
Beauty and the Wolf by Marina Myles

mrsbsbooks's review

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**My thanks to NetGalley and Kensington Books, for providing me with a free copy for an honest review**

Although this book is completely actioned packed, by the end I felt as if I had read a 500 page novel or longer but it just didn't do anything for me or even grab me.

The book has a Gypsy curse, an Egyptian curse, murder, regret, love, were-wolves and childhood pain to name but a few. So much was thrown in that at times it was just overwhelming.

Neither character stood out as being particularly strong but there were lots of twists and turns especially at the end that I felt that I just had to keep reading to find out what happened.

The epilogue was also disappointing for no reason that I can put my finger on. Unfortunately this book, although it sounded promising, did nothing for me.

inmyhumbleopinion's review

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Both Lord Draven Winthrope and his new bride Isabella have their own curses to deal with. Hers comes in the form of an Egyptian amulet that curses her to kill the one she loves and then herself and his comes in the form of a werewolf. Can these two doomed lovers curses cancel each other out?
This book is written in the time honored tradition of Gothic romance. I could see this in a black and white movie kind of way. It was a fun throw back type of story and I truly got a kick out of it.

I received a copy of this from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

hannas_heas47's review

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Ok clearly you have to be in the mood for this book, I liked the idea but I just couldn't get into it enough to like it. I think the story was cute, and the characters had little chemistry to get me into the story. He was cursed because he accidentally killed a gypsy girl. I'm not sure he deserved a happily ever after. Then he married a girl and on his wedding night turns into a monster. Sucks for him. The girl is just as pathetic as she is cursed as well, with some necklace her father got off a dig.
I guess I have read this type of book too much, it all seemed similar to other books I read so no great review here.

revengelyne's review against another edition

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When she dons on a cursed necklace that carries with a dark magic to it, Isabella Farrington finds herself without a suitor or a governess job. Her only hope is her marriage to Lord Draven Winthrop but on her wedding night she flees from him.

Lord Draven Winthrop is also cursed but by the Gypsies when he accidentally kills a young girl. Unfortunately on the day of his wedding he finds himself in bed with another woman who has tended to his wounds after being bitten by a wolf. Draven only sees Isabella as a means to an end. He plans to use the curse of the necklace in his favor should the wolf inside of him cause more problems for him.

It has been quite some time since I had picked up any sort of romance novels but the blurb to this one really caught my attention and I couldn't help but pick it up. I must say I was not disappointed. I really love this version of Beauty and the Beast meets Egyptian and Gypsy Curses. It was a much different version of all the other Beauty and the Beast stories that seemed to follow the traditional version of it. Isabella was a fiesty heroine who was determined to seduce her husband upon her return and in that produce an heir. It was in her nature to nurture and to love as she had done it in the past with her ailing mother and her father.

Draven was broody and tortured by what he had done in the past but he was also willing to use Isabella's curse to kill himself if he felt that that he could be a threat to his wife's life. He is the sort of dark prince that any woman could not only feel drawn to but also sorry because he has had a terrible life. Most of it spent in an asylum.

I cannot wait to see what else this author produces with her next book in this series.

i_hype_romance's review against another edition

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Don't waste your time if it is a precious commodity. I couldn't get past Chapter 8, and by that point I was seriously skimming. Thank God it was a library edition and I didn' t waste my hard-earned money. The sex scenes were utter tripe, the plot development was shaky and slow and the characters were single-faceted.

The dialogue is stilted, and the author uses awkward and inappropriate phrasing throughout the portions I read. It's as if she started throwing a thesaurus around in the dark and picking a word at random from whatever page was open. It's fine if you are not a more discriminating reader, but the minute the heroine was " horrified by the monstrous swell of his member" I was done.

loverofromance's review against another edition

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When I went on Netgalley to get this copy, I was really excited, because the synopsis sounds way good, and I had heard good things about it. This is the first book by this author, that I know of, and oh boy I was IMPRESSED!!! She has been bumped up my list of favorite authors, I just wished that she had more books out, because I just thought the Beauty and the wolf was a astounding read with a intense plot and enriching characters that lifted my spirits, and made me feel alive. So its coming out this week, so when it HAVE to read this...its a MUST!!! You won't regret it.

Draven and Isabella have courted and married. Isabella didn't have much choice, with being a governess she had little option but to marry a man that is rumored to be mad. Draven had spent many years in the asylum, having thought that he was really cursed. Draven many years ago made a mistake that cost him his life and happiness. He knows that he is cursed, to spend every month under the moon, to turn into something wild and bloodthirsty. When he marries Isabella, he ends up feeling himself turn on their wedding night, and scaring her into leaving. Now two years later Isabella wants children, and with little money, goes back to her husband, so she can have security for herself and her father, and children. Only she has one problem---seduce a man that keeps resisting even though she knows he wants her. Even though Isabella knows that there is something scary and fierce about Draven, she senses something good and pure in him. There is also a part of him that terrifies her, and she doesn't know what he really is. Even though she finds herself falling in love with him, she feels that he is keeping a huge secret from her that could change their relationship. Draven is terrified into what this curse is turning him into. He feels the curse changing who he is, and now that he has found Isabella again, she represents everything good in the world, and he wants her more than air. But he wonders if this curse could destroy them both.

Draven is one of my favorite heroes, the emotional tortured kind. I really liked his strength of character, and even though there is a wild nature to him, he also has a good heart that is very evident. I enjoyed seeing how tender and feeling he is toward Isabella. He isn't too bitter with her, more with himself. He is a bit brooding, and stubborn but I enjoyed how rich his character was, and very intense at times. Isabella isn't exactly the most trusting, but I understood her side of things. I admire her strength especially when it seemed that Draven could be pretty scary. She tended to deal with it pretty well.

A very well written retelling of the fairy tale Beauty and the Beast. I found this one to be well done and in some ways very similar to the actual tale, but there were certain differences that added a certain flair of originality. One other aspect that I loved was that it was set in a historical setting--which isn't very common. I found it to be a fun setting for the plot. It does have a bit more of a Gothic edge to it, but I thought that was one of the positive elements to the story. Intensely packed filled romance with adventure, mystery, curses, dark paranormal elements and a exciting edge that will have you from beginning to end. Very Impressed!!! I can hardly wait for the second one to come out later this year!!

lberestecki's review against another edition

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This book wasn't particularly well written and this whole series is very silly, but they are fun reads. Most romances that feature Romani are a little racist towards them, but I thought this one was particularly bad, so that was a big negative. Additionally, none of the characters were particularly smart, and the storyline with her father seemed unnecessary. The last big thing that bothered me about this book was the amount of exposition by the characters, particularly near the end. This was probably my least favorite book in the series, but it is still an amusing read if you like fairy tale retellings.

emilyhei's review

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Former governess Isabella Farrington didn't kid herself that her marriage to Lord Draven Winthrop was a love match, she knew it was not. She hoped at least over time they would be pleased with one another and is anxious to begun her duties as his wife. The minute I do is said it all goes awry, Draven is drunk and their wedding night is a disaster, leaving Isabella fleeing.

Two years later Isabella is back and willing to try again, but Draven is holding a secret and it is forcing him to keep Isabella at a distance. The last thing Draven wants is to hurt Isabella, but he is cursed and does not see any solution but keeping her at a distance. He didn't expect to fall so deeply for his wife and the feat of impregnating her and having the curse carry on to his sons.

This reminded me a bit of the Dracula stories with a gothic feel but you also have letters that are a part of the story, there is also a Egyptian twist with an amulet that Isabella keeps close. There are no vampires, but as you know with Beauty and the Beast there is a curse and wolves. I thought this was a fun read, I was definitely intrigued until the end.

shell74's review

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Actual rating: 4.5 stars

See my full review:

eloiseinparis's review against another edition

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This is the first in a new series from the author. It was a quick read. Although it was a short novel it wasn’t exactly a quick read, the story did lag at some points. It was at times corny and predictable, but overall it was a fun read. The thing I was most grateful for was that the story started with a wedding. To often in historical romance the wedding comes at the end or in the middle of the book, which means we either have to wait forever for a love scene or the main character’s have sex and it ruins the story for me because a woman’s virginity was such a commodity. But because in this story they were already married it allowed the sexual tension and love scene’s to unfold without having to suspend belief, and the scene’e were pretty hot. I will probably continue with this series, but it isn’t one that I will be anxiously awaiting a new book from.