
Dear Killer by Katherine Ewell

lindsaysc310's review against another edition

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I couldn't finish this one. The premise is just too far fetched for me. A teen who likes to commit random murders based on requests she receives? And that her mother taught her how to kill when she was very little? And the dad has no idea? The author gives a lot of detail to make it plausible but I couldn't sick with it.

justlily's review against another edition

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Such a cool idea that was so poorly executed. The main character is an absolute flaming moron so I have no idea how she's supposed to be the perfect killer, considering I read 90 pages before I quit and she was a complete dumbass on every one of them.

taterbuggy's review against another edition

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content warnings for this book (let me know if there are any I need to add, I plan to put content warnings in every book in my future classroom library): murder, some graphic content

alexisnicolee's review against another edition

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Could not finish this, was only 50 pages in and i wanted to throw it in the trash

emotionalbookreport's review against another edition

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I don’t know if this was a fan fiction of being a high school version of dexter of not, but it was not good either way. Do not recommend for anyone regardless of age.

kristyreadsalot_'s review against another edition

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When I got this book in a subscription box I didn't know anything about it, but the premise intrigued me, so I decided to give it a go. I kind of regret it. There is not much that I liked about this book at all. It's not a very long book, but it took me over a month to finish it because whenever I thought about picking it up I would cringe. There were so many ridiculous and improbable things that happened, and I found myself rolling my eyes at least once per chapter. This book was written by a seventeen year old, and sadly, it shows.

pussinbooks's review against another edition

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Dear Killer is full of beginner mistakes that Miss Ewell will probably be embarrassed by in 10 years. The publisher and editor of this book should be ashamed of themselves for publishing a young author before she was ready, and barely editing out the abundance of adverbs and continuity mistakes. Michael is shown to be in Kit's art and philosophy classes, but less than 20 pages later Kit states he is only in her philosophy class. It's a glaring mistake that could have been caught easily.

However, Ewell writes fascinating character relationships. Kit's views on moral nihilism justify her urge to kill, an activity she thoroughly enjoys. Kit befriends her victim, plans the kill, and becomes protective of her victim in a dark story that leads Kit into interesting territory not often covered in YA literature. Ewell proves that young people are critical thinkers with views on the world as complex as any adult.

emjay24's review

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Dear Killer is about a teenaged serial killer, raised to be a serial killer by her ex-serial killer mom. Kind of like Dexter, but not as good. The whole friendship with the cop is very unbelievable, especially that he would let her into crime scenes. I did like seeing how she thinks and the progression of her madness. Not bad, not great. I seem to be on a roll for books like that lately!

mom2triplets04's review against another edition

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I picked this up from the library and forgot I even had it on my wishlist. Once I started to read it I could not put it down. It was a page turner for me. It's about a teenager who is a serial killer. It's told in her point of view.

brookewashburn's review against another edition

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I can see that a lot of people disliked this book but I actually really liked it. I think it reminded me of Dexter for some reason, but with an slightly unsatisfying ending.