allisonseverson's review against another edition

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I read this book because a mentor and committee member suggested it might be a good example/ provide good insight into doing research as an out-group member. My thesis is about the experiences of Muslim women, and I don't identify as Muslim (hence the out-group membership). The book seemed a bit long at times, but a good insight into life at this uber-conservative university. I thought his self-stuggle about when to reveal his true identity and when to hold it back was interesting, and it was a journey of self-discovery for him!

giraffefightinggravity's review

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I wasn't sure what bent I expected this book to take, but I'm glad it was written the way it was. Very enjoyable, and parts of it were really thought-provoking. I'm also glad it ended as well as it did....

mrsfligs's review

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In an effort to spice up my book reviews, I've been tinkering with different ways to review books. For this book, I thought it might be fun to review it by paying homage to the Ten Commandments. (This is not meant to be blasphemous or disrespectful in any way but for a book about religion, I thought it would be fitting and fun.)

The Ten Commandments for the Unlikely Disciple

1. Thou shalt follow in the footsteps of thy mentor.

Kevin Roose was an intern for the writer A.J. Jacobs (one of my favorite writers, by the way). While A.J. was conducting research for his book, The Year of Living Biblically, Kevin accompanied him to Thomas Road Church in Lynchburg, Virgina—the 20,000 member megachurch founded by Jerry Falwell. When A.J. and Kevin visited the church, Kevin was intrigued by an encounter with some college students he met. The students attended Liberty University—the largest fundamentalist Christian university in the U.S. Liberty was also founded by Falwell and affiliated with Thomas Road Church.

After reviewing his conversation with the Liberty students, Kevin is inspired to conduct his own experiment—much like his mentor Jacobs (who has created a cottage industry of sorts by conducting experiments in his life). Curious about the lifestyle of young college students at an ultra-conservative Christian college like Liberty, Kevin decides to enroll at Liberty for a semester as an "undercover" student, with the intent to immerse himself in the Liberty environment to gain a better understanding of the life of an evangelical Christian. (Kevin likens this experiment to his version of "studying abroad.") What he discovers during the course of this experiment is the basis of this book.

2. Thou shalt keep an open mind.

Kevin transfers to Liberty from Brown University, which he describes as:

... a school known for everything Liberty is not. In fact, it wouldn't be unfair to call the schools polar opposites.

Besides coming from an ultra-liberal college, nothing in Kevin's background prepares him for Christian fundamentalism. He was raised by Quaker parents but in a house that was "practically religion-free." He has several relatives who are openly gay (a big no-no in the fundamentalist Christian world). His main impression of Jerry Falwell is as:

...the arch-conservative televangelist with the least effective brain-to-mouth filter in the English-speaking world. I remembered that he had gone on TV to blame the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 on feminists, homosexuals, abortionists, and the ACLU, among others.

Yet Kevin is determined to keep an open mind while at Liberty—and he does an amazingly good job at it. One thing that struck me about this book is that Kevin is never judgmental or condemning of his fellow Liberty students or instructors. He does not mock them or look down on them. Instead, he makes a sincere effort to understand a culture that is wildly different from his own.

3. Thou shalt immerse thyself in the lifestyle of those thou are wishing to understand.

When Kevin enrolls at Liberty, he doesn't exactly lie but he isn't completely forthcoming about everything or his intent to write about his experiences either. If asked why he transferred, he simply says he wanted to know what a Christian college was like. He immerses himself in the life of a Liberty student—living in the dorms, taking exams, joining the choir, going to church. When asked if he was a Christian, he simply answers "Yes"—an answer that was strictly true but not truthful. He also makes the conscious decision to hold back his true feelings on hot topics such as homosexuality and creationism.

4. Thou shalt make a sincere effort to understand the beliefs of others.

While at Liberty, Kevin attends a variety of classes that teach the core beliefs of Christian fundamentalism. One of the most problematic courses for him is a biology course on young-earth creationism:

Every biology professor at Liberty teaches that God created the universe about six thousand years ago in six literal, twenty-four-hour days, pretty much the way it looks now. This is the most extreme version of creationism, the most literal of the literal, and it makes no compromises. Carbon dating that has revealed scores of million-year-old fossils? Defective. Noah’s Flood? As historical as the 1985 World Series.

The sections regarding Kevin's courses on this topic just boggled my mind. He writes about how several of his professors are well-respected scientists, yet teach and believe young-earth creationism, which flies in the face of pretty much all scientific knowledge. It was fascinating to me how these professors could reconcile their scientific pursuits with their religious beliefs. Learning about some of the doctrine taught at Liberty was one of the most interesting aspects of the book for me. My version of the book included some of the exam questions from various classes Kevin took at Liberty, and it was unbelievable to me to see what students were taught.

5. Thou shalt seek further guidance for areas that require more exploration.

One of the areas where Kevin struggles during his time at Liberty is the wholesale condemnation of homosexuality. Anti-gay slurs are commonplace and unremarked on. Yet there is almost an obsession with homosexuality among the men of Liberty, as if it is so distasteful and so awful that students must renounce it and prove their heterosexuality on a daily basis. Wondering what life would be like for a Liberty student who is gay, Kevin seeks counseling on the subject. His counselor surprises him; he is steeped in concern and love for Kevin and truly wants to help him "get better." It was an interesting aspect of his experience at Liberty, and one that makes you realize how deep-rooted these beliefs are in the fundamentalist community.

6. Thou shalt try even that which makest thou uncomfortable.

During his stay at Liberty, Kevin decides to spend spring break evangelizing at Daytona Beach with other Liberty students. This was a difficult task for Kevin because, for the first time in his experiment, he is out in the "real world" but acting as an evangelical. After being immersed in Liberty University where fundamentalism was pervasive, it is a shock for Kevin to be out in the secular world where he and his fellow Liberty students are viewed suspiciously and as outsiders. Consider this section where Kevin describes the reactions of the people he and his recruiting partner try to convert:

Some people give the hidden-camera-show look. The guys let out a small chuckle, perhaps thinking Claire has just mastered the practice of deadpan irony. Then, when they see her waiting unblinkingly for a response, they sweep the landscape, looking for a tech crew.

A few people get genuinely angry. One biker said, “If I wanted to hear I was going to hell, I’d call my ex-wife.”

Then there’s the you-poor-things response, which thus far has come exclusively from old ladies. When Claire begins her spiel about accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior, these ladies’ faces soften into sympathetic smiles. They listen patiently, like a grandmother hearing a Girl Scout sputter through her cookie pitch—then they turn Claire down as politely as possible. One woman, who looked like Mrs. Butterworth in a one-piece, asked us, “Now, who put you two up to this?”

7. Thou shalt be open to the possibility of spiritual growth.

Throughout the book, Kevin struggles to find meaning in the experiences he has at Liberty. So he is surprised to find himself experiencing moments of transcendence and true spiritual growth. He realizes that although he doesn't believe much of what Liberty teaches, he is beginning to uncover a spiritual side of himself.

There’s a difference, it seems to me, between the form of religion and the content of religion. Right now, I’ve got all of the form and not much of the content. I pray like a Liberty student, I read the Bible like a Liberty student, and I sing in the choir like a Liberty student. I even go on dates like a Liberty student. And for the most part, I’ve enjoyed living this way. But I still don’t believe the same things Liberty students believe about God. I still don’t believe, as Dr. Falwell said during Easter services this morning, that “the resurrection of Christ is an indisputable fact.” And yet, the possibility is entering my mind.

8. Thou shalt return to whence thou came.

Despite forming strong bonds with his fellow students (and even dating a girl he develops feelings for), Kevin returns to Brown at the end of the semester. Yet the experience does not leave him untouched, and he ponders the futures of his fellow Liberty students and what the world will hold for them when they leave the sheltered grounds of Liberty. One of his observations stuck with me as he quotes a professor from one of his classes:

"My biggest worry about you, about all of you, is that you’ll become educated beyond your obedience.”

... This, too, struck me as depressing. What he was saying, in effect, is that there’s a cap on a Liberty education, a point at which knowledge becomes dangerous rather than useful.

9. Thou shalt write beyond thy years.

It was hard for me to believe that Kevin Roose was a young college student when he wrote this book. His writing is assured and mature. Even more than that, his insights and ability to empathize with the Liberty students seemed wise beyond his years. I don't think I would have had the ability to be as open to this experience as Kevin was, and I know I couldn't have written an entire book with as much maturity as he has done. It was an impressive book—both the writing and the subject matter. Yet don't make the mistake in thinking that his writing is dry and humorless. On the contrary, his writing is accessible and frequently amusing. And the way he works in pop culture references was a treat. An example:

I mean, come on. A liberal arts college by Jerry Falwell? How about an etiquette workshop run by Courtney Love?

10. Thou shalt write another book, I hopeth.

Kevin Roose has a bright future before him, and I anxiously await his next book. I wonder what topic he will turn his attention to next. Will he follow in the footsteps of his mentor, A.J. Jacobs, and attempt another immersive, undercover experience? Or will he turn his keen eye for observation, his formidable writing talent and curious mind to another topic? Whatever it is, I'll be there to read it. Well done, Mr. Roose.

My Recommendation

I am giving this book 4.5 stars. I thought it was fascinating, well-written and compelling. I would highly recommend it to pretty much anybody. One of my Top 10 books for 2009.

bridge_enginerd's review

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This book changed me from a militant atheist to a tolerant atheist.

rebeccacider's review

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A fascinating little book about an undergrad who enrolled for a semester at infamous Liberty University.

The author did a good job acknowledging the flaws in his undercover experiment (he's a straight white cis dude, so it was easy for him to feel comfortable in that environment). His description of becoming emotionally invested in evangelical culture makes for an interesting read. There's also the voyeuristic appeal of finding out what extreme evangelical college students are "really" like (the answer: well-meaning if deluded).

sarahannkateri's review

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Even-handed, surprisingly suspenseful account of a skeptical college student who decided to spend a semester undercover at the Ultra-Christian Liberty University.

andipants's review

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This was a quick but engaging book. Kevin Roose, a self-described "secular Quaker" who is largely unfamiliar with evangelical Christianity, transfers for a semester to Liberty University, a hyper-conservative school founded by the late Jerry Falwell, as a sort of undercover observer. He goes in cautious but open-minded, and his observations paint a picture of a group of (mostly) kind, compassionate people trying to do right and good in the world. Of course, what exactly constitutes "right" and "good" are key points of contention, and Roose understandably expresses extreme discomfort with some of what he sees. However, it is overall a humanizing portrait, and it is important to remember that whatever side one falls on, "the other side" is mostly not populated by the frothing, angry ranters As Seen On TV. True dialogue and progress happens when we view those with whom we disagree as human beings with whom we disagree, not as agents of evil bent on destruction or any other hyperbolic exaggeration. This is something I think all sides could use a reminder of every so often, and this book is an excellent example of that concept.

Writing-wise, it was also a very enjoyable read. The prose was clear and engaging, mixing the author's observations and conversations with his own commentary in a way that kept the reader interested and made points without harping on them. It was also funny; Roose finds himself in some objectively absurd situations, and his wry humor had me frequently chuckling and reading bits out loud to my husband. It's also worth noting that the humor was never mean-spirited, and often self-deprecating; he seems like a guy who'd be fun to chat up at a party.

I do wish Roose had spent a little more time seeking out the experiences of other groups. He mentions at one point that the fact that he's a white, straight, cisgender male has a lot to do with how he experiences life at Liberty, and the experience might likely be vastly different for someone who is a different race, gender, or sexual orientation. This is an important point to acknowledge, but he doesn't then seem to go out of his way at all to seek out the points of view of any members of those groups. Granted, it would probably be difficult to find anyone in that environment who admitted to being gay (or trans!), but he seems to regularly hang out with at least one black guy and actually dates at least one girl, so it seems like he could have maybe asked a few more questions, at least of the "What do you like/dislike about Liberty?" variety. Coming in mid-year as the new guy, I wouldn't expect that to raise too much suspicion. In the end, though, the book doesn't aim to be anything more or less than his personal experience, and on that front, it succeeds quite well. Definitely recommended.

glitterbomb47's review

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Superficially, this is an interesting book. Kid from ultra-liberal Brown University transfers to evangelical ultra-conservative Liberty University for a semester, then writes a book about his experiences (and I assume a dissertation as well). I made it to page 95 and do not care to read any more. Roose is "openminded" (so says a reviewer on the back of the book)...not so much. He gravitates immediately to all the rebels at Liberty, probes everyone to find out if they really believe all this stuff (while clearly expressing to his readers that he just can't believe that anyone actually would), gleefully relates his family's horrified reactions to Liberty rules and standards. Maybe it gets better towards the end, maybe he realizes he's being a superior snot, but I rather doubt it.

omwomack02's review

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an outsiders perspective on how i grew up. i appreciate kevin roose's candidness on the misconceptions he made about evangelicals. 

allisonstockslager's review against another edition

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informative fast-paced


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