
Stone Broke Heiress by Danielle Owen-Jones

manu71005's review

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2.5 stars

The first half of this book was easily 3.5 stars. A typical but enjoyable story of a sweet and funny romance between the rich girl turn poor and the grumpy but handsome cook of the town. There's not much to say about this part, it was well written and fun with nothing too serious, some cute scenes, and overall a nice romance. That's why I don't understand why the last half turned as bad as it did.

Imagine going from a fluffy romance to serious world problems from one chapter to another. Without previous explanation suddenly the book began a political talk about modern slavery, animal cruelty and overall awful stuff that needs to be addressed, but not out of nowhere with minimal information just because the author wanted to fill a social agenda. There was no reason to include this, it was forced and unnecessary. And I don't understand why the author felt the need to do a whole social talk just to create conflict between the main characters. Because there can't be a healthy relationship without external conflicts right?

I just want to forget the last part ever existed.

jennrinehart's review

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Danielle Owen-Jones has created a lighthearted, entertaining romantic comedy that was nearly impossible to put down once I began reading. Bella is flawed and we see her growth in beautifully written moments of honesty. I am a sucker for a good trope and Stone Broke Heiress satisfies that itch in spades with its riches to rags storyline (and a glimmer of grumpy/sunshine).

jakeftsgerald's review

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I have to say that overall I really enjoyed this book. It was a fun, quick read about someone used to spend money without second-guessing it, until her world is turned upside down and they quickly come to the conclusion they need to relearn how to live her life (almost) like everyone else and see things from a new perspective.

I really liked Bella's character growth throughout the book but I have to say that I didn't particularly feel anything about Dan, given that we hardly saw them interact until he became a love interest. We were told they spent time together but we barely got to see it, so despite his interesting background I didn't really see his appeal. I think he gave her too much too soon. I would like to see their relationship progress as we were reading, not read a couple pages and find out he was already taking her to his sacred place after barely knowing her. I was honestly more interested in reading about Susie and Elsie, as they were fantastic side characters.

One thing I think should have been better developed was when they found out about Bella's true identity. For me it seemed like they didn't properly talk about it and things were resolved too soon. I don't know, I guess it would be more interesting to see Bella fight for the ones she loves, after messing it up big time.

I also enjoyed reading about all the drama surrounding Whittington Soup and the way it all ended, giving us the perspective that we don't really know what life has in store for us.

I have to say this book peaked my interest to read more work from the author. If you're looking for an enjoyable romance, this is your book!

I received this e-Arc in exchange for an honest review. Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture!

slmbooks's review

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Danielle is a pretty good writer, and to be honest, the rest of my review has nothing to do with her or her novel. My rating is a 3 star due to the fact that I did like her writing. However, this book is not for me - I thought I would like it based on the blurb I originally read when I applied to be an arc reader, however that just isn't the case any longer. 
I have tried reading it, and listening to it via my kindle app, and I just can't get into the book. Maybe this is something I need to shelf for now, and try picking up again later. book. Maybe this is something I need to shelf for now, and try picking up again later. As of right now, this is a DNF for me at just 3%. 
I typically don't pick up romance novels, but after reading the Love Hypothesis, I thought I had grown to like them. I don't think that is the case - although I do love DARK romance, so maybe it's just this fluffy, rom-com stuff that I can't deal with lol. 
Thank you to Netgalley for this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

alohabooksandbujos's review

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Bella’s glamorous life of a soup company heiress comes crashing down after losing the family business and walking in on her fiancĂ© and best friend all in a day. She’s left with no choice but to live the life of the average and find her own footing.

Stone Broke Heiress was a laugh out loud book filled with personal growth, tough lessons, and friendship. Bella’s character growth explodes as she realizes the life of privilege she’s lived was not only over the top but unfulfilled. Paving her way to independence, deep friendships, and a little bit of romance- she’s set out to save her new life from tragedy. This is a read that’ll have you devouring every word in a single sitting as you laugh, cry, and cheer for the characters.

heymama_755's review

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Arabella’s life as she knows it is about to change completely. Once the former heiress to a multi-million pound soup empire, she’s now forced to start over after having lost her job, her fiancĂ©, and the family business. She’s gone from lavish vacations and designer clothing to working at a soup kitchen and cleaning her own flat! Can she start over and stand on her own two feet, or is a life with out lavish amenities too difficult to bear?

This was cute! This riches to rags storyline is used in a lot of movies and I was curious if this was going to be just like all of them. I appreciated that this book set itself apart by adding social conscience and featuring stories of veganism and homelessness. I did also enjoy that this story featured region specific dialect. I obviously didn’t understand it, but it made it evident that the author understood and was familiar with Liverpool. It irritates me when authors write a book set in a place they’re not from or familiar with, and the characters don’t speak like they’re from that place. I found the set up of the story to be a little long, and it felt like it dragged on before anything of importance happened. I really liked Bella, but it took me a long time to warm up to her. She comes across very naïve and stupid beneath her fun and bubbly exterior. She reminds me a little of Jess from “New Girl”. I enjoy Dan and Bella’s relationship and wish the book spent a little more time on it. And while I did like some of the characters, the others were a bit too over the top for my taste. In general, I found the story cute, but it didn’t wow me. A solid 3 stars.

Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for providing this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

plsnotanotherdamselindistress's review

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A not really relatable but likeable fMC and interestingly scurrilous side characters.

But. Flat mMC and this is not a good romance story in any way. As the time jumps are terrible from them having their first kiss to oops now they are already in a relationship for months and these cuts continue. Also there was no banter, literally no chemistry at all between the fMC and the love interest.

So to conclude I do not understand who this story ist for, because it is not for romance readers but not funny enough for people who just want to have a good time since it is more second hand embarrassment you will start ro feel even if you can laugh at the fMC.

thiane_reads_sa's review

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Highly entertaining from riches to rags story that screams holiday Hallmark movie. It was a fun and quick read, as we follow Bella whose whole life was just turned upside down as one day she has everything- money, the perfect fiance- and the next day there is nothing left.
You will howl laugh at this journey of self-discovery and building yourself from the ground up, and the character development in Bella is astoundingly well written.

Its one of those books that remind you money can’t buy happiness, and I absolutely loved it. It was funny, cute and really heart-warming with a side of woman empowerment.

Will be looking out for more of this author in the future.

yvo_about_books's review

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Finished reading: March 4th 2022

"The whiff of his aftershave, combined with a tinge of smelly bin juice, fills the air as we roll away into the night, like a budget Bonnie and Clyde."

*** A copy of this book was kindly provided to me by Netgalley and Bookouture in exchange for an honest review. Thank you! ***


There was just something about the blurb of this inverted rags to riches story that caught my attention immediately, and I knew straight away that I HAD to add Stone Broke Heiress to my list. The promise of a fun romcom had me very excited to finally pick up this title, and I'm happy to say that I ended up having a great time with it. While there are some heavier moments I didn't expect and some elements I never enjoy (cheating/love triangle), as a whole Stone Broke Heiress turned out to be a more than solid and hilarious debut.

The main focus is on Bella Whittington and how she goes from a millionaire heiress of a soup empire to being almost completely broke and jobless. While it took me some time to warm up to her, once things started going south for her everything improved drastically storywise. Talk about irony! Having Bella suddenly having to experience 'ordinary' life and her having no clue for example how to clean or use public transport results in some very hilarious situations... It is this riches to rags element that results in the majority of the humor of this story. That said, I also really liked the development and growth of Bella's character as a whole. The rest of the cast is great too, and I always love it when a dog plays such a big role in a story.

It isn't all roses and sunshine in Stone Broke Heiress, as there is also a focus on animal cruelty, activism, veganism, homelessness and addiction among other things. These elements are well balanced with lighter and fun moments, so as a whole this story can still be considered an uplifting read. I do have to warn that Stone Broke Heiress also includes a cheating/love triangle element; a major pet peeve and something I never enjoy... Thankfully, there were a lot of other things to distract you from it though.

The writing itself makes it really easy to keep turning those pages, and as a whole there is no doubt that this is a very engaging, fun and entertaining romcom. Stone Broke Heiress mixes more serious topics with lighter moments, and the romance itself is great too. All in all definitely recommended if you enjoy the genre.

P.S. Find more of my reviews here.

thechristinereads's review

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From riches to rags! This book is all about one being content with the life they have and being kind to others.

To be honest, I loved Bella. I loved her growth and how she was open to seeing things from a different perspective. This was a good rom-com with a touch of social issues like homelessness.

Despite the choices Bella made, one thing was certain: she was willing to learn and grow. She didn't mind working in a soup kitchen for someone who once had everything.

Thank you Bookouture for this lovely story!