
This Way to Forever: by Loren Kleinman

praptip20's review

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I went quite out of my preferred genre with this romance. And I must say, this book has everything a romance should contain, with the exception of a true storyline. As a writer myself, I paid a lot of attention to Lorena Kleinman's writing, and believe me, it was flawless. But the plot proved to be the hitch- it was quite immature and sadly, exhaustive after a while. Generally, any author seeks to gather compassion and empathy from the readers for the lead character, which in this case was a woman aspiring to be a poet. While I did manage to pity her bad luck in finding love, I sure didn't "fall in love" with her personality. It might just be my point of view, but a line uttered by one of the lead's companions sums up her whole character very nicely- "You're an escape artist. You can't face anything. You can't even face yourself." Whoa! Definitely not a person to catch my fancy. The other characters were also a bit superficial, for example, Tad, the heroine's first love. He cried all the time. I mean. what's all that about? Sure, emotions show vulnerability, but that much crying only serves to make the reading dull.
Although, I had to read between the lines to catch that, the author has much better chance excelling in poetry. Reading the few lines she managed to fit into the story, I have no doubt that she is an excellent poet. Basically, what I'm trying to say is, Lorena is good at prose, but I don't think they'll ever match up with her poetry-writing skills. What's more, I think she could have condensed the story a tad (pun intended!). Descriptions of loneliness and heartache are very smoothly written, but there's too much.
I would certainly recommend this book as a fine specimen of the literary style of writing. And I definitely think you should give a shot to her poetry if you ever find it available.

wulfwyn's review

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I like reading romance books. It is not my favorite genre though. In all honesty, I figured I would like it and it would be a distraction from the stress of my life. I did not expect this book to become a favorite, but it did. After finishing it I wanted to go back and read it again. It took me back to my first love. It took me back to those days when I didn't know who I was or what I wanted even though I believed I did. I know people don't like to revisit the awkward or uncertain times. The romances that ended in tears. The awfulness of unrequited love. The indecision of love triangles. The heartbreak of just realizing you are not the one. I, however, like remembering. I feel that everyone who was in my life had a reason to be there and helped shaped me in some way. For me, it was easy to fall under the spell of this book.
The story is Sara's. She is at the beginning of her adult life. She writes poetry. is waiting to hear back from the school where she hopes to get her Masters and then she meets Tad. Their romance moved quickly. There were bumps and separations. Then the breakup. Enter Ethan. Their romance also moves quickly. Then Tad returns. What will Sara do? Who does she truly love?
I liked Sara most of the time. She did seem to go with the flow a bit easily. This part of her personality made it easy for me to understand how she fell in love so quickly. I liked her friend Mitchell a lot. I would have liked to know more about him but the circumstances in this story, like life, didn't permit this. I know some may say that Sara and her dilemma are not realistic but I thought they were. I know a lot of women who put friends on the back burner when they get into certain relationships. I think most people have that one person who we wrapped ourselves around and made him/her our universe. This is what Sara did. Sometimes it turns out okay. More often it does not. I know some who made choices they regretted and some who have lived happily ever after. I enjoyed the drama, the emotions and the poetry. I loved the fact that both guys gave Sara support for her dreams, though one was better at it than the other.
There are some pretty steamy scenes in here along with sex outside of marriage, (and sex happening pretty quickly). There is also some pot smoking. There is profanity though it is not littered with it. None of that bothered me but I like to give a heads up to people who aren't comfortable with any of those types of scenes or words.
I would like to say thank you to BookTasters for introducing me to this book and to the author who provided a review ecopy of the book. I did not receive any compensation for this review. It contains my honest thoughts and opinion of this book.

wulfwyn's review against another edition

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I like reading romance books. It is not my favorite genre though. In all honesty, I figured I would like it and it would be a distraction from the stress of my life. I did not expect this book to become a favorite, but it did. After finishing it I wanted to go back and read it again. It took me back to my first love. It took me back to those days when I didn't know who I was or what I wanted even though I believed I did. I know people don't like to revisit the awkward or uncertain times. The romances that ended in tears. The awfulness of unrequited love. The indecision of love triangles. The heartbreak of just realizing you are not the one. I, however, like remembering. I feel that everyone who was in my life had a reason to be there and helped shaped me in some way. For me, it was easy to fall under the spell of this book.
The story is Sara's. She is at the beginning of her adult life. She writes poetry. is waiting to hear back from the school where she hopes to get her Masters and then she meets Tad. Their romance moved quickly. There were bumps and separations. Then the breakup. Enter Ethan. Their romance also moves quickly. Then Tad returns. What will Sara do? Who does she truly love?
I liked Sara most of the time. She did seem to go with the flow a bit easily. This part of her personality made it easy for me to understand how she fell in love so quickly. I liked her friend Mitchell a lot. I would have liked to know more about him but the circumstances in this story, like life, didn't permit this. I know some may say that Sara and her dilemma are not realistic but I thought they were. I know a lot of women who put friends on the back burner when they get into certain relationships. I think most people have that one person who we wrapped ourselves around and made him/her our universe. This is what Sara did. Sometimes it turns out okay. More often it does not. I know some who made choices they regretted and some who have lived happily ever after. I enjoyed the drama, the emotions and the poetry. I loved the fact that both guys gave Sara support for her dreams, though one was better at it than the other.
There are some pretty steamy scenes in here along with sex outside of marriage, (and sex happening pretty quickly). There is also some pot smoking. There is profanity though it is not littered with it. None of that bothered me but I like to give a heads up to people who aren't comfortable with any of those types of scenes or words.
I would like to say thank you to BookTasters for introducing me to this book and to the author who provided a review ecopy of the book. I did not receive any compensation for this review. It contains my honest thoughts and opinion of this book.

thatreadingaddiction's review against another edition

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I received a free copy of this book from the author, Loren Kleinman, through BookTasters so thank you for that.

This Way to Forever is a contemporary novel about Sara Brody. It follows her as she falls in love with Tad Bolak and gets her heart broken more times than she can handle. It starts with her finding out Tad has a fiancee back in Europe and ending with something that would break anyone’s heart if it happened to them.

After Sara starts college, she meets Ethan and falls in love with him, glad that she doesn’t think of Tad anymore, but still can’t get rid of him. At this point, Tad wants her back, but Ethan wants Sara to give their relationship a chance. Who will she choose? Her soulmate Tad who has broken her, or her love Ethan who helped her get better?

This book was nice read, stepping away from my favorite genre fantasy, being a contemporary novel. I really liked how this was a quick read, as it took me less than two hours to get through the whole book. I also liked Mitchell. He was one of my favorite characters in the story. He is best friends with Sara and even though he wasn’t one of the “main” characters, I still liked him.

I feel like Sara fell in love with both Tad and Ethan really quickly, or at least it didn’t take many chapters. If that part was stretched out a bit so there was more about how Sara fell in love with Tad, and later Ethan, I would like that a bit more. It seemed kind of rushed to me.

I really liked reading this book, and hope others find this book and read it too.

mistysbookspace's review against another edition

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.I received a free copy of this book from the author through BookTasters on Twitter in exchange for an honest review.

I am a huge romance fan and normally insta love doesn't bother me but Tad and Sara it happened way to fast and it didn't seem realistic. Also everything that included Tad was just so corny. The relationship between Ethan and Sara although still insta love felt more realistic to me. The whole book is pretty much all about Tad and Sara's relationship. Ethan doesn't come in until closer to the end of the book which is unfortunate because that part of the story was my favorite. I wish there would have been more of Ethan and Sara. Sara came off a little childish to be a 22 year old. Everybody warned her about Tad but she just ignored them only to come to the same conclusion herself later. However at the very end she finally stood up for herself which I was so happy for. The ending was perfect all the drama and then she finally made her choice which I am very happy with

Because it was late last night when I wrote this review I forgot the most important part and that is to say thank you so much to the author Loren Kleinman for sending me a copy of this book.

rocioreads's review against another edition

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I got this book from the author through @booktasters (thank you very much)

So this was a quick read for me
I really enjoyed it
For me the story wasn't about the love interests but more about sara finding out who she is and what she wants and also learning to love herself
Putting that aside i did quite enjoy the romance
At the begging i really liked tad, his relationship with her and all the things they do together but then we found out about his fiancé and sara forgave him which i just couldnt believe

I liked Ethan since he was introduced i like that he's funny and pretentious i also like that he is a writer so he helps sara with her writers block and she helps him with his writing and they understand each other and have arguments and discussions about books and writing i like how they talk about everything and nothing

I loved the ending of the story and how everything concluded