
Ordered By The Mountain Man by Frankie Love

darkness223's review

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A ok little read like the other books in this series its great for a lazy weekend

ameserole's review

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Eh, Boone and Delta were cute but I kind of zoned out of this one.

Ordered By the Mountain Man was an okay book. Definitely flew by since I listened to the audio version of it.. but the characters were kind of meh to me. Low-key, just trying to catch up on my freaking reading challenge and I saw that this was just another quick book to zoom through. Unlike the first book of this series, I just didn't like anyone in it. I wanted too.. trust me I tried but they just ended up annoying me.

The romance was okay but the whole mail ordering a bride just weirds me out. Maybe the next book will make me numb to the whole idea? Who knows.. but love is love and eventually the characters within this series find it. Beyond predictable but it's there.

Overall, might as well finish out the series to see how everything plays out. Maybe make it into a drinking game?

agrutle's review

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Super hot, great fast read.

geo_ix's review

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I didn't like the fact he was a douchebag and I didn't like her POV's, I felt she sounded like an airhead at times and I'm all for people who wanna have lots of sex and stuff but I also thought seeing her thoughts about all her sex was just not something I wanted to read. They just weren't characters I'd ever like, everyone was twats and treated each other like shit, and because she's super sexual there was like a billion detailed sex scenes and the talking in them weirded me out because it sounded odd. I only really read this one to read the third book, I wanted it since the middle of book one but I liked this one less than I liked book one so hopefully the last is a bit better.

what_alice_saw's review

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Audible Audiobook

brig2421's review

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Disclaimer: I listened to this book via Audible.

Boone is a hot, built, rugged mountain man that has a problematic twin brother, Mason, that constantly causes problems. Delta is a college grad with no plans for the future so her and her girlfriends become mail order brides. Boone orders a woman with the specifics that she needs to be open to lots of sex and running the family lodge that was left to the brothers when their parents were killed. When Delta shows up she starts feeling panicked and Boone finds a way (lots of sex) to get her to relax and enjoy herself. They end up with a HEA but there is a mistaken kiss that causes a little drama (very quick to get resolved).

My review is 3 stars because I liked the characters but they needed more substance. The story was very fast (about 3.25 hours) and it seemed to be way too predictable and easy. Delta has the means and drive to do more after college but she falls for the peer pressure from her friends and becomes a mail order bride instead. Boone is the type of person that bottles everything up inside and doesn't say what he needs to which causes problems that would be easily solved if he'd use his words. In short it's a quick, dirty and cute HEA story with a predictable ending. I also missed an Epilogue which I feel this story needs.

#hea #mildcheating #fastread #cutestory #hotman #cutegirl #twinbrothers #dirty #erotic #lotsofsex #audibleread

mydarlingbookz's review

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I had trouble connecting with this couple.. lets start off with Delta.. girl thought more with her vagina i love a girl who owns her body and isn't afraid to show it off or knows what she wants... but when it came down to it she let Boone have everything.. it was just sex sex sex..

Now Boone... fuck.. he was a dick.. he made fun of Delta for being a vegan, didn't like that she loved to do yoga cuz his guest dont need that, didnt care for her feelings with the dead animals all around the place (couldnt even get rid of them in their room) wanted her like a 50s wife do what he says like his mother..also he blew up on her for kissing his TWIN BROTHER which was a accident since she thought it was him she couldn't tell them apart.. and instead of blaming his brother who hated Boone he blamed her.. :/ so i wouldn't count it as real cheating cuz girl couldn't tell the differences and she thought it was her man.

I don't think ill read the other stories in this series..

No ow/om drama, sexy time, Drama, Secondary charas, no virgins

Recommend- naw

No condom

briandagutierrez's review

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Hahaha so much cheese.

alyp01's review

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This was much better than the first book of the series. Delta is more self assured, confident, and can talk about her feelings. Boone was gruff and rough on the outside, but he cared about Delta and tried to accommodate her, especially her dietary preferences. They had good chemistry and the sex was whew! so good. The narration was well done and the book flew by.