
Maid for the Billionaire by Ruth Cardello

lifeand100books's review against another edition

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The timeline for this romance is ludicrous. Our main characters, Dominic and Abby, meet when Abby steps in to cover for her sister as Dom's maid. The next morning she's dolled up and accompanying him to the reading of his father's will. A day later she's on a plane with Dom to China. WHAT?

I get the whole falling in love at first sight thing, but traveling with that person to another country knowing that he's a hot head? IDK that's just really unrealistic to me.

Take time out of the equation though, and the story would have been fine. Dom and Abby are interesting characters. Dom is an enigma with a really messed up past. He speaks to none of his family (well what's left of them) and is in a constant battle for more power and money. This power hungry attitude has made him a man with many enemies, few friends, and a personality that doesn't let him lose anything. His domineering personality gets knocked down a few pegs when Abby steps into his life and makes him realize that having money and being powerful in the business world doesn't give you the right to treat everyone like shit.

Besides the timeline of events, the rest of the book was good. Good writing, characters with unfolding backgrounds, etc - ::sigh:: I just can't get over the book's time frame. Its unrealistic nature just blew it.

thedailykaylee's review against another edition

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Nope, not for me.

Look I love a good dominant alpha male just as much as the next girl, buttt I really did not like the main characters. Abby was immature, hitting his car? Billionaire or not, that’s not real life!! And his “enough. You will get in the limo I send.” You’ve known her for all of two seconds and yes I love a good dominant character but his dominance just didn’t do it for me. I’ve read other books by this author and loved them, I hate to say I just couldn’t get into this one and I didn’t finish it. It’s free through kindle unlimited so that’s a plus.

myaddiction's review against another edition

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Really enjoyed reading this book.

tiredcat's review against another edition

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I wish I could give it 3.5 stars. Good character development for as short the book is. It was a very fast read.

katmorrisey's review against another edition

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So this is one of those books I've had on my kindle for awhile. I finally read it. It was a somewhat quick read and I really the hero (total alpha) though at one point he was a jerk and I wanted to punch him in the throat. This was okay though b/c it led to Dominic's epiphany and well, it had to happen somehow. Overall I am waffling between 2.5 and 3 stars so I rounded up since GR doesn't give me the ability to be more specific.

One thing that bugged me was how everything went down in China. I did not understand why Abby didn't tell Dominic. And then she walked into the meeting and instead of going to Dom, she went to the minister guy. I mean, wth?! That pissed me off. And if I was Dominic I would have never forgiven her for that. (And Zhang? And the planes/paratroopers? Well that came out of nowhere. I mean Dom was pissed but at no point did he ever indicate he would hurt Abby.) That whole thing was just a bit over dramatized for me.

Despite this I did enjoy the author's voice and writing style so I will be checking out more of her books (Once I get through the mega-piles on my kindle and nook. Gah!)

mekag's review against another edition

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This book was sitting in my library for a while and I didn’t have any books to read so I found this one and started reading until a couple hours later I reached the end searching for more, not ready to end. I enjoyed reading this book. The characters were well developed and the story line was just right-not boring and not over the top either.

agrutle's review against another edition

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Dominic is in Boston to go to the reading of the will for his recently deceased father. They were estranged, and he knows that he's not getting anything from the will but he wants to see his sister and he needs to know what's going on with the will. When he gets into his home in Boston the maid is still there and even though he tells her to leave she stays and tells him he needs a shower. No one stands up to Dominic Corisi, no one would dare tell him he stinks. This woman does and she intrigues him.

Abby is only cleaning this house because her sister has the flu and if she doesn't Lil will lose this job and she needs it. This man though is arrogant and rich, obviously used to getting his way. No way is she going to bow to his will. She leaves and dents his car as she goes.

Dominic wants more time with Abby, so he invites her to go with him to China, no strings just time with him when he's not working. Abby is hesitant, she's always been the responsible one. But after some prodding, she decides to go. Things go awry when she decides to step in on this deal to try and help save it, without talking to Dominic first. Probably wasn't her brightest idea.

Dominic is loud and imposing and Abby is quiet and logical. Honestly, they're yin and yang. There were a few spots that I didn't love Dominic but he grew on me. He protects who and what he loves. He's also used to getting what he wants so Abby not being so accommodating is refreshing. She isn't perfect but she doesn't really let him walk all over her. Except when he's kidnapping her! I gobbled up this book and immediately started the second one.

filipaavmonteiro's review against another edition

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Custou-me bastante a ler este livro mas com o desenrolar da história consegui terminá-lo, vou dar uma 2ª oportunidade ao seguinte para ver se sigo esta autora!

hager87's review against another edition

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I finished the book in a day. It was a fair book. The style of narration needed more developing because it was supposed to be third person but some times it felt first person and alternating between the two main characters. The storyline needed more development as well. The chemistry between the two main characters was not quite felt. The sassiness of Abby was fun and light hearted and made me like the heroine. Could not say the same about Dom. The sex scenes was below average in terms of narration and way vanilla to my tasting

jdewar's review

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Was hoping for a more of a decent story but it's shallow, unrealistic and cringe-worthy from page 1. So many abusive behaviours in this book are triviliased it's actually frightening. I got half way before giving up