
Dilúvio by Lauren Kate

jasmine_elizabeth's review against another edition

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Such a disappointment throughout, she made eureka into a dark character and i hated that.

silvyinwonderland's review against another edition

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OMG ma Lauren!! Tu e i tuoi finali!! Se Rapture mi aveva lasciato una profonda malinconia, questo mi ha stravolto! Il mio Ander!! :'(

livreadsalot3's review against another edition

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This book had me confused from start to finish. I still find myself saying "say what?" I'm a fan of Lauren Kate's Fallen series so naturally I thought I would enjoy the Teardrop series but both books left me disappointed, this one most of all.

Can anyone actually explain this book to me?

singsthewren's review against another edition

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I couldn't get through this book. I read Teardrop and it was good enough that I wanted to find out how it ended, but not enough that I felt really emotionally connected to the characters. That problem grew in the second book. I found myself uninvested, and eventually I put it down.

A big part of that was my utter hatred of the whole 'we like each other but we're awkward so for no reason we don't get together' and also 'we love each other because no reason we just magic shhhh don't ask too many questions.'

beforemyway's review against another edition

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This book dragged, as if the author lost her way, and wasn't confident in her story any longer. The storyline and emotions were not consistent.

I got through chapter 9, and found i was able to skip to the last chapter without feeling like i missed all that much. Anything i did miss was quickly explained such that i felt no need to look back.

nikayla's review against another edition

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I'm a huge fan of Lauren Kate's "Fallen" Series... unfortunately "Teardrop" and "Waterfall" don't have the same effect and are rather disappointing with a slow plot and hard to keep up storyline.

However, "Waterfall" was a vast improvement on "Teardrop" which was incredibly boring and dull and made me hesitant to even want to read "Waterfall".

Lauren Kate had some great ideas... Gossip Witches, Robots, quirks but she couldn't pull it all together like she did with "Fallen".

We didn't get to see the picture or idea of Atlantis, we are flitting around from one place to another never getting the surroundings or environment explained to us, both books had the potential to be a great but just didn't quite get there for me.

j_elphaba's review against another edition

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Opinião completa em:

Desabafos à parte, depois de um começo que apesar de reticente não deixava de ser auspicioso, Lauren Kate voltou a revelar lacunas que para o leitor mais maduro podem ser consideradas cruciais. No entanto, para os mais jovens, fãs de fantasia juvenil, o cenário maravilhoso fértil, a acção e o romance tão épicos quanto trágicos e algumas nuances mitológicas são uma base bem condimentada que podem prometer boas horas de entretenimento.

Em A Cascata do Amor, o segundo título da duologia Teardrop, o leitor vê por fim desvendados todos os mistérios associados ao drama de Eureka – que nome, bem sei – uma jovem que tem nas suas lágrimas o poder de inundar o mundo e fazer ressurgir a velha Atlântida e o seu tirano.
Com o seu lar quebrado e o mundo como o conhecemos desfeito, acompanhamos os seus passos rumo a um destino fatalista mas que lhe alimenta esperança de salvar a humanidade, um destino repleto de enigmas, surpresas e revelações chocantes que predestina um futuro cruel para todos os que até à data conseguiu proteger.


_rachellock's review against another edition

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I lost brain cells reading this book. You've been warned.

tpeterson's review against another edition

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I loved this book but was happy/sad about the ending. I can honestly say I don’t know why so many people were confused with the ending of this book… it’s pretty clear that Eureka basically had to sacrifice herself to make amends for her tears by taking over atlas it is clear that she is dead and it is also clear that brooks sacrificed himself to help Eureka at the end. As far as ander goes there was always a bit of a love triangle there she loved both the boys and you could tell in both the first and second book that she did it wasn’t that she forgot ander but she knew that in order to fulfill her destiny that she couldn’t keep ander and she brought brooks back thinking she wouldn’t have him either. What is so confusing? But all around it was amazing and I’m curious when the author said trilogy if she meant the other book part of the series as the third book.