
Nikki Powergloves- A Hero is Born by David Estes

lolasreviews's review

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I got a copy for review in exchange for an honest review.

I had so much fun reading this book! Normally I don't read childrens book, simply because I am not a child. The reason why I picked this up? Because David Estes has written it and I just had to read it. Also YA and adult stories never deal with superhero's and it's nice for a change to read a book about superhero's.

Although the book is written for children I think people off all ages can enjoy it. I seldomly have so much fun while reading a book as I did while reading Nikki, some of this because of things like the chapter names and the way to story is written. Ofcourse the story is a bit predictable, but it is very good. It is not only about doing hero stuff, it is also about doing things wrong and dealing with the consequences. This book deals with things that you normally don't read about in children's book.

Because this is a childrens book I did read it differently and small things in the plot that would bother me in other genres don't bother me at all here. For example Nikki's parents are a bit too easy going, they don't mind if their child plays outside the whole day as long as she is home for dinner. And sometimes they aren't that perceptive, but this are only minor details and with more strict parent, Nikki couldn't so what she does now and this would ruin the story.

Nikki and Spencer are two awesome characters. Nikki is a young girl who likes going on adventures and wants to help people. While Spencer is young boy genius that is mature for his age and he is Nikki's trusted sidekick. I loved reading about these characters!

Further I love reading a story about a superhero and David Estes made sure to make even this world come alive. The powergloves colours and powers are documented and there are rules how she can use her powers.

To conclude: I had so much fun while reading this book. The story is awesome and I liked reading about Nikki's and Spencers adventures. David Estes has done an awesome job by writing a childrens book that is aslo enjoyable for adults. So if you want a break from all those YA and adult reads, try picking up this awesome children's book!

the_cover_contessa's review

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I was more than honored when David asked if my son, Anthony, would be a Beta reader for his Nikki Powergloves series. When he asked, I was very excited, but I wasn't sure how my son would react.
Well, he loved these books. He zipped through them in no time flat. When he was finished with the first, he could not wait for me to load the next one onto his Kindle!
Anthony said one of his most favorite things about this series is it's ability to make him laugh. He loves that he can giggle while reading the story.
And he loved the fact that Nikki could have all different types of powers just by donning gloves. I mean, how cool would that be? He kept telling me he wished he had her powers.
And the story kept him completely interested. He finished the first book in only two days. And he got upset when he couldn't start the new one right away!
What more could a mother want than for her son to WANT to read because a story is so good he doesn't want to put it down?
And I loved the character names. While my son did not get the name of the dog, Mr. Miyagi, it totally took me back to when I was young. And I loved that reference!
Such an imaginative way to incorporate super powers into a book.
He would be reading the story and when we would tell him it was time to do something, he would ask for one more minute so he could finish a chapter! How exciting.
I'm so glad Anthony got to test out this wonderful series for David. It's going to be such a great hit.
If you have elementary school children, Anthony is 8 1/2, I highly recommend that you go out and pick up this series when it is released.

inlibrisveritas's review

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A Hero is Born is the first book in a children’s series that centers around a young girl who discovers super powered gloves and begins her transformation into a hero. This book is perfect for young readers around the ages of 7 to 10, it may be a bit too simple for those with higher reader levels.

Nikki Powergloves is such a cute book which really taps into a kid’s desire to be a hero, but the best thing about this book is the fact that it shows the amount of care and thought that goes into trying to help. There will be consequences to everything you do, but you need to make sure they are the right ones before going ahead. It also puts some great focuses on friendship and growing up. The powergloves themselves are a neat idea, and I love that there are little guardians of power going around offering power items to kids they think are worthy.

I really liked Nikki, she’s a bit of a restless spirit at the age of 9 and desperately wants something exciting. As soon as the powergloves come into play we get to see that she’s truly a good person. She sees the dangers of misusing the gloves right away and the steps she takes afterwards to ensure it never happens again really made me like her. Her best friend Spencer is the best friend we all want as kids. He supports her, boosts her mood when needed, and even when they don’t agree he sticks with her.

If you have a kid around this age range who loves adventures and superheroes then this is definitely one to check out.