that Schwarz has created for us in A Clockwork Heart. Elle and Marsh are married and things aren't going well. Elle is much more of a modern woman than her time period and she does not want to be tied down to duty between her man and the love of the open airways. However, when she decides she wants to be with Marsh, he goes missing and strange tickers are afoot. We're treated to old characters and some new friends and left with a heart-wrenching (get it??? hurr hurr) ending that just left me wanting more.

What I loved: clockwork zombies! Holy cow, what an awesome concept. Love this idea and it played out so well in this world. I loved the end battle with everyone pitching in to help save Marsh. The imagery of the Battle was just awesome.

What I disliked: Mz. Schwarz, duuuuude... the ending! How could you. Talk about having one's heart ripped out. I cried. Way to show how one morns for lost love; and now, I must wait another half a year or more to read more! Gaaah, how could you!!!! *grins*

Overall, A Clockwork Heart and this series is an amazing and fun tromp through imagination. I'm so looking forward to the third book and I just finished the second.

sheltzer's review against another edition

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This book continues the story of Elle Chance by embroiling her in a battle with La Dame Blanche, a powerful creature of the Shadow. The White Lady is stealing people from the streets of London and replacing their flesh and blood hearts with those made of Clockwork. The end result is an army of zombies. When the illustrious Marsh is similarly captured, Elle makes it her mission to end the madness.

I enjoyed this book, it's a quick read and I like the world that Ms. Schwarz has created. The final resolution with the White Lady was so pat that Elle even remarked upon it, but there was a definite twist in the end. I look forward to the next book.

owlishbookish's review against another edition

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This review originally appeared on Book Brats on December 15, 2013.

I’ve been sitting on this review for quite some time now. In fact, it’s been 3 1/2 MONTHS since I read it. I’ve been stewing, you see. A Clockwork Heart is the second book in Liesel Schwarz’s series, The Chronicle of Light and Shadow, the first book of which, A Conspiracy of Alchemists, I rather enjoyed. There were some character flaws I didn’t much care for, but the plot was sound and it was an entertaining read. A Clockwork Heart, however, is an entirely different story. The best word I can use to describe my reaction to this book is “rage.” I am not exaggerating when I say I felt so angry by the time I finished this one. Those aforementioned character flaws were worse rather than better, which just should not be by the time a second book rolls out. The plot I enjoyed in the first book was still there, but it was so overshadowed by the idiocy of the characters involved that I was simply turned off.

When we first meet Elle in A Conspiracy of Alchemists, she is an independent go-getter who doesn’t take any crap from anyone, no matter their pedigree or what they may have against her. She is also horrendously stubborn, however, which leads to some ridiculous reactions on her part. At first, this was fairly easy to overlook in favor of the adventure she was in the middle of, but in A Clockwork Heart, I found myself simply wanting to smack her. I have never seen such a deterioration of character between a first and second book. Gone is her steadfast adherence to her ideals. When Marsh, who has turned out to be a controlling ass hat of a husband, delivers an ultimatum regarding a charter he doesn’t want Elle to take, she goes from standing her ground and starting the journey to listening to a random character we’ve only just met and turning her airship around. She thinks she’s silly for not listening to Marsh in the first place. I think she’s an idiot for not clearing the air with him before she leaves. They both messed up horribly and I just couldn’t forgive either character for it. That’s just one example of many when it comes to these characters’ idiotic capers, but even that was enough to leave a sour taste in my mouth.

The plot that comprises A Clockwork Heart was this book’s saving grace. It’s hard not to drum up some enthusiasm when there are clockwork zombies on the loose. Add to that Marsh’s heart being (literally) stolen by another and you have some seriously creepy stuff going on. Thank goodness for Loisa, who was the real redeeming character in this installment. She is a woman/vampire who is not to be trifled with. You can’t help but admire the more solid quality she lends to the plot once she enters the story. She is largely to thank for my ability to even finish A Clockwork Heart.

When all is said and done, I am not a happy camper with this series. Having started out enjoying myself and so quickly coming to disliking what I was reading doesn’t really bode well for me reading the next book. Even with the shocking end of A Clockwork Heart, I just don’t know if I have it in me to find out what happens next. This book was saved by its plot and a single character, but I don’t know if the series will live to see another day in my reading repertoire. A Clockwork Heart was such a disappointment for me that the best I’m likely to eke out is keeping an eye out for others’ opinions of the third book. I guess we’ll just have to wait to see where we go from here.

mackle13's review against another edition

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I debated about whether to go up to 2 or down to 1, but decided it had to be a 1.

First let me say that I wasn't exactly wowed by the first book in the series, but I liked it enough to give this second book a shot. (I gave it 2.5 bumped to 3).

And I must admit those covers... they call to me...


But, honestly, this book died for me within the first few chapters. Elle and Marsh - already a bit annoying and inconsistent in the first book - were just... ugh...

So, they're married 6 months and it's not going well. Elle wants to remain free-spirited and independent, and Marsh, 'cause he worries, suddenly gets all "you will be by my side as befitting the duties of a wife" (paraphrased) and, yes, both needed to compromise and both were a bit in the wrong - but I wanted to smack the overbearing Marsh upside his thick damn skull.

But, of course, as the story progresses you discover all this drama is manufactured bullshit to make the plot more angsty.

Well, if it was meant to make me care more - it failed. It failed hard.

So, anyway - stuff happens, and Elle has to save Marsh and discover the source of the Tickers.

I mentioned in my review of my first book that the world building was interesting, but haphazard. Moreso in this book. For one, there's the Tickers - pseudo-zombies who get their hearts replaced with clockwork.

Wait, what? How does this work? I mean, obviously there's magi-tech involved - but come the fuck on. I'm not exactly a surgeon - but I'm pretty sure swapping out some bits and cauterizing some blood vessels does not surgery make.

I guess there's always some level of handwavium going on in these books - but this was just too much for me. Maybe if other elements of the book were more compelling I could've overlooked it - but, no.

Speaking of too much,
Spoilera thousand people disappear, and it's barely a blip in the newspapers? I mean, I know the cops were involved and shit - but come on!

And then there's the Lady in White. Usually a term referred to a ghost, in this she's an elemental witch. But she's also kind of inhuman - so a sort of fae? A ghost witch fae? I don't freaking know. Nobody knows.

And, lastly, Elle - the Oracle. Who is so bone-fucking-stupid I can't even breathe properly. I mean, she
Spoilerbanishes the Oracle voices, and they tell her they won't be able to come back if she banishes them - and then she's like "hey ladies, where are you? Oh, I guess you're off pouting."

And then she finally figures it out and wishes she hadn't banished them, but her mother had told her she could unbanish them - so... so figure it the fuck out, bitch!

I mean, honestly, it's like she didn't even try to have a lick of sense.

And the dialogue is wretched (i.e.
Spoiler"The time for playing games is over. You must die without delay," and "And now you will die, Oracle. And with this opening in the void, all Shadow creatures will be free." - because we must telegraph all the action with bad dialogue!
). I don't know if it was going for humor, but it didn't seem to be... it just seemed to be bad.

The secondary characters are nigh interchangeable, it's all very telly over showy and, really, there's nothing redeemable about this story at all.

Except the cover.

My gods, the cover...


Summary: Halfway decent world/story massacred by terrible writing.

stevevig's review

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Please delete this book. It is not by Fay Weldon. The correct information is contained here

Thank you

amyextradot's review against another edition

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*****************SPOILER ALERT*********************************





Marsh dies/turns into a wraith/acts like a dick when he's alive.

I liked the first book, but the second installment seems so disjointed from the first that it seemed like a stand alone. The characters were annoying, the plot was discombobulated and it just wasn't a fun read.

samantha_randolph's review against another edition

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"Elle and her husband, Marsh, have been through a lot. Now that things seem to be a little safer, Elle is happily flying once more on her ships and Marsh is enjoying inventing, but the two aren't on the same page anymore. Marsh can't understand why Elle insists on flying alone, and Elle can't understand why Marsh can't understand. Their differences drive them to a fight that leaves them separated. By the time Elle comes back to apologize, Marsh has gone missing. She will soon discover that next time she sees him, his heart may be entirely be her's anymore." Full review at Fresh Fiction: