
Devil Without a Cause by Terri Garey

emilyhei's review

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When the Devil pays a visit to Faith McFarland, her life takes another horrible blow, her sons life for a ring he has coveted for years. The owner of the ring is Rock Star Finn Payne who years ago made his own deal.

Finn is tired of the women who throw themselves at him like an offering, when Faith makes a blatant pass at him he knows there is something different about her, an innocence that shines through making him want to uncover what is hidden beneath.

Intense story, loved every minute of it. It has a back story with that humanizes the Devil and brings a few chuckles along the way. Would reread this one, a rare treat.

jennasis's review

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It was a great read and I finished quite quickly. It was a different sort of read then I am used to but I really liked it. Most of the time I can't stand when the author changes characters, going from Faith, to Finn to the Devil at first was annoying, But it was only annoying because that is always my reaction to character switches, I was quickly taken by the different points of views. the only thing that was off was that the Devil should have been more evil. Though if he hd been more sinister then the book wouldn't of had the ending I wanted. Over all the book was an interesting read :D

moondance120's review

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Sammy Devine from the Nicki Styx series shows his true colors as Samael, Prince of Darkness. Bargaining for the soul of a single mom with a child that has brain cancer is just the beginning. Having her steal the Ring of Chaos from a rock star who also has a bargain with him makes sparks fly. 4 stars

jacqueline1989's review

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A really REALLY rantastic review coming sooooooooon.

scorchingnix's review

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Wow, this book was not what I was expecting! I was expecting something light and fluffy, but what I got what a truly dark and heart breaking read. Faith is in untenable situation. Does she want to make a devils bargain? Hell no! She knows that the Devil never makes things simple, that he will look for ways to renege on their deal, but what choice does she have? Her baby boy is dying and his death will not be quick and easy. She makes a choice to “whore” herself out to save her child, and she hates herself every second of it. She can’t help but feel attracted to the delectable Rock star, but she can’t let herself feel pity for the situation in which she puts him. Finn is used to the life he lives. He has women throwing himself at him at every corner, more money than he can spend and a legion of adoring fans. He knows that it will one day end, knows that the Devil will not allow him to live to a ripe old age, but he refuses to allow that day to come anytime soon. When Faith steals his ring he does everything, and I mean everything, that he can to convince her to give it him back (it has to be given to him, not stolen). He knows that to relinquish the ring means certain death. He also knows that whatever the Devil say is twisted to suit his means; can he convince Faith not to trust her soul to such a manipulative creature. It comes down to a choice for the pair of them; Nathan’s life or Finn’s. When they start to feel something towards each other it makes it twice as hard; how can they cause each other pain if they claim to care? I felt so sorry for the pair of them; I completely understood both of their points of view. My opinion was swayed more in the favour of Faith winning the ring (especially when Nathan basically tells her he accepts he will die and I cried!), but I knew that neither outcome would make me happy because I loved them together. It was not a good situation!!

In part’s, this book was a little slow because it was so emotionally heavy, but the overall story, and the fabulously written characters, kept me reading and I finished it one sitting. I loved the tragic love story between Faith and Finn, and I couldn’t see an outcome that would satisfy me. Sammy B Devine (AKA the devil) was my favourite character. He was a grumpy old Angel, but underneath all the hurt and anger, is a lonely man that has been cast out by his family and rejected by the only woman he has ever loved. A tearjerker, with the occasional laugh, this is a twisty, emotional tale that kept me on the edge of my seat. I will be reading more of this series!