
Sharpshooter by Cynthia Eden

birdloveranne's review

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Great romantic suspense.

mistysreads's review

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Gunner Ortez is the sniper for their EOD unit, the Shadow Agents. The team is called the Shadow Agents because they are able to get in and out without leaving any trace they were ever there. Sydney Slone and Gunner have worked together for two years after they believed that Slade, Gunner's brother and Sydney's fiance, was killed during a rescue attempt in the jungle in Peru.

After a successful rescue two years later, Slade is brought back to the U.S. everyone is oblivious that Slade is the bad guy. Gunner believes that he is not good enough for Sydney and is leaving it open for her to go back to his brother, no matter how much he's hurt, if that is what she wants. However, Gunner and Sydney are forced together for her protection, she is on someone's hit list, and throughout the book there is multiple attempts. After some life changing news, Gunner realizes that he can't live without Sydney.

Sharpshooter, like the rest of the Shadow Agent books are attention grabbers. From the first page it is impossible to put it down. I like Gunner and Sydney's chemistry and protectiveness of each other. The book begins with the end of a mission, and does not stop until the last page. The ending keeps you wishing for more.

sissykat31's review

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Loved the romance and suspense in the book❤️❤️ loved the protectiveness Gunner is of Sydney and that they ended up having a baby together. I really enjoyed this book

scoutmomskf's review

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Wow. Intense emotion and action throughout the book. It starts with a rescue op in Peru that goes terribly wrong. The man they were to rescue was Gunner's half brother and Sydney's fiance. They end up in a firefight where Slade is killed and they have to leave his body behind. Fast forward two years. Gunner and Sydney are still on the same EOD team. They have a great friendship there, but Sydney is emotionally ready to move on from being Slade's fiance. She wants to move on with Gunner, but he rejects her advances because he is so full of guilt. He loves Sydney and has since before Slade's death. When she starts looking at another man his jealousy gets the better of him and they finally get together. Then they get called for another hostage rescue and find two hostages instead of one. The second one is a surprise. The rescue has its problems and they all barely make it out alive. Back in the US Gunner and Sydney find themselves under attack. Someone is trying to kill Sydney and make it look like Gunner is guilty.

I loved both Sydney and Gunner. Sydney is a real kick butt kind of heroine. She is as capable an agent as any of the men. I loved the way that she knew what she wanted and went after it. Once they were back in the US her life was in danger and it made her mad. I loved how she insisted on being involved in the investigation. Even as more evidence pointed toward Gunner she knew he wasn't guilty. I loved that complete faith and trust that she had in him. Gunner was one of those heroes who seemed to have everything against him. He's always been the gruff type, not a smooth talker. He's scarred, big and intimidating. And he's been in love with Sydney for a long time. He was also honorable and made sure that she never knew it. His guilt was eating him up after Slade's death and he fought Sydney's advances as long as he could. When the attacks began he was determined to protect her and do anything to find out who was behind it.

One of the things I love most about the Shadow Agents is their absolute trust in each other. No matter what they are doing they know that they are covered. When the attacks looked like an inside job and Gunner's fault, Sydney was absolutely sure he was being set up. The final confrontation was excellent and definitely edge-of-the-seat exciting for me. Another plus in the book was the occasional look into the killer's point of view. His identity was hinted at in the first half and revealed early in the second half, but the how's and why's made the story even better.

bananatricky's review

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3.5 stars really

So, I have been a bit lukewarm about the Shadow Agents series so far (the name doesn't help). I felt that was acceptable/understandable Alpha male behaviour in a paranormal novel came across as a bit cheesy in a military/special ops novel.

I also recall that I found the military aspects (from someone who know absolutely nothing about such things) a little 'off', as if it came from a small amount of google research to make it sound authentic. These comments are made having read a lot of other authors in this genre.

So, what made this one different? Maybe because Sydney is one of the Shadow Agents? Maybe because, for all his scars and sniper skills, Gunner strikes me as more of a Beta male? As a random aside, I read a great article on Heroes and Heartbreakers this week about Beta heroes and although I've never read any of the books listed (or authors) this definitely struck a chord – especially the bit about these heroes treating women with respect.

So, I had fairly low expectations going into this novel but I was pleasantly surprised. The basic premise appeared to be following a tried and trusted formula. Girl and boy meet and fall in love, get engaged. Guy's brother also falls in love with girl. Guy dies. Girl and his brother fall in love but are too afraid to tell each other. When they finally do, brother turns out not to be dead (da, da, daaaa). But then Cynthia Eden (metaphorically) says, nah, been there, done that let's change things up. And that's when the novel started to come alive for me.

So, because it's a suspense novel I won't spoil it. Yes, there are twists and double twists. No, none of them are shocking. But yes, it makes the novel (in my opinion) the best of the three Shadow Agent books. Also the military aspects (by which I mean descriptions of guns, other equipment, terminology etc) did not jar – whether it was because they were handled better or because there were fewer references in this book I don't know.

I have already pre-ordered book 4

nadenetotallyaddictedtoreading's review

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This was an exciting, explosive and enjoyable read. Cynthia Eden knows just how to grab her reader's attention. For the full review visit Romancing the Book Blog.