
Lost in Shadow by Cynthia Luhrs

fmmiller88's review against another edition

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I received this book in exchange for an honest review. Lovers of Paranormal

I am really conflicted with this review. I don't want to turn people off from the idea of reading it because I enjoyed the overall story of it, it was just the details I didn't overly care for. It is an interesting concept and was well developed. I wasn't sure if I should read this book because I don't normally read books set in Scotland because I have had trouble with the phrases and languages before. I didn't have as hard of a time as I thought I would but there were a few phrases I had to Google. My only problem with the language was the inconsistency. There were times where Colin sounded very historic and then there were times where he sounded almost too modern. The dialogue where he was able to integrate his past with his present was the easiest to imagine because he is in the present but fighting an ancient war. There are times in this book where scene changes are quite clear. One minute Emily and Colin are together and the next minute Rawlins is yelling at someone. It doesn't help with the story flow and there were a few places where I had to reread to understand that Rawlins wasn't always in the room with them. I did not like that Frederick, the ghost, caused trouble with no explanation. I also didn't like that when Kat was injured she convinced Emily to stay behind. I would never leave my friend in a foreign country and I would also never make my injured friend go home alone. I understand that it was to get Kat out of the picture but it didn't flow. Maybe more dialogue would have been better suited in this situation instead of the constant dialogue that Emily insists on having during intimate moments. I still don't understand the need to discuss the colored doors in Emily's death moment. I understand the symbolism of the colors but I think if it just would have said, "Emily was fighting to hold on" it would have been simpler.

The reason I am so conflicted in this review is all of the things mentioned above are distracting but the over all concept of having someone die and plead for a new life, to fight, to be immortal, to live a cursed life are all attention grabbing concepts. I liked Emily's and Colin's characterization. This fragile woman who doesn't seem to be strong(but turns out to be) breaks the barriers of a warrior's broken heart. It a is a beautiful love story when you look at the bigger picture and don't focus so much on the fine details.

bookish_satty's review against another edition

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I got this book from the author, free of cost, in exchange of an honest review from my side.

Firstly I would like to thank the author and Carrie, the moderator of LoP Group of Goodreads for giving me this opportunity of reading and reviewing this fabulous book.

Wow, just wow!!! What a great read. This type of concept where the hero is a ghost really excite me and when I read the blurb I just practically jumped on getting a copy for myself. I loved the plot and the story building a lot and couldn't point out any mistake in it. The characters are swoon worthy, really!!!

I loved the way the story flowed and made me swoon now and then. The love that the author depicted through her words took my heart away but it was matched with the thick mystery and suspense which kept me on the edge of my seat.

Overall a great book and I would definitely recommend it to others too. Go for it guys, you wouldn't regret reading it. Enjoy!!!

readingtotravel's review against another edition

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This is a beautiful story! It was a bit confusing when it would jump from person to person without warning but you should read it nonetheless

kirstyreviewsbooks's review

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When I started reading this book, I thought that it would all be set in 1644 and that I would hate it.

What will happen will Emily, a girl from modern day South Carolina meets Colin, a Scot from 1644.

I actually really enjoyed this story. By the end of the first chapter I was hooked. I managed to read it in one sitting. However I was slightly disappointed with the ending of the book, but I do still feel that I have to read the next book in the series.

I do love books on the supernatural, but I don't read too many ghost stories. I am glad that I decided to give this one a try.

I was given a copy of this eBook for my honest review.

melaniebopp's review against another edition

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Full review on AAR -

There’s something for everyone, right? What one person thinks is trash may be a DIK on another’s bookshelf. And that is fine. To be perfectly honest, this will not be a DIK on my shelf. Actually, I’m not planning on letting it stay on my shelf. I spent a large part of this book rage-reading, each page offering me something new to rant over. And while I hate the idea of giving a novel a failing grade, this one flat out failed for me.

Emily has had a hard time for the past year or so, starting before the car accident that nearly took her life. Her friend Kat has joined her in a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Scotland, touring the city of Edinburgh and its ghost stories and haunted sites. When getting separated from her tour group leads to stumbling across a sword-fight, she is unwittingly pushed into a world where even the gods still fight.

With her help, Colin may be able to break the curse that has followed him since he agreed to his immortal life back in the 1600s, but what that entails and what will happen next, no one knows. And he must keep her safe from friends, enemies, and mortals alike if they are to win the day and save humanity.

Let me start by saying this - the premise of the story isn’t bad. Unfortunately, that is because it’s already been done. As I was reading, I was constantly reminded of Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Dark Hunter series. Colin in a Shadow Walker (Dark Hunter) who has traded his immortal soul to Thorne (Acheron) to help fight for the side of good. Thorne calls upon the power of Luna, the moon (Artemis), for his hunters, and fights against Dayne (Styxx) and the Day Walkers (Daimons/Appolites). There are also a lot of other references, including The DaVinci Code (the Rosslyn Chapel) and The Princess Bride (the Dread Pirate Roberts), as well as actual physical locations and historical figures, including the World’s End Pub and Bartholomew Roberts (again, the Dread Pirate Roberts).