
Dirty Little Secret by Jennifer Echols

rmoon28's review

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Dirty Little Secret is unlike any other book I have read. We learn about the nitty, gritty aspects of the music business and what some bands have to go through. This is my first Jennifer Echols book and I am so happy I started with this one.

We start off with Bailey employed in the mall, playing her fiddle, impersonating deceased country stars. She has been in music festivals with her younger sister, Julie but Julie is the only one who gets signed with a record deal. Therefore, Bailey is left betrayed and sent to live with her grandfather. When Bailey meets Sam, there is an instant attraction. They are opposites of one another but both broken, so they understand each other really well.

I really liked Bailey. I thought she was strong in the way she handled herself especially with her family. I mean, personally, if I lived, eat and breathed music growing up, I definitely would want to have a career in it no matter what. Bailey is also fiercely loyal to her sister. She will do anything for her, even though she may feel hurt or jealous in the process. Sam, on the other hand, will do anything to get a record deal, anything; he has this persona about him that makes everyone like him, even with his ‘52 girlfriends’.

For me, the beginning of this book was a little hard to get into but once I did, I really enjoyed it. Dirty Little Secret is a must read for anyone who likes to read contemporary romance based on the music industry. I look forward to my next read by Jennifer Echols. I am not sure why I waited so long.

**This book was provided to me for free for an honest review**

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michieknee's review

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My opinion on this book is about as back and forth as its main love interest who flipped from cute to jerk like a birdie in a game of badminton. The drama was laid on so thick it pushed the character interactions into cartoon-ish places. By the end I wanted Bailey to just get away from everyone instead of the supposedly happy ending she received. Bleh. You guys need therapy, not romance.

hollygraph's review

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This book wasn't bad, but not great. I never felt really invested into any of the characters. Also the main character Bailey's family were unrealistic. I would skip this book and read Going Too Far or Forget you by Jennifer Echols they are awesome.

nagam's review

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Sheesh. I really really enjoyed this one. My only complaint is that it's a BAM! -- meet each other and be crazy deep into a relationship, but I loved the characters and the story!

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Review originally published on Rather Be Reading:

If your interest is even slightly piqued by any of the below, I strongly suggest you purchase Jennifer Echols’ newest upcoming release, Dirty Little Secret. Just look at all that’s in store for you…

♥ Steamy scenes.
♥ Hot love interest.
♥ Strong-willed main character.
♥ A little bit of country music in the great city of Nashville, TN.
♥ A big helping of family drama.

After Bailey’s younger sister is signed to a mega-record label, her parents focus all their attention on making Julie’s career a success. This means removing Bailey from the music scene (even though the sisters used to be a duo, playing shows together all the time) so no one catches wind of the ripped-apart-sisters-storyline that could ruin Julie’s career before it’s begun. Bailey, over the course of a year, morphs into a girl that’s only an inkling of who she used to be. She chops her long, blonde locks into an asymmetrical cut and dyes her hair black; she begins dressing sexier and edgier than ever before. Bailey wants to be badass.

When her sister leaves to go on tour, Bailey is asked to move in with her grandfather. Though she’s been forbidden to play her fiddle or participate in any shows, her grandfather pulls some strings and lands her a job where she plays in tribute bands at the mall. Some days she plays with Elvis Presley, others with Dolly Parton. The day she plays with the Johnny Cash band, she’s challenged by the guitar-playing-boy who pushes her to play harder and better. The boy named Sam who she thinks she’s met before. The boy who invites her to play with his band… and for some reason, even though Bailey should, she just can’t turn down.

Oh, holy smokes, you guys. Bailey and Sam’s connection was on fire. These two, from the moment they met, were flirty and sarcastic. It did take me a minute to accept how quickly their relationship developed, but I’d consider that a minor bump in the road. (And I was only concerned because WHOA BUDDY was there a steamy, steamy scene pretty early on and I felt so protective of Bailey.) Sam’s charismatic and quite a charmer, but he also has a story that made me cock my head to the side and squint my eyes at the pages because I couldn’t, for the life of me, figure him out.

Sam’s suspicious storyline, plus Bailey’s family drama that was slowly unfolding, and the way these two seemed to magnetically be connected completely absorbed me. Another minor hesitation was that when the climax of the story arrived, I felt like Echols could have explored the resolution a little bit more. It felt a little like, “OH CRAP! THINGS ARE ABOUT TO GO DOWN.” … *fade to black* … All is better now. I fully believe Echols has the ability to dive into those tough situations and provide an example of how these messy moments can be resolved, but it just didn’t happen here as much as I wanted.

Despite my hesitancy with areas of the story, I believe Jennifer did a lovely job with the Bailey and Sam’s story. And heck, she even got me listening to country music. (I would have said pre-Dirty Little Secret that this was darn near impossible.)

nbwalks's review

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I can't even explain my thoughts on this book right now.

terrabme's review

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3.5 stars

allibruns's review

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I'm a complete sucker for books on country music, if there is a boy in it and it's about country music, I'm going to love it. So yeah this is the book for me.

This book played into everything I love, a bad girl, tough MC, a swoon worthy romance and a Nashville setting. I loved it. I don't care how unrealistic this story may be.

I am a fan of any ya where the girl saves the boy. I thought the progression of Bailey was well done and by the end I was proud of her.

This book left me with a big country grin on my face.

aneeqah's review

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Actual Rating: 2.5 Stars

My first Jennifer Echols book did not go well.

Full review to come.

saruhlewis's review

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I needed some light fluff to take my mind off a bad day. Just the thing I needed.

kristid's review

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love Jennifer Echols and her books. Dirty Little Secret was no exception although.... Such a Rush is still my fav!

full review to come!