
The Love of My (Other) Life by Traci L. Slatton

jbquinn's review against another edition

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Ugh....this book was not that good! I was looking forward to reading this book too. From what the description of what the book was about it sounded really interesting. In my opinion this book had a lot of potential but it was lacking in depth of plot, characters, and at times was a little confusing. The cover of the book is a little deciving too. There was 1 sexy time in the book and it wasn't even any good. I'm just happy it took me only 2 hours & 14 mins to read it!

ezichinny's review against another edition

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3.5 stars.

This story is about a scatterbrain named Tessa, who is trying to find some balance in her life after her husband left her and her career as a painter stalls. She runs into a guy named Brian, who tells her that her came through a time machine to find her. Why? Because they used to be married in a lifetime ago and he used a time machine to come back to find her. His whole story seemed far-fetched to Tessa, and thus began Brian’s struggle to prove to Tessa who he is to her, and that they belong together in the here and now.

The story was unique and cute because it blends contemporary romance with sci-fi fantasy. It seems to be exploring the idea of soul mates because Brian and Tessa seem to fit in every reality they met. I like how he seemed to always balance her as she was always kind of kooky.

I am not sure what I was expecting but it wasn’t provocative at all. It was well written with some humorous events. I would have liked to know a little more about Tessa before her ex and Brian.

brandy_wine's review against another edition

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Okay I wasn't exactly sure what to expect from this one. I had thought by the title alone that it would be about a woman that has 2 men. One she is married to and the one she is dating on the side. Well I couldn't have been more wrong. I did pick this one because of the title and thought okay lets see what this one is about.

I was pleasantly surprised! I enjoyed this and it was nothing that I thought it would be about.

It'is about a man who figured out how to make a device that will allows him to travel to an alternate universe.

It makes you wonder, is there an alternate universe? Is there a place where I made a different choice and I'm living a completely different life because of that ONE big decision in my life? We all have that ONE big moment that we can go back and say if I would have done this instead of that, I wonder what my life would be like.

Well in this book we get to see this man who comes over in search for Tessa. He wants to just spend time with her and be with her, yes she is the same Tessa by looks alone but personality wise she is different, she is not the same woman that he was married to in his world. He just wants time with her.

I have to say that I was kind of unsure how I was going to feel about this book once I got that little tidbit of information. But I kept reading and have to say it actually was a great read. I enjoyed it and it did get my mind going, made me start to wonder. In the end I was left with a tear in my eye and a smile on my face! I enjoyed the story and I am glad that I took the time to read it.

I know that this type of read may not be for everyone but if you are looking for something that will make you wonder and think...what if there is an alternate universe... this is it.

authorheatherw's review against another edition

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This was a strange book. I liked it, but I have a feeling it’s going to be polarizing to a lot of readers-either you’re going to love it or hate it. With the quirky plot and unique cast of characters, I was invested enough in the outcome to keep reading.

I love stories about parallel dimensions. I find the idea intriguing and I’d love to read more novels featuring this as a major plot point. This is what drew me to The Love of My Other Life. I was enamored with the idea that someone would cross space and time to be with someone that they love.

Brian is a physics professor that locates Tessa in another dimension. Brian was such an incredible character. He was strange, but cute in a very weird way. The chapters told from his POV were my favorite and his sense of humor had me giggling at points.

I couldn’t connect with Tessa at all. I think it was for a combination of reasons, but mainly I found her to be a pretentious art snob. Her one redeeming quality was her charity work, but even then I wasn’t totally sold on her.

I was certainly hooked into finding out what would happen between Tessa and Brian in both the “real” world and the “parallel” world. My main complaints would be the cover (a little over the top, especially for non-erotica) and the insider jokes about physics and art that came off as self-congratulatory. If you’re looking for a quick read with highbrow cultural references and unique plotting, then you’ll definitely like this book.

Rating: 3/5 Stars

Thanks to the publisher for a copy of this book for review!

canadianbookworm's review

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I wasn't sure what to expect from this novel, but I got a lot. It was sexy, funny, quirky and totally enjoyable.
Tessa is behind in her maintenance payments on her coop in a big way, having trouble ever since the split from her husband. She works for very little money for a local church assisting seniors with all kinds of problems they have. But the church is also having money issues. On a positive note, after two years of not being able to produce any art, Tessa is back painting again, and the inspirations for painting just keep coming. But can she restart her career again.
Brian Tennyson is a physics professor, but when he appears suddenly in Tessa's life, seeming to know her, she doesn't know if he is crazy, homeless, or both. Somehow, though, she knows he doesn't pose any danger to her. What she doesn't understand at first, is that he is from a parallel life, a life in which he was married to Tessa.
I really liked the parallel lives angle, and the connection between Tessa and Brian was done well. Tessa's character in particular was given depth, with history, her friends and her job, her worries and passions. Brian was a little less so, but then he is in Tessa's world here, not his own, so that kind of felt right.
I loved the humour, and the message around body image. All in all, a really good read.

susanscribs's review

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I requested this book from Net Galley based on its interesting premise but unfortunately the execution did not deliver. Artist Tessa is shocked and dismayed to find a homeless man named Brian who claims to be her soul mate from a parallel universe. What could have been a romantic novel is bungled badly by an uncomfortable mishmash of styles - romance, erotica, sci-fi, and caper. The most glaring mistake is the use of a thug who likes to quote philosophy while threatening to cut off Tessa's thumbs; he seems to have wandered onto the scene from a Tarantino movie. It doesn't help that Tessa acts more like a teenager than a 30-something year old woman. The book is never funny, sexy or romantic enough to work, and the author even seems to switch theories about Brian's relationship with Tessa midstream, making the resolution very unsatisfying.