
Sana İhtiyacım Var by Katie Ashley

kristinhzta90's review against another edition

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Aiden, Aiden, of the best proposals....EVER. I loved that most of the angst was over by 70% and that we got a nice long HEA. It was refreshing to get that much detail after the couple finally committed to each other. I will say that I really empathized with Emma in book one, but that I was in Aiden's court during this one. At some points, I felt like Emma was just downright mean to him and the hold out on her forgiveness was a tad too long.

Overall, the characters and story were captivating, and I will read anything Ms. Ashley writes in the future.

melly2966's review against another edition

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AHHH AMAZZINNGGGG. I really didn't want to like Pesh and didn't until the end. I LOVE AIDEN AND NOAH AND THEIR FAMILIES. Aiden's nephews were absolutely adorable.

trudyd's review against another edition

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I read this quite some time ago. I just listened to the audio and hadn't realized what a lasting impression this story had made up me.

mandapanda0310's review against another edition

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I am in love with this series, and this couple!! Too cute!! So funny at times too :)

charms1976's review against another edition

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After the way the previous book in this series ended, I honestly didn't know how Aidan was going to fix his big mistake. Even though he screwed the relationship up, I still was cheering him on and hoped the author could fix it.

Aidan is desperate to win Emma back. He knows he messed things up when he got scared with his feelings, but in this book it is Emma's turn to throw it back in his face. When Emma must take Aidan's father to the hospital after a health scare, she meets the young and sexy Dr. Alpesh Nadeen. Aidan recognizes him as competition for Emma and knows he is going to have to fight twice as hard. Can I just say that Aidan has some serious groveling to do in this book and he goes all out. Then throw in the McHottie doctor and we have some hard decisions for Emma.

Now for the parts I didn't like too much. I didn't like the pace of the book this time around. We start at one time, then it jumps two weeks, then two months, then just a few days, months again, then and epilogue 8 months later. It would have been so much better sticking to just a monthly jump to have flowed better. Also, after Emma makes her decision on which man she will be with, it is drawn out in sappy moments for few chapters. When the climax is reached in the story you expect it to end, but with this one you get a series of small climaxes that took away from the best parts of the book.

While I did enjoy the book, I found this one lacking compared to The Proposition. Overall a good book, but it does fall in the dreaded sequel trap of not being as good as the first.

sandeeisreading's review against another edition

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4.5 stars

rating this a bit lower than the first one because of something emma did that didn't sit well with me.
i still loved this, don't get me wrong.
but some of emma's actions were questionable.
i kinda hated her a bit for it.

over all, i loved how this ended and wrapped up.
it was such a fun story about finding love in the most unexpected circumstances.

casimoore's review against another edition

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This was a cute series. First book was better than the second.

mccorbin's review against another edition

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It is moments like these where I have to be honest with a review. I loved The Proposition and remember wanting to build a time machine so that I could leap to the date when The Proposal was going to be released and I didn’t have to wait for it. I was so ready to start this book and just be in as much as love with it as I was the first, but unfortunately, I wasn’t. Honestly, I can’t really explain why. I have some theories: maybe I waited too long between the books and had a hard time connecting with the characters again, or maybe it was just me this time and something didn’t click. Whatever it was, I just didn’t feel the same while reading. And I feel so bad that I didn’t connect with it. I really, really do.

I still love Emma and Aidan. You know from the moment they got together in The Proposition that they were meant to be together for life. This book allowed me to see the strain on their relationship from Aidan’s inability to commit and how far he was willing to go to get Emma back. It was so sweet. He truly stepped up in this book. And I loved Emma’s pregnancy hormones throughout the book. One minute she wanted Aidan and the next she hated his guts. I thought Pesh’s arrival was a great addition to the plot line because he made both Emma and Aiden realize what they truly wanted. Plus, he was just a great guy.

anasatticbookblog's review against another edition

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4.25 stars. See my interview with Emma at Ana's Attic Book Blog

STOP RIGHT HERE if you haven't read The Proposition by Katie Ashley, read that first. Gifs of Emma and Aiden used here reflect Katie Ashley's casting and her love of gifs. There may be slight spoilers in this review and interview. Impossible not to!

The Proposal picks of right where The Proposition left off, with me (and Emma) like:
not good man

But really, Aiden was, or seemed to be pretty awesome in The Proposition.......till he fucked up royally. The Proposal is all about Aiden trying to make up for his mistake, and get Emma and baby-to-be Noah back. You know right away that Aiden knows what a doucheshnozzle he was, and he will do anything...ANYTHING for Emma's forgiveness, except those three tiny words we all know he means.

So he is feeling majorly sorry for himself a lot....

“A hopeful look entered his tortured eyes. “I’d give anything and everything in this world to redeem myself with you. Just please, please give me the chance.”


But when Emma has a little complication from the pregnancy, she is rushed to the hospital and meets Dr. Pesh, who immediately sees Emma for the gem she is. And let me tell you.....Pesh is.........

And Emma's pregnancy hormones are going a little crazy. There is Pesh, a stable, gorgeous Doctor, who knows she is pregnant, totally making the moves on Emma, and being the perfect guy she needs!

But Emma needs to stay on bedrest. The only person who can take care of her 24/7 is Aiden. He even takes a leave of absence from work. And let me tell you.....Pesh is NOT Aiden's favorite guy!

But Aiden keeps being a perfect swoony sweetie pie . And when he gets Noah a onesie that says this, I was done. Aiden had me. There was no going back from this, Aiden won me over, lock, stock and barrel.

“I’m cute, Mommy’s cute, and Daddy’s…” She tore her gaze up to meet his. “Daddy’s lucky,” he finished for her.

I will say this.....Aiden grew a bit of a vagina in this story. Yes, he should be repentant, but he was just a bit too much of a pussy at times. At least he freely admits it though.

"Just make sure Casey knows that I wear my alleged vagina with pride, not because she took my manhood with that purse of hers, but because I want to be a better man for you."

But then it's Emma's turn to do something totally stupid because of her insecurity and hormones! And I'm like:
Sure, I know pregnancy hormones and shit, but c'mon Emma, you took it a little too far! But she's so damn likable, I didn't hate her for it. I mean poor Emma, she just wants the wedding and baby and perfect fairytale, however she can make it happen. And so do I. I couldn't wait for the wedding, I mean look at the name of the book!


And though I hate spoilers, I do want to tell you that there is an HEA in this book, and a satisfying one-NO CLIFFHANGER! . There was also some pretty sexy scenes.

"Handcuffs, massage oil, some edible underwear-"
Aidan held up his hand. "No need to explain anymore. You had me at handcuffs,"

But then........she used them on him!!!! Honestly, I think that was part of the problem, Emma needed this:
But got a little too much of this:


-I really like Emma, she reminds me of
-The same snarky, witty writing we had in the first book, especially with Casey, Emma's BFF.
-Amazing epilogue.
-Emma's grandparents were awesome and I loved their story.
-The fact that it wasn't delayed like every other book!


-This one was a little cheesier than the first. There was electricity shooting up Emma's arm every time she touched Aiden. One of my friends says it happened to her once. And I honestly believe it, but it has been overused in books of late.
-Aiden was a bit too....wuss for me. OK, a lot too wuss. Check out the name of this blog....Alpha Males in Sexy Tales-Aiden just lost his edge to me. It was sexy, but I needed more of the alpha Aiden was in the first book.

Rating: 4.25 Heat 3.75

I really love Katie Ashley's writing. It's filled with light, fun, banter; romance, sexy times, emotions up the wazoo, a fun friend and hot guys! What is there not to love!? I also saw that there is going to be a companion novel released called “The Pairing” which will be about Pesh and Aiden's single-mom niece, Megan. As well as a few other books Katie plans on releasing this year! I’m so looking forward to it!

“There’s going to be good times and bad times and heart ache and joy. Don’t ever think that because of what happened before that your love isn’t as strong or as beautiful as anyone else’s. its the love that goes through the hardest trials and survives that is worth having.”

book_recs_by_amy's review against another edition

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Loved It So Much :)