
Outbreak by Joshua C. Chadd

jgilge's review

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This book was a big nope for me. As much as I love the zombie apocalypse genre, I couldn't get into this one. It was filled with plot holes and mediocre writing.

55_sallymander's review

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Pretty good post apocolyptic zombie fiction. The series has a strong Christian theme. Works well.

This one is very short. I prefer longer books, about 250 pages. But not so long that you can't hold the book open if it's paper (preferred) or you lose interest in it, if it's an eBook.

trisha76's review

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Wat een apart verhaal en wel goed.
Miste helaas wel een aantal stukken i.v.m. werk en telefoon, maar ik merk nu ik meer kan luisteren dat het heerlijke Horror is ondanks dat ik niet zo van dit soort boeken.
De onderliggende gedachten om anderen te helpen is hier heel scherp.

angelarwatts's review

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A zombie apoc is not my usual cup o' tea. That being said, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this story.

It took a chapter or two before I started to get interested but once I did, I didn't want to put it down. It was intriguing and I enjoyed how it had personal perspectives, a cast that wasn't hard to follow or care about, and the "big picture" was moderately shown. While nothing really surprised me, it was an intriguing read.


This novel follows the story of two brothers in the zombie apoc and the bros are also believers in Jesus. If you like this kind of fiction but despise the lack of faith, this is a perfect read for you.

This story battles the moral questions that I honestly think most "zombie apoc lovers" hunger over. Is killing acceptable? Is murder different than self defense? When does a monster become a monster? What does God say about a broken world and situation? While I don't believe in zombies, the "virus" base in this story is DEFINITELY something I find a bit more plausible than just "undead waking up" style, so the moralistic themes the story followed grew interesting.

God is mentioned, prayed to, and ultimately, not totally treated like an antagonist, so it was refreshing.


James and Connor are hilarious bros with a taste for battle. Easy to relate to and interesting to watch develop, I enjoyed their POVs.

If I'm honest, I really enjoyed Emmett. I'm a sucker for the gruff dad types who just aren't likable. His relationship with his daughter was adorable and I need more.

Regarding the baddies, it was great to get a big taste of how humanity reacted to the plague. People clashing and fighting instead of getting along is so realistic.


On screen deaths. Swearing. Mentions of drinking and smoking (some shown). Mentions of torture. Descriptions of graphic violence (killing zombies/people, combat, etc) and blood/gore. PG13. No sensual content.


I really enjoyed it and can't wait for the rest of the series, even though I KNOW SOMEONE IS GONNA CRY (ME).

errantdreams's review

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Joshua Chadd’s Outbreak (The Brother’s Creed) (Volume 1) exists to please a very specific kind of audience, and that audience has a huge overlap with those who play zombie first-person shooter games. The only parts of the book that come alive are the loving descriptions of weaponry and how it’s used.

There’s nothing new in here other than the weaponry fetish. The characters are flimsy, the dialogue is awful, and even though I got to read this for free through Kindle Unlimited, it wasn’t worth the time spent. I only finished reading the book so I could review it, and there isn’t much to say.

Originally posted on my site:

amia's review

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Outbreak, book one in the series The Brother’s Creed is action-packed with some great characters. It was a fun, fast read and I’m ready to start book 2 at 3:10 am! I especially like the fact that there’s a couple of short prayers appropriately dropped in as that is exactly what I’d be doing in a zombie apocalypse!

Read via Kindle Unlimited

ogrezed's review

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A good story about the the opening of a zombie apocalypse that follows members of two families, both of which have military training and are prepped for such a situation. I don't usually like shorter books that follow multiple stories, but this book flowed between them well. Good action and good pacing, other than a few spots where there were laundry lists of guns and weapons being packed or prepped. I was torn between a 4 or a 5 rating, but went up to a 5. That rating may change if the second book disappoints.

adamdavidcollings's review

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Fast-paced and action-packed. The author is not shy about depicting the tragedy that would occur during a zombie apocalypse, nor about being open with his faith, and that of his characters. Chadd's knowledge of and affection for guns adds a sense of realism to the story, but what I really appreciated was how it would slow down every now and then to examine some deeper issues.

This series shows a lot of potential and I'm looking forward to following these characters on their further adventures.