
Dark Descendant by L.D. Hall

stephbookshine's review

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*I received a free ARC of this book. The decision to review and my opinions are my own.*

Another sweet vampire/witch adventure-romance from L. D. Hall (previously writing as L. D. Goffigan).

This third installment moves on from Naomi and Alaric, to focus on Alaric’s vampire friend Elias and a new mission to track down another Descendant witch to protect, this time from the Blood Order (purist vampire sect), instead of the First Order (purist witch sect). Not that they aren’t after her as well…after all she is not just an exceptionally powerful witch, but also a relative of Raphael Ibano and family; villain of the earlier books.

You really don’t need to have read books 1 and 2 in the series to enjoy this one, but I would recommend it, if only for background information on things like Blood Bonding (mating ritual for vampires), and the motivations of the Alliance as opposed to the respective Orders (basically a mixed resistance initiative protecting humans, witches and vampires from the extreme supremacists).

Mainly though, this is a nice easy read for fans of paranormal romance. The balance between the romantic and fantasy elements of the plot are well-balanced, and the relationship roadblocks do not depend heavily on lack of communication between the main characters, but on genuine differences and personal histories.

If you like a well-written sweet romance (not too raunchy) with rounded characters and an exciting paranormal plot, then you will love this series.

“Hey,” Elias said, reaching out to touch her hand. His touch sent a cacophony of electrical sparks throughout her body; it felt similar to her magic, that rush of energy rippling beneath her skin. “Thank you. For helping us. I know this has been . . . difficult.”
“I’m not doing this for altruistic reasons,” she said quietly. “I just want my freedom from the Alliance, the Order – and from magic.”
An indiscernible emotion flickered in Elias’s eyes, and he withdrew his hand.
“Of course,” he said, returning his focus to his food. “And that you will have.”

– L. D. Hall, Dark Descendant

(Review by Steph Warren of Bookshine and Readbows blog)